Occupy Wall St. now has yet another cause.........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
You know, there was a grass roots movement called Occupy Wall St. came into the news a while ago. Seems that people found out if you want to mobilize others who think like you do, getting on social media and Twitter is a really good way to organize.

It seems that their passion for organizing for a good cause has expanded to yet another arena.............................

The East Coast and those affected by Hurricane Sandy........................

ON Wednesday night, as a fierce northeaster bore down on the weather-beaten Rockaways, the relief groups with a noticeable presence on the battered Queens peninsula were these: the National Guard, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Police and Sanitation Departments — and Occupy Sandy, a do-it-yourself outfit recently established by Occupy Wall Street.

This stretch of the coast remained apocalyptic, with buildings burned like Dresden and ragged figures shuffling past the trash heaps. There was still no power, and parking lots were awash with ruined cars. On Wednesday morning, as the winds picked up and FEMA closed its office “due to weather,” an enclave of Occupiers was huddled in a storefront amid the devastation, handing out supplies and trying to make sure that those bombarded by last month’s storm stayed safe and warm and dry this time.

“Candles?” asked a dull-eyed woman arriving at the door.

“I’m sorry, but we’re out,” said Sofia Gallisa, a field coordinator who had been there for a week. Ms. Gallisa escorted the woman in, and someone gave her batteries for her flashlight. As she walked away, word arrived that a firehouse nearby was closing for the night; the firefighters there were hurrying their rigs to higher ground.

“It’s crazy,” Ms. Gallisa later said of the official response. “For a long time, we were the only people out here doing relief work.”

After its encampment in Zuccotti Park, which changed the public discourse about economic inequality and introduced the nation to the trope of the 1 percent, the Occupy movement has wandered in a desert of more intellectual, less visible projects, like farming, fighting debt and theorizing on banking. While several nouns have been occupied — from summer camp to health care — it is only with Hurricane Sandy that the times have conspired to deliver an event that fully calls upon the movement’s talents and caters to its strengths.

Maligned for months for its purported ineffectiveness, Occupy Wall Street has managed through its storm-related efforts not only to renew the impromptu passions of Zuccotti, but also to tap into an unfulfilled desire among the residents of the city to assist in the recovery. This altruistic urge was initially unmet by larger, more established charity groups, which seemed slow to deliver aid and turned away potential volunteers in droves during the early days of the disaster.

In the past two weeks, Occupy Sandy has set up distribution sites at a pair of Brooklyn churches where hundreds of New Yorkers muster daily to cook hot meals for the afflicted and to sort through a medieval marketplace of donated blankets, clothes and food. There is an Occupy motor pool of borrowed cars and pickup trucks that ferries volunteers to ravaged areas. An Occupy weatherman sits at his computer and issues regular forecasts. Occupy construction teams and medical committees have been formed.

Where FEMA Fell Short, Occupy Sandy Was There - NYTimes.com

Still think the OWS movement is nothing more than a bunch of bums looking for a handout?

Seems to me it's a bunch of people who care about this country offering their hands out in help.
Occupy Wall St. was doing the looting.

Looters Arrested in Post-Superstorm Spree - ABC News

But Twitter would not reveal the identity of a suspected ex-Occupy Wall Street protester who had encouraged looting in downtown Manhattan, where there was no power, according to the New York Post. Browne told the Post that Twitter’s decision was “not civic-minded, but not surprising either.” Twitter did not respond to requests for comment from ABC News.
Did the OS group crap on the streets, leave dirty needles strewn about, steal from one another, commit a few rapes, etc., etc.? If not, they're not of the OWS pedigree.

Really? Because many of those who are currently volunteering to help have photos of themselves while they were protesting at Zuccoti park.

Sorry, but the OWS isn't quite the bunch of freaks you think they are.
Someone from a group you right wingers disagree vehemently with does something good that is helping a lot of people, and all you can do is crap all over their good deeds?

I've yet to hear about those identifying themselves as "tea party" types going out and helping others.

If OWS can rally people to help, why can't the tea party?

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