Occupy Morons being sent packing from NY's Zuccotti Park


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Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
A news alert from The New York Slimes says that the police in NYC have begun to clear the Zuccotti Park of the Occupy Wall Street protestors.

It is about fucking time.

A news alert from The New York Slimes says that the police in NYC have begun to clear the Zuccotti Park of the Occupy Wall Street protestors.

It is about fucking time.

It's about damn time.

Looks as though many DEM mayors across the country are beginning to tire of their BS also....No wonder their support has now dwindled to below thirty percent. People grow tired of idiots acting like disrespectful, rude, destructive, violent morons......And it doesn't help their loony cause that the majority of those fools have no clue as to why they are even there.
No more tents, no more tarps, no more makeshift kitchens. Yes they can return to peacefully assemble, they won't be allowed to live there anymore. ;)
MIDNIGHT RAID: Cops Invade Zuccotti Park, Force Out Occupy Wall Street Protesters

No press allowed...

Zuccotti Park Evacuation: NYPD Orders Occupy Wall Street Protesters To Temporarily Evacuate Park [LATEST UPDATES]
they've been told they can return once it has been cleaned.




Demonstrators “should temporarily leave and remove tents and tarps,” New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office said today on its Twitter feed.

“Protesters can return after the park is cleared.”

City cleaning crews in orange vests hauled away dumpsters full of the encampment’s remains.

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Now Obama will give them the go-ahead to turn violent

I just dont think Obama is that stupid. he has a lot tax payer cash returned from cronies for donations. He will never give up the free money, hes a Democrat

We're not supposed to know it's Obama behind it; it's all his people Soros, ACORN, SEIU. Shhhhh, it's secret
I was wondering how long the city mayors were gonna put up with these folks??

They sure know how to overstay their welcome.

Wonder if the majors can bill em for all the overtime they have had to pay Police, EMS and whoever to babysit these nimwits??

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