Occupy Madison,WI loses permit due to public masturbation...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I just don't understand people especially those of you that post here and that support "Occupy Brainless"..

Why are you responsible people associating with such irresponsibility?
It amazes me how quick you attacked Tea partiers that in all the millions of attendees.. NOT one Tea Partier was accused of "public masturbation", or "public defecation as that famous photo shows.

Almost all TEA party events left the area cleaner then when the event started! Less then a dozen arrests out of the million tea party attendees.

But not so "Occupy Brainless" attendees!

Mother Jones is PROUD that in more than 462 locations and over 2,000 arrests (last updated: October 26, 11:00 a.m. PST):
From Oakland to Melbourne, Over 2,000 Occupy Arrests (Map) | Mother JonesFrom Oakland to Melbourne, Over 2,000 Occupy Arrests (Map) | Mother Jones

Again.. you posters here that are OWS supporters .. I just don't understand why juvenile, sophomoric antics like masturbation,defecation,fighting, etc, is something you condone. Why?
You contend you are intelligent.
"Public Masturbation or defecation" takes intelligence?
2,000 arrests are badges of honor?
To most Americans it's a sign of brutish and wild pack animal behavior!

"A neighboring hotel's staff alleged voiced concerns about having to recently escort hotel employees to and from bus stops late at night due to inappropriate behavior, such as public masturbation, from street protesters.

In addition, officials agreed further occupation should not be allowed to continue without restrooms on site to avoid further public health violations.
Occupy Madison loses permit - News - The Daily Cardinal - University of Wisconsin-Madison
.. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. -
"your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins" ...
If she's a hot slutty liberal lesbian chick I would be able to make an exception.
If it a scrawny bearded lefty dude.... yck..throw his ass in jail with some
psycho biker dude and walk away...
When will you guys give it up? Your pathetic attempts to slam all OWS protestors based on the actions of a few are really lame.

The truth is that OWS is twice as popular than the Tea Party. Kinda sucks to be you, eh? :lol:

Poll: Occupy Wall Street is Twice as Popular as The Tea Party

And someone masterbating in public is no more representative of the OWS than this guy is representative of your point of view.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bky2SGrmC8g]The Republican Racist Monkeys Around At Sarah Palin Rally! - YouTube[/ame]
If she's a hot slutty liberal lesbian chick I would be able to make an exception.
If it a scrawny bearded lefty dude.... yck..throw his ass in jail with some
psycho biker dude and walk away...

LOL. Agreed. How come it's always some drunk ass bearded college bum and not a group of hot college chicks doing this?

I was in Madison last spring on business when the protests against the governor were going on. It's a college town and most of the participants were of college age but a few looked old enough to be either teachers or locals. It's a very liberal city but a nice place to go jogging.

I just don't understand people especially those of you that post here and that support "Occupy Brainless"..

Why are you responsible people associating with such irresponsibility?
It amazes me how quick you attacked Tea partiers that in all the millions of attendees.. NOT one Tea Partier was accused of "public masturbation", or "public defecation as that famous photo shows.

Almost all TEA party events left the area cleaner then when the event started! Less then a dozen arrests out of the million tea party attendees.

But not so "Occupy Brainless" attendees!

Mother Jones is PROUD that in more than 462 locations and over 2,000 arrests (last updated: October 26, 11:00 a.m. PST):
From Oakland to Melbourne, Over 2,000 Occupy Arrests (Map) | Mother JonesFrom Oakland to Melbourne, Over 2,000 Occupy Arrests (Map) | Mother Jones

Again.. you posters here that are OWS supporters .. I just don't understand why juvenile, sophomoric antics like masturbation,defecation,fighting, etc, is something you condone. Why?
You contend you are intelligent.
"Public Masturbation or defecation" takes intelligence?
2,000 arrests are badges of honor?
To most Americans it's a sign of brutish and wild pack animal behavior!

"A neighboring hotel's staff alleged voiced concerns about having to recently escort hotel employees to and from bus stops late at night due to inappropriate behavior, such as public masturbation, from street protesters.

In addition, officials agreed further occupation should not be allowed to continue without restrooms on site to avoid further public health violations.
Occupy Madison loses permit - News - The Daily Cardinal - University of Wisconsin-Madison
I'm an OCH supporter. Occupy Crapital Hell....................with HEAVY armament.
its was a tea party member trying to make the WSO look bad.

Remember that argument.
Madison with it's UW campus and liberal/progressive indoctrination center, right smack dab next to the capital building is a left wing cesspool hell hole. It's ranked right up there with SanFranqueerco for liberalness. I live west of Madison thankfully far enough away that none of it's FILTH spills over towards us. If someone is laying around beating off in public in the wee hours of the night around here they're just going to get their ASS KICKED. Madison is a pretty town, but the left wing shit for brains liberals coming from that left wing indoctrination center called the UW has ruined it. Scummy fucking liberal trash.
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A protester was arrested for public masturbation? Or publically defecating? Has any protester even advocated for these actions?

Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me.
they are NOT a group in and of themselves.

They are the population saying enough is enough.

Blame your self for this nutter wacking if indeed he did.

It was far more likely a mentally ill homeless person who glomed onto the OWS people for food.
A protester was arrested for public masturbation? Or publically defecating? Has any protester even advocated for these actions?

Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me.

obienoodle endorses them.. he understands them and they frustrations.

its was a tea party member trying to make the WSO look bad.

Remember that argument.

You will always be an idiot.

But here is your chance to prove me off base. try to come up with something legitimate and not some concocted story no one but the left knows anything about.
  • Thanks
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I was making conclusions based on the FACTS.
over 2,000 arrests for Flea Party less then a dozen at most for Tea Party.
NO Tea parties occupied anything for over a day.

There is a growing conclusion by most people that Flea partiers and their supporters:
1) hate America
2) Want to steal.
3) That more Fleaers will die from diseases associated with poor sanitary conditions then tea partiers.

PLUS most Fleaers want to kill off their off-spring thus by natural selection there will be fewer of them then Tea partiers that believe in the sanctity of life except for those people that have taken lives, i.e. murderers, people that perform abortions, i.e. generally most of the Flea partiers and their supporters fit that category!
I was making conclusions based on the FACTS.
over 2,000 arrests for Flea Party less then a dozen at most for Tea Party.
NO Tea parties occupied anything for over a day.

There is a growing conclusion by most people that Flea partiers and their supporters:
1) hate America
2) Want to steal.
3) That more Fleaers will die from diseases associated with poor sanitary conditions then tea partiers.

PLUS most Fleaers want to kill off their off-spring thus by natural selection there will be fewer of them then Tea partiers that believe in the sanctity of life except for those people that have taken lives, i.e. murderers, people that perform abortions, i.e. generally most of the Flea partiers and their supporters fit that category!

Got any proof of this said GROWTH?

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