"Occupy Atlanta" Stepford Zombies


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Wait 'til you see....hear....this vid!


Repeating what the master....leader....says.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QZlp3eGMNI]Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis! - YouTube[/ame]

This requires a whole new chapter in the DSM-IV manual.

BTW...check out how they wouldn't let John Lewis speak!!!

If the Tea Party did this......RACISSSSSSSSTS!!!!!!
tea people need to stop projecting.

it's funny though watching the right claim things just because they were true of the tea nuts.

thank you my blind little hackaderm...anything of import to share or just building your post count?

oh, and have an easy fast. :eusa_hand:
I didn't even know they were here. Traffic didn't get screwed up or anything. And considering that traffic here gets screwed up when the wind blows the wrong way.....well....I guess that shows the impact they had.
Trajan, you did it wrong. It's supposed to work like this:

Tea people...need to stop...projecting.

it's funny though...watching the right...claim things...just because...they were true of the tea nuts.
That is truly scary! Did you see the finger waving in unison? Poor John Lewis was standing there thinking, "What in the hell...?"
tea people need to stop projecting.

it's funny though watching the right claim things just because they were true of the tea nuts.

Hey, Jillian...I'm a 'true tea party nut'...

but I never saw behavior like these lefties at any Tea Party function.

Now, you would behave like this vid????

C'mon....yes or no?

If you would....you are certifiable....
...if not, you are admitting that they are certifiable...your fellow Lefties!!!!

A vid! Not a report or rumor....an actual vid of thousands of Lefties chanting,....
....too good!
You couldn't find more nutty behavior....and if you could, it'd be like
putting a dunking chair on the Titanic.
Definitive crazy!!!

Next, this crowd should start jogging around the mental hospital…you know, on the Psycho Path!!!
Loony Lefties!
(As if there are any other kind...)

Wait! They could be crazier....if they'd start bobbing their heads like a parakeet!!!
I can see you doing that, Jillian!

And how about not allowing Civil Rights Hero John Lewis to speak??
What would you be posting if this were a Tea Party rally.

Trajan, you did it wrong. It's supposed to work like this:

Tea people...need to stop...projecting.

it's funny though...watching the right...claim things...just because...they were true of the tea nuts.

So this figure isnt accurate?

Fiscal Year Total $454,393,280,417.03 Debt servicing..............................
Wait 'til you see....hear....this vid!


Repeating what the master....leader....says.


Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis! - YouTube

This requires a whole new chapter in the DSM-IV manual.

BTW...check out how they wouldn't let John Lewis speak!!!

If the Tea Party did this......RACISSSSSSSSTS!!!!!!

I don't think you get it.

They don't want to be seen as supporting either party.

Lewis is a Democrat.

And the "repeating" thing came about because New York wouldn't let speakers use amplification.
Trajan, you did it wrong. It's supposed to work like this:

Tea people...need to stop...projecting.

it's funny though...watching the right...claim things...just because...they were true of the tea nuts.

So this figure isnt accurate?

Fiscal Year Total $454,393,280,417.03 Debt servicing..............................

I'm just contributing to the collective conciousness, man!
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill

That's too funny. The person with the mic is a perfect example of why good managers who get things done are hard to find. One could not get a large group to agree the sun was out during an arctic summer at noon, so thinking some moron in the crowd would not be so inconsiderate, in their own very modern narcissistic self indulgence, not to raise a whine is stupid. Crowds are often stupid, this just proves it again - and in crowds are all manner of stupid. If I were John Lewis I'd tell the crowd to pound sand as my too plain spoken father would often say. Is this any example of the citizenry in Georgia? Sad bunch.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill

That's too funny. The person with the mic is a perfect example of why good managers who get things done are hard to find. One could not get a large group to agree the sun was out during an arctic summer at noon, so thinking some moron in the crowd would not be so inconsiderate, in their own very modern narcissistic self indulgence, not to raise a whine is stupid. Crowds are often stupid, this just proves it again - and in crowds are all manner of stupid. If I were John Lewis I'd tell the crowd to pound sand as my too plain spoken father would often say. Is this any example of the citizenry in Georgia? Sad bunch.

No, it's not an example of the citizenry of Georgia.

It is however an example of these Occupy Protestors from all over.

I agree, sad bunch.
Trajan, you did it wrong. It's supposed to work like this:

Tea people...need to stop...projecting.

it's funny though...watching the right...claim things...just because...they were true of the tea nuts.

So this figure isnt accurate?

Fiscal Year Total $454,393,280,417.03 Debt servicing..............................

I'm just contributing to the collective conciousness, man!

Cool. But I find it difficult to laugh at wanting fiscal responsibility.

No worries though we will exceed expectations on debt levels currently projected anyway.
Wait 'til you see....hear....this vid!


Repeating what the master....leader....says.


Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis! - YouTube

This requires a whole new chapter in the DSM-IV manual.

BTW...check out how they wouldn't let John Lewis speak!!!

If the Tea Party did this......RACISSSSSSSSTS!!!!!!

I don't think you get it.

They don't want to be seen as supporting either party.

Lewis is a Democrat.

And the "repeating" thing came about because New York wouldn't let speakers use amplification.

"I don't think you get it."

The folks joining the Uninformed Occupy (insert locale here) are aimless, envious slackers with no real ideas about what they want or how to changed things other than increase what they are given for.....nothing?

Pretty much right out of John Dos Passos' "USA" trilogy...the "I Won't Work'ers"...
I think he called 'em 'malingerers.'
Did you read it?
No, neither did the 'Occupiers'....
See...even more you guys have in common!

"I don't think you get it."

Now do I get it?
Am I close?
Part credit?
Wait 'til you see....hear....this vid!


Repeating what the master....leader....says.


Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis! - YouTube

This requires a whole new chapter in the DSM-IV manual.

BTW...check out how they wouldn't let John Lewis speak!!!

If the Tea Party did this......RACISSSSSSSSTS!!!!!!

I don't think you get it.

They don't want to be seen as supporting either party.

Lewis is a Democrat.

And the "repeating" thing came about because New York wouldn't let speakers use amplification.

"I don't think you get it."

The folks joining the Uninformed Occupy (insert locale here) are aimless, envious slackers with no real ideas about what they want or how to changed things other than increase what they are given for.....nothing?

Pretty much right out of John Dos Passos' "USA" trilogy...the "I Won't Work'ers"...
I think he called 'em 'malingerers.'
Did you read it?
No, neither did the 'Occupiers'....
See...even more you guys have in common!

"I don't think you get it."

Now do I get it?
Am I close?
Part credit?

Well part credit.

They do not want to offer up solutions, because again, they don't want to be seen as backed by either party.

And it's a mixed bag in the crowd. Some are "professional" protesters. You see them at Union Square Park almost every week. But some are people looking for work and frustrated by the lack of opportunity.
I have attempted to watch that three times and nearly got through it the last time. I find it so hard that their could be so many people agreeing to act in that manner. They acted like mindless morons!

Is this what America has come to? Repeat after me via meaningless clauses? Not a vote of dissent or approval? Quietly wag your fingers in what, disagreement, or you have to use the facilities?

Please do not compare this to a Tea Party Experience. I read the account of a reasonable boy who wanted reasonable changes, yet he titled it, "Hit and Run." Gosh. Get back to school, better yet, change schools and don't come out until you are ready.
tea people need to stop projecting.

it's funny though watching the right claim things just because they were true of the tea nuts.
Talking out your A#$ again I see. The occupy people are nothing but leftover hippie commie pukes. But you probably like them.

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