Obviously Mueller will have to go outside the FBI & DOJ...

The Dirty Democrats started trying to impeach Trump on the day after he was elected.
The Democrats are a threat to our democracy.

If he's done nothing wrong, what does he have to worry about?
Not so much.....I would think the authoritarian in the White House who restricts access of the free press would be a much larger threat than the minority party, for God's sake. I think you need to use the Google machine so you understand what 'democracy' even means.
When you understand America is not a democracy but a Republic let's talk.
What's left for Mueller? If a soft coup didn't work will he try to incite the violent overthrow of the government?
The Trump Administration has been caught lying about the involvement with Russia about 20 times already.....that doesn't pique your interest into why that might be. The thought that the guy sitting in the oval office now might owe something to a foreign adversary doesn't worry you?!

You're some type of an "American"!? Congratulations!
What's left for Mueller? If a soft coup didn't work will he try to incite the violent overthrow of the government?
The Trump Administration has been caught lying about the involvement with Russia about 20 times already.....that doesn't pique your interest into why that might be. The thought that the guy sitting in the oval office now might owe something to a foreign adversary doesn't worry you?!

You're some type of an "American"!? Congratulations!
Frankie get that TDS checked
Before I retired, the company I worked for had jobs all along the Gulf coast, and I steadily made that trek between Brownsville and Florida, putting out job fires, sometimes 2 times a week. Lots of interstate driving with nothing but AM radio to pass the time. I am aware of Rush and Hannity. They do not give facts or tell the truth. If I believed even a 1/10 of their crap, I would be right wing too. Unfortunately, you and their other followers chose to believe their made up crap over reality. I would challenge you to not listen to them for a week, and listen to credible sources instead.

BULLDOG, I appreciate this response. And I respectfully take exception to it despite the "job fires" allusion. WTF was going on? Have you ever had to explain millions out of balance as I had when I was an accountant in a Fortune 500 company? :p They fucking believed it apparently (maybe not but they had to for the buyout to happen). Anyhow, I request, no I demand you listen to RUSH and HANNITY this week so we can discuss the content as individuals.

I occasionally run across them as I scan through the stations, but there isn't enough money in the world to get me to listen to their crap for more than a minute or two. If you really believe all they say, then there is no reason for us to discuss anything. Your perception of reality is too twisted for me to bother with you.
What's left for Mueller? If a soft coup didn't work will he try to incite the violent overthrow of the government?
The Trump Administration has been caught lying about the involvement with Russia about 20 times already.....that doesn't pique your interest into why that might be. The thought that the guy sitting in the oval office now might owe something to a foreign adversary doesn't worry you?!

You're some type of an "American"!? Congratulations!
Frankie get that TDS checked
Nice deflection.....when in doubt, cower away and act as if it didn't happen. You have this Trump thing down pretty well......

Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 82+ contacts with Russia-linked operatives - The Moscow Project

The level of Trump's involvement with Russia is unknown, at this point. But, to say that it doesn't warrant looking into is patently foolish (if you're an American who cares about the country, that is).
What's left for Mueller? If a soft coup didn't work will he try to incite the violent overthrow of the government?
The Trump Administration has been caught lying about the involvement with Russia about 20 times already.....that doesn't pique your interest into why that might be. The thought that the guy sitting in the oval office now might owe something to a foreign adversary doesn't worry you?!

You're some type of an "American"!? Congratulations!
Frankie get that TDS checked
Nice deflection.....when in doubt, cower away and act as if it didn't happen. You have this Trump thing down pretty well......

Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 82+ contacts with Russia-linked operatives - The Moscow Project

The level of Trump's involvement with Russia is unknown, at this point. But, to say that it doesn't warrant looking into is patently foolish (if you're an American who cares about the country, that is).
That's not a deflection Frankie it's an observation and advisory notice.
You think the so called "DEEP STATE" is a real thing. That's cute.

You think Orwellian creeps like Brennan, Clapper, Comey etc. are just patriotic bureaucrats doing their constitutional duty and the thought that they'd lie about something in order to advance their personal agenda is simply ridiculous... that's incredibly naive...

Or more likely, you simply don't care as long as they agree with your beloved princess that the Russians did it

You think the so called "DEEP STATE" is a real thing. That's cute.

You think Orwellian creeps like Brennan, Clapper, Comey etc. are just patriotic bureaucrats doing their constitutional duty and the thought that they'd lie about something in order to advance their personal agenda is simply ridiculous... that's incredibly naive...

Or more likely, you simply don't care as long as they agree with your beloved princess that the Russians did it


Your ability to know what I think, even though I didn't know I think those things is amazing.
BULLDOG, calm down. There was no interference in the election except Crooked Hillary and her corrupt State Dept. working with the MSM and Brock Obama's fake intelligence agencies as backup. Why are you so clueless BULLDOG?

Every agency we have, and the Senate investigation seem to disagree with you. Sorry, but I'll accept their judgement over some guy on the internet.
Did the senate say Trump colluded with the Russians?

You should read the post I was responding to.
I did
But there’s some apples and oranges comparison here
Neither the house nor the senate found collusion
As far as Russians interference in the election... I wanna see the dnc server b4 I make a decision
The Dirty Democrats started trying to impeach Trump on the day after he was elected.
The Democrats are a threat to our democracy.

If he's done nothing wrong, what does he have to worry about?

What evidence do you have "he" is worried?

His continuous efforts to stop the investigation, and his fear of testifying.
He’s watching the money being spent on nonsense. That is all. You should appreciate that?
BULLDOG, calm down. There was no interference in the election except Crooked Hillary and her corrupt State Dept. working with the MSM and Brock Obama's fake intelligence agencies as backup. Why are you so clueless BULLDOG?

Every agency we have, and the Senate investigation seem to disagree with you. Sorry, but I'll accept their judgement over some guy on the internet.
Congress said so, that trumps an internet poster
Bulldog, did ya dig a little deeper about that dossier and it's origin? I mean, seriously, since you are so convinced that it's genuine? Shouldn't you know the backdrop of this intriguing tale of subterfuge and political espionage?

I am aware of the origin, and I know you seem to think that means something. Your effort to claim it was just commissioned to present false accusations doesn't hold any more water than your chemtrail theories.

No, I would surmise that it means a great deal and based on the assumption that Russia knew that Trump was going to run for president five years before he did and would defeat all potential candidates and all the time the ROOSKIES were buying up uranium while padding the pockets of swamp rats like the Hildebeast, Comey, Mueller, Barrypuppet during this period, etc, etc......

P.S Geo-engineering is fact.

I already ask you for some reason to believe Russia was interfering to help Trump, and harm Hillary in the 2016 election all the way back in 2011. You failed to provide that proof, or to supply an example of any liberal who is making that claim. Why not?

I kinda surprised that he doesn't already know that giving you the facts is a waste of time..

Facts are provable. I haven't seen much of that here.
Shit been zero evidence to Russia Russia. Just saying. You should talk
BULLDOG, although we disagree on politics, you are a good internet poster IMO because you address the folks unlike most democrats who are literally unhinged mental cases. So this is my challenge to you. Listen to RUSH and HANNITY this upcoming week. Serious request. That should get you up to speed. Both radio shows present nothing but facts and with that punk FBI agent allegedly testifying, it should be fun. RUSH is brilliant obviously, and HANNITY has a supporting cast of folks who have connections that give even more detailed insight into The Swamp.

Before I retired, the company I worked for had jobs all along the Gulf coast, and I steadily made that trek between Brownsville and Florida, putting out job fires, sometimes 2 times a week. Lots of interstate driving with nothing but AM radio to pass the time. I am aware of Rush and Hannity. They do not give facts or tell the truth. If I believed even a 1/10 of their crap, I would be right wing too. Unfortunately, you and their other followers chose to believe their made up crap over reality. I would challenge you to not listen to them for a week, and listen to credible sources instead.
Bulldog, did ya dig a little deeper about that dossier and it's origin? I mean, seriously, since you are so convinced that it's genuine? Shouldn't you know the backdrop of this intriguing tale of subterfuge and political espionage?

I am aware of the origin, and I know you seem to think that means something. Your effort to claim it was just commissioned to present false accusations doesn't hold any more water than your chemtrail theories.

No, I would surmise that it means a great deal and based on the assumption that Russia knew that Trump was going to run for president five years before he did and would defeat all potential candidates and all the time the ROOSKIES were buying up uranium while padding the pockets of swamp rats like the Hildebeast, Comey, Mueller, Barrypuppet during this period, etc, etc......

P.S Geo-engineering is fact.

I already ask you for some reason to believe Russia was interfering to help Trump, and harm Hillary in the 2016 election all the way back in 2011. You failed to provide that proof, or to supply an example of any liberal who is making that claim. Why not?

I kinda surprised that he doesn't already know that giving you the facts is a waste of time..

Facts are provable. I haven't seen much of that here.
Proof? You mean like how you can prove collusion, which is not even a crime?

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