Observations about Trump

It changed labor rules.

Can you be a bit more specific?

It increased access to Canada’s dairy market.

I already hit on this topic and gave how much it will help.

Before you start bleating, gigi, you ought to have some clue as to what you’re attempting to talk about.

I gave specific details, you gave talking points. That is all you ever have, empty talking points devoid of details.
Trumpyberra obviously has problems carrying out negotiated deals. Look at what he did to Afghanistan. They made a pretty good conditional withdrawal plan, where the Taliban had 7 conditions to meet and we had 8. The problem was Benedict Donald withdrew all the forces he was required to, and then some, without making the Taliban meet their conditions.

Its another significant issue with a Trump Presidency: The credibility gap with our allies. Trump has strong isolationist tendencies. He doesn't see much use with alliances or the application of soft power.

Our allies are well aware. And worse, our adversaries. Credible deterrence has prevented more war than hard power ever did.

And Trump's admiration of Putin and sympathetic messaging for Russia send a powerful message to both our allies and our adversaries.

Do you really see Trump fighting Putin this hard in Ukraine, committing this much money and military hardware to stop Russia's advance toward NATO countries? Neither do our allies.
False. It was Brandon who screwed that pooch with his precipitous behavior.

Biden followed Trump's exit strategy, down to the day.

Trump committed us to the withdraw from Afghanistan with the Taliban delivering NONE of the requirements he set for that commitment. Biden abide the agreements made by his predecessor, shit as they were.
If we're going to talk about Trump, we need to talk about another one of his major weaknesses: His priority of personal loyalty over experience or competence.

Another Trump term would involve a firesale of talent, experience and effective leadership with Trump replacing everyone from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to every major cabinet position, to the head of the national weather service with people that are personally loyal to him. Many of which would be irrational conspiracy theorists. (See Navarro/Flynn)

Not folks who have the slightest clue what they're doing. We're still trying to rebuild our diplomatic corp after what Trump did to it.

This is an enormous weakness in another Trump presidency. As it would dramatically reduce the capability of our federal government, our military, our diplomatic efforts, our soft and hard power.

Russia is a superb example of this. Putin, a former KGB agent, has put friends and allies in places of real leadership.....where they need to know what they are doing. And don't. With Putin giving DIRECT orders on military matters, despite no relevant experience.

The results have been disastrous. And would be for us as well.
All very subjective. That doesn’t mean you are necessarily wrong. But it does mean that your own biases infect your perceptions.

I wonder if you can name any leader who doesn’t value loyalty? In fact, it might be fairly said that asking for and expecting loyalty is a hallmark of rational leadership.

What you designate as a “firesale of talent, experience and effective leadership” is also subject to a veery different perception. It may instead be a reflection of frustration with (and a rejection of) the institutionalized inertia (and thinking) of prior administrations.

We could go on and on. But the bottom line is this: new leadership which perceives a genuine problem with the old way of conducting affairs of state has a fucking duty to root out the old wood and jettison it.
And yet, you keep running to threads to defend the Orange Florida man, Kinky Katfish. :heehee:

Yeah, my favorite is the fake skeptic that pretends to be impartial.......messaging that's often garbed with the tang dick in their mouth.
Biden followed Trump's exit strategy, down to the day.

Trump committed us to the withdraw from Afghanistan with the Taliban delivering NONE of the requirements he set for that commitment. Biden abide the agreements made by his predecessor, shit as they were.
When the Taliban didn’t deliver, we remained. And we did so in a way that had been calculated. (2500 troops)

When Brandon came in, if the Taliban hadn’t completely delivered, then why on Earth would Brandon withdraw those American troops? He was advised not to. But Brandon did it anyway. Operative phrase:

Brandon did it.
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False. It was Brandon who screwed that pooch with his precipitous behavior.
Nope. The Doha Accord conditions were implemented within 135 day of it's signing and the additional troop withdrawals Benedict ordered came right after his failed bid for a 2nd term was announced. Leaving a mere 2500 troops. It was done out of spiteful revenge on Joe Biden for having defeated him in the election.
So, you cannot name the differnces betwen the two...shocking.

I posted this when the deal was first done...

Changes from NAFTA to USMCA...
Where is the BackAgain post emphasizing ALL the greatness of the USMCA, and the improvements over NAFTA.

Funny how he runs.
He always says...... You PROVE it.....Never backs up his own LAME Claims.

False. Back up your assertion.
Can you be a bit more specific?

I already hit on this topic and gave how much it will help.

I gave specific details, you gave talking points. That is all you ever have, empty talking points devoid of details.

Um, here you are with the lefties 'thanking' you for supporting them, and a very deranged one at that. Just giving you those examples you asked for.

You're also being an arrogant fool again, he gave just as many details as you did. :dunno:
Um, here you are with the lefties 'thanking' you for supporting them, and a very deranged one at that. Just giving you those examples you asked for.

You're also being an arrogant fool again, he gave just as many details as you did. :dunno:

are you on drugs?

The left loves the new NAFTA, which is how you know it was a bad deal. Biden hailed it as a good deal, what more do you need to know about it?

He did not give any details other than how often it can be changed.
All very subjective. That doesn’t mean you are necessarily wrong. But it does mean that your own biases infect your perceptions.

I wonder if you can name any leader who doesn’t value loyalty? In fact, it might be fairly said that asking for and expecting loyalty is a hallmark of rational leadership.

What you designate as a “firesale of talent, experience and effective leadership” is also subject to a veery different perception. It may instead be a reflection of frustration with (and a rejection of) the institutionalized inertia (and thinking) of prior administrations.

We could go on and on. But the bottom line is this: new leadership which perceives a genuine problem with the old way of conducting affairs of state has a fucking duty to root out the old wood and jettison it.

Is it, though?

What about Ben Carson made him a competent or experienced pick to lead HUD? A surgeon who once lived in HUD housing? I've flown on a plane. Does that mean I'm qualified to run the FAA?

What about Betsy Devos made her competent or qualified to run the Department of Education? She was a venture capitalist. She'd never been so much as a teacher, nor had the slightest experience in education, government administration. She didn't run companies. She *invested* in them.

What about Kari Lake's experience made her remotely qualified to be the governor of a State? She was a news anchor. Full stop. That's literally her entire career.

All of these people were personally loyal to Trump.....but didn't have any qualification, experience, education or competency for the roles they were to filled.

You'd see so, so much more of the same with a second Trump presidency. Lou Dobbs as Secretary of State? Ivanka as the head of Commerce. Stephen Miller as the head of National Security Council. Mike Lindell as the head of homeland security? Steve Bannon as the Secretary of the Army?

The only qualification for a Trump leadership role is personal fealty to Trump. There is no other.

This is a serious issue.
Nope. The Doha Accord conditions were implemented within 135 day of it's signing and the additional troop withdrawals Benedict ordered came right after his failed bid for a 2nd term was announced. Leaving a mere 2500 troops. It was done out of spiteful revenge on Joe Biden for having defeated him in the election.
Nope. The 2500 troops left there seem to have suspended Taliban efforts to run amok. Negotiated deal or not, it was fucking regarded of Brandon to then just act as if The Taliban had been in compliance.

Warnings had come from a variety of sources. Even Sen. Rubio had expressed a concern about a Saigon scenario. (He seems pretty prescient now.)

But President Potatohead blithely went ahead anyway. And we almost immediately saw the consequences.

Despite your stalwart efforts to remain a loyal Brandon salad tosser, the facts remain. Brandon fucked it up and many people died because of his cognitive disabilities.
are you on drugs?

The left loves the new NAFTA, which is how you know it was a bad deal. Biden hailed it as a good deal, what more do you need to know about it?

He did not give any details other than how often it can be changed.

The left loved something Trump did?
Biden followed Trump's exit strategy, down to the day.

Trump committed us to the withdraw from Afghanistan with the Taliban delivering NONE of the requirements he set for that commitment. Biden abide the agreements made by his predecessor, shit as they were.
Well not quite the way I understand it. He got the final exit date and associated truce with the Taliban extended, and he took his time deciding whether or not to fully withdraw. The logistics of that withdrawal were planned and carried out by the best military minds we have.

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