Observations about Trump

I fully grasp why you focus on what President Trump did
Observations about trumpyberra ring a bell?

Sure I could talk all day about Biden and why he didn't try to enforce Conditions on the Taliban that Donnie Dangerously agreed to before he withdrew most all our leverage. The Generals informed Joe that with enough bodies....um I mean kids,...ops soldiers, with enough newly deployed soldiers, we could turn thing around in Afghanistan, again. But why?
You lying bastards don't anything about what Trump did or didn't. All you scum got is whatever comes in your daily media enema.
Oh hey Trigger, where you been?

That was from sworn testimony.

"Based on my advice and the advice of the commanders, then Secretary of Defense, Esper, submitted a memorandum on nine November recommending to maintain US forces at a level between about 2500 and 4500 in Afghanistan until conditions were met for further reduction. Two days later on 11, November, 2020, I received an unclassified signed order directing the United States military to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan no later than 15, January, 2021.

Gen. Milley: (32:48)
After further discussions regarding the risks associated with such a withdrawal, the order was rescinded. On 17 November we received a order, to reduce levels to 2,500 plus enabling forces no later than 15 January.

Observations about trumpyberra ring a bell?
I wasn’t talking about your alleged “observations,” dopey. I was talking about your selective and distorted perceptions.
Sure I could talk all day about Biden and why he didn't try to enforce Conditions on the Taliban that Donnie Dangerously agreed to before he withdrew most all our leverage. The Generals informed Joe that with enough bodies....um I mean kids,...ops soldiers, with enough newly deployed soldiers, we could turn thing around in Afghanistan, again. But why?
You can talk all day on any topic you wish. I’m not even trying to stop you. I’m just enjoying the show watching you flail around to make your current pointless.
He left 2500 troops behind. And it worked. Not until Brandon fucked everything up by mindlessly adhering to a schedule and withdrawing those troops did things blow up.

Actually Biden did not adhere to the schedule, are you ever not wrong about anything

Trump's schedule had everyone out by May 31st, Biden was a moron and pushed it back till the end of Aug so he could have a made for TV moment on 9/11. This gave the Taliban time to get out of the mountains and take over most of the country before we left.
Actually Biden did not adhere to the schedule, are you ever not wrong about anything
I’m almost always right and your current pointless is without merit. For regardless of the time table, ultimately it was the Alzheimer Victim in Chief’s call to withdraw those troops when he did and how he did.

Responsibility. Learn it. Live it.
Trump's schedule had everyone out by May 31st, Biden was a moron and pushed it back till the end of Aug so he could have a made for TV moment on 9/11. This gave the Taliban time to get out of the mountains and take over most of the country before we left.
I agree that Brandon is a moron.
I wasn’t talking about your alleged “observations,” dopey. I was talking about your selective and distorted perceptions.

You can talk all day on any topic you wish. I’m not even trying to stop you. I’m just enjoying the show watching you flail around to make your current pointless.
Well it's not an allegation that he withdrew over 10 thousand troops while not enforcing the conditions of his celebrated conditional withdrawal. It's a fact that you trumpyfans will jump through hoops to ignore. Not a single one of you has ever had an answer as to why he did that.
Well it's not an allegation that he withdrew over 10 thousand troops while not enforcing the conditions of his celebrated conditional withdrawal. It's a fact that you trumpyfans will jump through hoops to ignore. Not a single one of you has ever had an answer as to why he did that.
Try to focus, Poo. Who was the President when the final 2500 troops were withdrawn?
I’m almost always right and your current pointless is without merit. For regardless of the time table, ultimately it was the Alzheimer Victim in Chief’s call to withdraw those troops when he did and how he did.

Responsibility. Learn it. Live it.

Yes, that is what I said. Glad we found something to agree on.

I agree that Brandon is a moron.

Two things even
Try to focus, Poo. Who was the President when the final 2500 troops were withdrawn?

Why did we have only 2500 troops left in the country on Jan 20, 2021, and why were none of the conditions of the conditional withdrawal ever met by the Taliban.

Should we have re-invaded to accomplish what the Trumpster deliberately didn't with his conditional withdrawal?

How many soldiers would you sacrificed?
Why did we have only 2500 troops left in the country on Jan 20, 2021, and why were none of the conditions of the conditional withdrawal ever met by the Taliban.

Should we have re-invaded to accomplish what the Trumpster deliberately didn't with his conditional withdrawal?

How many soldiers would you sacrificed?
Way to duck the question. 👏 Bravo

But still: we HAD 2500 troops there. And the Taliban didn’t go berserk.

But when Brandon made the ultimate decision to withdraw those troops, we all saw what happened. It was perfectly predictable. In fact, it HAD been predicted. Yet, President Potatohead did it anyway.

You’d look a little tiny bit less of a complete drooling tool if you could screw down the courage to simply admit that Brandon fucked it up.
Pete, you and Winnie should get a room and you can REALLY be gay... instead of pretending to be a dyke lesbo

I'm fully behind Desantis... there's your problem you faggity old man

You're trolling, Pete. It's what happens when you're exposed

Go Desantis!!!!
You're pretty much a petty troll yourself.
You bring my name into your sexual fantasies, SICK.

Try just being honest and say..... "Trump is a lying con man."

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