Obolshevik Supports Extending USAPATRIOT Act ...Who didn't See this Coming?

It's tepid, but at least the imbecile you guys elected President is finally making a little bit of sense.

(I know some of my conservative compatriots and libertarian leaning buddies strongly disagree with me, but I still approve of the USA PATRIOT Act. I was warned that I might not like it quite so much if Shrillary was to get elected President. I responded that I would HATE having her as President, but I didn't want any President to be denied the perfectly rational powers properly granted [complete with oversight and checks and balances] by the PATRIOT Act. And I can say I have not changed my point of view on that just because Shrillary got her wide-load, fat-ass kicked and President Obama won the Office, instead.)

You may be wrong, but at least your consistent. :razz:
It's tepid, but at least the imbecile you guys elected President is finally making a little bit of sense.

(I know some of my conservative compatriots and libertarian leaning buddies strongly disagree with me, but I still approve of the USA PATRIOT Act. I was warned that I might not like it quite so much if Shrillary was to get elected President. I responded that I would HATE having her as President, but I didn't want any President to be denied the perfectly rational powers properly granted [complete with oversight and checks and balances] by the PATRIOT Act. And I can say I have not changed my point of view on that just because Shrillary got her wide-load, fat-ass kicked and President Obama won the Office, instead.)

You may be wrong, but at least your consistent. :razz:

Alternatively (which is to say, "correctly"):

I am right, and I am consistent!


The same USAPATRIOT act that republicans blocked time and again, when Bubba and Reno tried to pass it on a piecemeal basis.

Someone's puffing that magic dragon when it came to later on.


Yeah, those three nays are really being objective. Least 62 Dems in the House had the sense to not vote for it.

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

Well would you like at that, the only person in the Senate to say Nay was a Democrat.

Then of course, a Republican President signed it into law.

2005 for the Reauthorizing it:


Majority of Democrats blocked that one, only 18 Republicans.

And in the Senate:

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

10 Nays, 9 Dems and an Independent.

Where is this Republican opposition to the bill you speak so highly of for later on?

On the subject of Bubba and Reno:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN2PG1EJZ0Y&feature=fvw]YouTube - Patriot Act Presentation[/ame]

0:44 and on.
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration supports extending three key provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year, the Justice Department told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday.

Lawmakers and civil rights groups had been pressing the Democratic administration to say whether it wants to preserve the post-Sept. 11 law's authority to access business records, as well as monitor so-called "lone wolf" terrorists and conduct roving wiretaps.

Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions - Yahoo! News

You can change the names...You can change the faces...You can change the party labels...And there STILL ain't a dime's worth of difference when the rubber meets the road.

Is this the same patriot act they bitched President Bush out about? That one?

probably, but they did not bitch enough, and it passed and became a tool of the one in charge. you think it is likely that the new guy in charge will destroy one of his tools?

that's why getting frightened and/or cynical US politicians passing this piece of shit legislation in a pant-pissed hurry was the best accomplishment of the terrorists.

The same USAPATRIOT act that republicans blocked time and again, when Bubba and Reno tried to pass it on a piecemeal basis.

Someone's puffing that magic dragon when it came to later on.


Yeah, those three nays are really being objective. Least 62 Dems in the House had the sense to not vote for it.

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

Well would you like at that, the only person in the Senate to say Nay was a Democrat.

Then of course, a Republican President signed it into law.

2005 for the Reauthorizing it:


Majority of Democrats blocked that one, only 18 Republicans.

And in the Senate:

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

10 Nays, 9 Dems and an Independent.

Where is this Republican opposition to the bill you speak so highly of for later on?

On the subject of Bubba and Reno:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN2PG1EJZ0Y&feature=fvw]YouTube - Patriot Act Presentation[/ame]

0:44 and on.
When was the Clinton/Reno administration on a time line with 9/11™...Before or after??

Try reading for comprehension some time.
When was the Clinton/Reno administration on a time line with 9/11™...Before or after??

Try reading for comprehension some time.

I was just merely pointing out the wonderful hypocrisy of Republicans and the last video talked about exactly what you were.

Edit: And I can already see what you would say for that comment. It goes without saying, the Democrats are just as bad. :eusa_eh:
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration supports extending three key provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year, the Justice Department told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday.

Lawmakers and civil rights groups had been pressing the Democratic administration to say whether it wants to preserve the post-Sept. 11 law's authority to access business records, as well as monitor so-called "lone wolf" terrorists and conduct roving wiretaps.

Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions - Yahoo! News

You can change the names...You can change the faces...You can change the party labels...And there STILL ain't a dime's worth of difference when the rubber meets the road.

This should really piss off some libs, but for once I support that move.:clap2::clap2:
When was the Clinton/Reno administration on a time line with 9/11™...Before or after??

Try reading for comprehension some time.

I was just merely pointing out the wonderful hypocrisy of Republicans and the last video talked about exactly what you were.

Edit: And I can already see what you would say for that comment. It goes without saying, the Democrats are just as bad. :eusa_eh:
Fair 'nuf. :)
A conservative discussing the merits of President Obama's decision on the PATRIOT Act: Right on! That President Obama is one righteous dude! :clap2::clap2:

A liberal responding to the aforementioned conservative: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

With each passing day, I find it amusing that so much of the right believes Obama is bringing us to socialism. Where if anything, like Xeno pointed out from The Who song, meet the new boss same as the old bosses. Obama is turning out not to be too much different from Bush who was the definitive Neo-Conservative of today.
Basically this is what it looks like:

They couldn't get Bush supporters fooled into blindly supporting this, so it was blocked time and again. Now that Obama is in they are finding it easier to get his supporters to just blindly agree with what he pushes, so they are trying it again. There are so many dark theories that could be dreamed up about this.
With each passing day, I find it amusing that so much of the right believes Obama is bringing us to socialism. Where if anything, like Xeno pointed out from The Who song, meet the new boss same as the old bosses. Obama is turning out not to be too much different from Bush who was the definitive Neo-Conservative of today.

So much bullshit ^ packed into one little post. Good work! :clap2:
So much bullshit ^ packed into one little post. Good work! :clap2:

Prove me wrong, show me Obama's being a Liberal. Show me that Bush isn't the definitive Neo-Conservative of today. Because last I checked, the man still had 20% of support at the end of his Presidency and the majority support of his party until they began losing elections because of him. They didn't reject what Bush believed in, simply the man. The same goes with Dick Cheney.

Perfect example: Majority of Republicans either believe Obama wasn't born here or are unsure if he was. Now while the "birther" movement is supposedly being called radical, it's not to the GOP. Maybe to the rest of America, but not the GOP where it has a majority support.
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this is a dangerous development.

more dangerous than when Bush got his warrentless wiretaps?


and the O/P is a bit self-serving as it doesn't address this part of the article.

the administration is willing to consider stronger civil rights protections in the new law "provided that they do not undermine the effectiveness of these important (provisions)."

Leahy responded with a statement saying it is important for the administration and Congress to "work together to ensure that we protect both our national security and our civil liberties."

Personally, I'd like to see a return to warrants from the FISA Courts within 72 hours....

and nothing in that article indicates it isn't going to happen.
So much bullshit ^ packed into one little post. Good work! :clap2:

Prove me wrong, show me Obama's being a Liberal. Show me that Bush isn't the definitive Neo-Conservative of today. Because last I checked, the man still had 20% of support at the end of his Presidency and the majority support of his party until they began losing elections because of him. They didn't reject what Bush believed in, simply the man.

I am not interested in the balance of your post. And I am not really all that interested in pretending that anybody could prove anything to you. That would require that you have an open mind and that you are reasonable and have intellectual integrity.

So, let's just focus on SOME examples to show that President Obama is a socialist (to the extent he's not really a Marxist):

Government take over of some of the car companies.

Government bail out of financial institutions.

Government regulation of the wages of bank executives and management/

Government control of the wages of the pay of upper management of the insurance companies.

The global warming fraud cover for imposing ever more taxes on businesses,

Socialized medicine (Obamacare).

MASSIVE deficit spending which will require ever more taxation (confiscation of our private wealth by the government) and which will also likely cause staggering inflation, which in turn will cause the Federal Government to wield even greater powers over our lives at the cost of individual liberties.
I am not interested in the balance of your post. And I am not really all that interested in pretending that anybody could prove anything to you. That would require that you have an open mind and that you are reasonable and have intellectual integrity.

So, let's just focus on SOME examples to show that President Obama is a socialist (to the extent he's not really a Marxist):

Government take over of some of the car companies.

Government bail out of financial institutions.

Government regulation of the wages of bank executives and management/

Government control of the wages of the pay of upper management of the insurance companies.

The global warming fraud cover for imposing ever more taxes on businesses,

Socialized medicine (Obamacare).

MASSIVE deficit spending which will require ever more taxation (confiscation of our private wealth by the government) and which will also likely cause staggering inflation, which in turn will cause the Federal Government to wield even greater powers over our lives at the cost of individual liberties.

As soon as I saw you saying that regulation was socialism, I knew your post was bullshit. Never mind your baseless attacks against me. Also, did you not see all the Republicans with their MASSIVE deficit spending and causing of staggering inflation?

Are you one of those types who actually believe the Insurance companies should be able to keep "pre-existing conditions" around?
I saw that "was willing to consider" fudging bullshit...And it's bullshit.

Once an authoritarian, always an authoritarian.

pooh! if he said he was dispensing with the provisions totally, you'd have written the thread about how he's a wuss...

which is why he should ignore all of you. ;)
I saw that "was willing to consider" fudging bullshit...And it's bullshit.

Once an authoritarian, always an authoritarian.

pooh! if he said he was dispensing with the provisions totally, you'd have written the thread about how he's a wuss...

which is why he should ignore all of you. ;)
If he were sincere, he'd let the whole kit and kaboodle expire.

But he's not, so he won't.

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