Objective Standard of Marriage: Includes mono-gender: Defend it from Polygamy...

Let the record reflect that the FIRST respondent to this piece advocates for the normalization of polygamy...

Let the record also reflect that I am highly ambivalent toward gay marriage, and only really support it because homosexuals are raising children anyway. I've supported polygamy for far longer than I have supported gay marriage.
For a fascist you are almost bearable.

Unfortunately, Ravi is convinced that all American polygamists are child molesters. They may get married, but should have their children taken from them without further ado.
Hello Ravi, yer cute when yer pissed. Common, what right do I have that gays don't? Please. They want something more, something else and I go back to my first post on this thread, we are all held accountable to the same standards, some of us just don't like those standards. I am comfortable with the current paradigm of Heterosexual marriage. Why change it? I guess I am NOT empathetic. Sorry.
Having sex with animals isn't violating anyone else's rights. Unless of course, the animals belong to someone else....

Could be a great way to "prove" macroevolution.

Cause animals can consent to sex?
Hello Ravi, yer cute when yer pissed. Common, what right do I have that gays don't? Please. They want something more, something else and I go back to my first post on this thread, we are all held accountable to the same standards, some of us just don't like those standards. I am comfortable with the current paradigm of Heterosexual marriage. Why change it? I guess I am NOT empathetic. Sorry.

The right to get married to the person you love.
Having sex with animals isn't violating anyone else's rights. Unless of course, the animals belong to someone else....

Could be a great way to "prove" macroevolution.

Cause animals can consent to sex?

Actually, no, and how would you know they can unless you asked them?

Exactly. And fucking someone without their consent is generally considered to be infringing on their rights.
You have some experience with animals and sex, do you? You and Nik are a team?
You have some experience with animals and sex, do you? You and Nik are a team?

I'm not the one who brought it up, babble. As a matter of fact, this conversation was animal sex free til you joined the party.
The right to marry the person you love. OK, NIK. That is really adorable. I sort of doubt that is a right, but nice try, though. Were is that in the current Constitution? I know, it doesn't say a damned thing, either way, does it? Gays have THE same rights Heterosexuals do, every single mother loving thing, and that isn't enough? Seems that way.
The right to marry the person you love. OK, NIK. That is really adorable. I sort of doubt that is a right, but nice try, though. Were is that in the current Constitution? I know, it doesn't say a damned thing, either way, does it? Gays have THE same rights Heterosexuals do, every single mother loving thing, and that isn't enough? Seems that way.

You asked for a right they don't have, not one specifically laid out in the Constitution or in law, speaking of which.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

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