Obamocracy - love it or leave it


Feb 14, 2011
Constitution schmonstitution


What's your favorite Obama abuse of power?

Depriving American citizens of due process
Unilaterally declaring the Senate in recess
Ordering Catholics to pay for birth control, sterilization and abortifacients

That's off the top of my head. What else should I have included?
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Cardinal Dolan’s Letter to the Bishops UPDATED | Why I Am Catholic

At a recent meeting between staff of the bishops’ conference and the White House staff, our staff members asked directly whether the broader concerns of religious freedom—that is, revisiting the straight-jacketing mandates, or broadening the maligned exemption—are all off the table. They were informed that they are. So much for “working out the wrinkles.” Instead, they advised the bishops’ conference that we should listen to the “enlightened” voices of accommodation, such as the recent, hardly surprising yet terribly unfortunate editorial in
America. The White House seems to think we bishops simply do not know or understand Catholic teaching and so, taking a cue from its own definition of religious freedom, now has nominated its own handpicked official Catholic teachers.

This sounds like what we like to tell ourselves could only have happened in the Soviet bloc or in some place like Tibet. The church is still allowed to go on but the state mandates a more "enlightened" doctrine.

I trust/pray the bishops will not let this drop.
What's your favorite Obama abuse of power?

Depriving American citizens of due process
Unilaterally declaring the Senate in recess
Ordering Catholics to pay for birth control, sterilization and abortifacients

The violation of the First Amendment against the churches is an appendage of ObamaCare's employer mandate, and serves to illustrate the obscenity of that mandate. So ObamaCare trumps because it has many other abuses not currently at the fore of public awareness. The insult to religions is a subset of the injurious whole.
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Constitution schmonstitution


What's your favorite Obama abuse of power?

Depriving American citizens of due process
Unilaterally declaring the Senate in recess
Ordering Catholics to pay for birth control, sterilization and abortifacients

That's off the top of my head. What else should I have included?

Appointing Czars to powerful positions without election by the people.
Appointing communists and Marxist to control us.
Making Recess Appoints when Congress is not in recess.
Insisting on Obamacare when 75% of the people DO NOT WANT IT!
constitution schmonstitution


what's your favorite obama abuse of power?

depriving american citizens of due process
unilaterally declaring the senate in recess
ordering catholics to pay for birth control, sterilization and abortifacients

that's off the top of my head. What else should i have included?

Well, in 2016, you can try to replace President Obama with someone of your liking. Of course, after the 2012 shellacking that GOP will get, they may not be inclined to listen to the wingnuts.
Well, in 2016, you can try to replace President Obama with someone of your liking. Of course, after the 2012 shellacking that GOP will get, they may not be inclined to listen to the wingnuts.

You may have a point if Romney is the GOP's choice, however, your king has no clothes, nor respect for the fundamental concepts that built this country, so it's class warfare, rewarding those that apply them selves in favor of those that don't..... How's that $49,241 national debt per citizen, $136,269 per tax payer, and $1,041,661 in unfunded liabilities per tax payer treating you? One can only hope the GOP takes both houses and relegates your king to the lame duck he is.
Make every GOP candidate on federal and state level answer for the statements that the GOP has been running with. From the Blunt Amendment to the statements of Limpbaugh. Make them answer why lowering taxes would lead to paying down the Deficit.

Some GOP candidates are already wisely disavowing the Blunt Amendment. Good for them.
Well, in 2016, you can try to replace President Obama with someone of your liking. Of course, after the 2012 shellacking that GOP will get, they may not be inclined to listen to the wingnuts.

If we keep the Marxist in power after January 2013, there may be no 2016 election! He'll stage a national emergency, declare martial law, do away with national elections and start appointing all of his communist friends to positions of power. We will pay homage to the boy king and statues of his likeness.

Constitution schmonstitution


What's your favorite Obama abuse of power?

Depriving American citizens of due process
Unilaterally declaring the Senate in recess
Ordering Catholics to pay for birth control, sterilization and abortifacients

That's off the top of my head. What else should I have included?

Besides the Affordable Health Care Act, which, so far, has been proven to be Constitutional, none of the others have happened.

But, then, facts are something you wacko rw's wouldn't recognize if it bit you in the butt. Sadly, other stupid rw's just blindly believe this crap.

BTW, what the hell does "abortifacients" mean? Please don't answer if it would mean you would have to take off more of your head cuz honey, you can't afford to lose even one more cell.
Well, in 2016, you can try to replace President Obama with someone of your liking. Of course, after the 2012 shellacking that GOP will get, they may not be inclined to listen to the wingnuts.

If we keep the Marxist in power after January 2013, there may be no 2016 election! He'll stage a national emergency, declare martial law, do away with national elections and start appointing all of his communist friends to positions of power. We will pay homage to the boy king and statues of his likeness.


First, please look up the definition of "Marxism".

Second, please post any evidence of the accuracy of your incredibly nutty post.

BTW, what the hell does "abortifacients" mean? Please don't answer if it would mean you would have to take off more of your head cuz honey, you can't afford to lose even one more cell.

It can't be helped you do know any words greater than two syllables.

Abortifacient - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
websters dictionary defines abortifacient as "inducing abortion" or "an agent (as a drug) that induces abortion"

Abortifacient - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Webster

how is obama ordering catholics to induce abortion? how is is ordering the catholic church to do sterilizations?

so now the pill is "abortion?"
no wonder people are fleeing the catholic church these days.......
The Supreme Court could effectively decide this election.

If they rule against Obamacare that will bring Obama's lies, machinations and constitutional abuses front and center.

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