Obamaville, USA


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
With the LMSM keeping a tight lid on how badly Obama has damaged the economy, these stories still need to get out. This is the end of every Progressive rainbow from Hoover to FDR to Obama

"City staff are exploring authorizing a "tent city," a move that would make the Beach the first community in the state to sanction a homeless encampment - if the City Council approves the idea."

Va. Beach ponders approving homeless 'tent city' | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com
With the LMSM keeping a tight lid on how badly Obama has damaged the economy, these stories still need to get out. This is the end of every Progressive rainbow from Hoover to FDR to Obama

"City staff are exploring authorizing a "tent city," a move that would make the Beach the first community in the state to sanction a homeless encampment - if the City Council approves the idea."

Va. Beach ponders approving homeless 'tent city' | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

I don't think progressives know how to pitch a tent. They better learn soon, cause they'll be by-passing the trailer parks completely.
I don't think progressives know how to pitch a tent. They better learn soon, cause they'll be by-passing the trailer parks completely.
Progressives only know how to tell someone else to pitch the tent for them.

No. Progressives will lobby for green, environmentally sound tents made from biodegradable, GMO-free, renewable hemp. They will seek to ban any other. This will drive up the cost of tents 3-fold, forcing more people to share one tent and throwing other tent-makers out of business.
Progressives will feel good about themselves for "caring" while castigating the GOP for being meanies.
after Hoover was out they still called them Hoovervilles folks.

Bush created them and they still exsist because you refuse to allow what needs to be done to make them unnessesary
The following is a PSA for Obamabots:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4LQgJ0riT4&NR=1]‪Extreme Tent Pitching‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

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