Obama's Vision: How To Judge It.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. In earlier times, a strong, vibrant America was based on a unity, on a desire to be a part of a great people, one capable of accomplishing anything! The ‘we’ of national unity was based on a moral unity between people based on territory, language, history and culture. American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them all Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization. Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

a. One strengthens a nation by uniting it….not by playing on divisions. What is Obama's vision for America?

2. Today, however, the American President promotes policies that are directly opposed to the strategies advocated by Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. Instead of promoting Americanization and emphasizing the learning of English, the current occupant of the White House favors policies that weaken our national identity--de facto anti-assimilation measures, anti- English-language initiatives, and an indifference to substantive citizenship training.

a. Obama believes the United States is nothing special…”I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism." By comparison, the Habsburg emperors had this motto: Austriae est imperare orbi universo (It is Austria's destiny to rule the whole world). Symbolic…..yet telling.

b. President Obama supports transitional bilingual education, which promotes a solid foundation in the native language to best prepare the students to learn English. "Instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English -- they'll learn English -- you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish," Obama said in 2008. "You should be thinking about, how can your child become bilingual? “Obama and Romney differ on bilingual education | Chicanísima: Latino politics, news and culture

3. “American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.”
Prager, “Still The Best Hope,” chapter one.

4. As Progressives took over the education system, they announced that schools would no longer support “E Pluribus Unum.” and instead, emphasize multiculturalism. This from the Obama allies:

a. Prominent educator and president of the University of Pennsylvania, Amy Gutmann, wrote of her support for “discrete ethnic, linguistic, and other cultureal groups,” but not a national identity or national citizenship. Guttman, “Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition,”p.3-24.

b. Curriculum and textbook author Professor Jorge Klor de Alva argued that Latino subgroup loyalty should trump American national loyalty.
Fonte, “Sovereignty or Submission,” p.75

5. Rather than concern for the future of America, Leftist politicians advance class warfare, and envy.

a. Obama: "I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but rich people are all for nonviolence. Why wouldn’t they be? They’ve got what they want. They want to make sure people don’t take their stuff. But the principle of empathy recognizes that there are more subtle forms of violence to which we are answerable. The spirit of empathy condemns not only the use of firehoses and attack dogs to keep people down but also accountants and tax loopholes to keep people down."
Full speech here: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuzwIsNrXgQ]Obama 2002 MLK speech: "Rich people are all for non-violence", unless they are perpetrating it - YouTube[/ame]

b. President Barack Obama's campaign is rife with class warfare rhetoric blaming successful individuals for achieving the American dream. Unsustainable spending was only partially to blame for the failed war on poverty Obama launched during his initial White House campaign. Murray's research highlights the changes in the cultural mindset that helped create a generational dependence upon the government. Obama's Class Warfare Tactics Divide Americans - Yahoo! News

c. Speaking to a gathering of Hispanics in Washington, D.C., hosted by the American Latino Heritage Forum, President Obama predictably took the opportunity to inject class warfare and partisan politics. President Obama

6. Mr Obama is not a stupid man. Early in his ascent, some suggested that he would preside over the decline of America. That’s not the case. Does anyone believe thqt he things a balkanized nation is stronger than a unified one? No…he isn’t observing the decline…..
…. he is directing the decline.

a. “The growing perception among the public is the president is presiding over, and in important respects is the architect of, an American Decline.
“Poll Shows Obama Presiding Over an American Decline « Commentary Magazine

It won him the Presidency....but what has it done to America.
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the unum in e pluribus unum
that's not English.

And if you think at anytime that all that lived in the USA were the same, you are dreaming at best, right along with the imagined ideaology that English is the offical language of the US of A.
not everyone in the USA spoke English, since it became a nation, yet, now it is a top priority to those dumb enough not to know a second language that are native born Americans.
the unum in e pluribus unum
that's not English.

And if you think at anytime that all that lived in the USA were the same, you are dreaming at best, right along with the imagined ideaology that English is the offical language of the US of A.

"...the imagined ideaology (sic) that English is the offical (sic) language of the US of A."

Spelling is dificult er…chalenging er…hard.

It seems that 'ignorant' is your official language.

Somehow, it seems, you disagree with the view that a common language promotes unity in a nation.
Poor PC's vision is a function of paranoid schizophrenia with a generous addition of mania.

President Obama is President of the United States until 20Jan17.
Obama's vision according to Dr. Thomas Sowell: ( the unrestrained vision the Dems., and socialists embrace. )

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt_q4FA9kUQ]Thomas Sowell - Obama's Vision - YouTube[/ame]
More wisdom from Thomas Sowell:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHdhrNhh88]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]
the unum in e pluribus unum
that's not English.

And if you think at anytime that all that lived in the USA were the same, you are dreaming at best, right along with the imagined ideaology that English is the offical language of the US of A.

"...the imagined ideaology (sic) that English is the offical (sic) language of the US of A."

Spelling is dificult er…chalenging er…hard.

It seems that 'ignorant' is your official language.

Somehow, it seems, you disagree with the view that a common language promotes unity in a nation.

That from the person who wrote this in the OP?

"Does anyone believe thqt he things a balkanized nation is stronger than a unified one?"
Poor PC's vision is a function of paranoid schizophrenia with a generous addition of mania.

President Obama is President of the United States until 20Jan17.

Now,Rocks...you know that I wrote this to educate you, 'cause of what you wrote about the President's 'vision,' yesterday.

So, do you believe the nation is stronger, better able to proceed into the the 21st century as a divided people...or, as our Founders intended....'unum,' as one.

The Leftist in the White House cares not a whit about the United States, and its future....just about his and his party's power.

How about you?
that's not English.

And if you think at anytime that all that lived in the USA were the same, you are dreaming at best, right along with the imagined ideaology that English is the offical language of the US of A.

"...the imagined ideaology (sic) that English is the offical (sic) language of the US of A."

Spelling is dificult er…chalenging er…hard.

It seems that 'ignorant' is your official language.

Somehow, it seems, you disagree with the view that a common language promotes unity in a nation.

That from the person who wrote this in the OP?

"Does anyone believe thqt he things a balkanized nation is stronger than a unified one?"

OK OK.....

.....so....what? Now I have to apologize to drop-draws????

He makes such sense....but our Leftists aren't concerned with sense.

When he pointed out that the government really didn't care if minimum wage laws created more unemployment.....

.....should have been a thunder clap at that point.

There it is: for liberals, feeling passes for knowing....data means notheing.
Not results, but intentions are all that count.

Great vid, Athena.
"...the imagined ideaology (sic) that English is the offical (sic) language of the US of A."

Spelling is dificult er…chalenging er…hard.

It seems that 'ignorant' is your official language.

Somehow, it seems, you disagree with the view that a common language promotes unity in a nation.

That from the person who wrote this in the OP?

"Does anyone believe thqt he things a balkanized nation is stronger than a unified one?"

OK OK.....

.....so....what? Now I have to apologize to drop-draws????

Go and sin no more.

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