Obama's Second Term: Revolution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Bruce Riedel

The overthrow of the Saudi royals is finally a possibility. In an excerpt from a new Brookings Institution briefing book for Obama’s second term, Bruce Riedel on what a catastrophe it would be for Obama.

Saudi Arabia is the world’s last absolute monarchy. Like Louis XIV, King Abdullah has complete authority to do as he likes. But while a revolution in Saudi Arabia is still not likely, the Arab Awakening has made one possible for the first time, and it could come in President Obama’s second term.

Revolutionary change in the kingdom would be a disaster for American interests across the board. Saudi Arabia is America’s oldest ally in the Middle East, a partnership that dates to 1945. The United States has no serious option for heading off a revolution if it is coming; we are already too deeply wedded to the kingdom. Obama should ensure the best possible intelligence is available to see a crisis coming and then try to ride the storm.

More: Revolution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? - The Daily Beast
Who wants to bet that Obama's goal is to form one islamic state in the middle east? One that hates our way of life. :eusa_boohoo:

Though I'm not usually a betting man, I'll take that bet.

Now....lets see you prove it.

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