Obama’s Sarkozy remark offends French


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Obama’s Sarkozy remark offends French

“Obama insults Sarkozy,” blared headline on French websites, taking umbrage at Mr. Obama’s wayward remark at the G-20 summit about the physical appearance of French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Mr. Obama thought he was making a joke about Mr. Sarkozy, host of the summit, when he congratulated him and wife Carla on the birth of their daughter. Instead, Mr. Obama caused a minor international incident.

“I want to make mention that this is our first meeting since the arrival of the newest Sarkozy, and so I want to congratulate Nicolas and Carla on the birth of Giulia,” Mr. Obama told reporters shortly after his arrival at the G-20, with Mr. Sarkozy at his side. “And I informed Nicolas on the way in that I am confident that Giulia inherited her mother’s looks rather than her father’s, which I think is an excellent thing.”

Obama's Sarkozy remark offends French - Washington Times

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The teleprompter programmer must have forgot to insert (Smile) after the punchline.

“And I informed Nicolas on the way in that I am confident that Giulia inherited her mother’s looks rather than her father’s, which I think is an excellent thing.”
I have to go with Obama on this one. Given Sarkozy's looks..... It is fortunate the girl favors her mom.

What????? He needs to be sued for sexual harassment. Shame on him for saying something like that about a woman. Sue him, now!!!
Obama’s Sarkozy remark offends French

“Obama insults Sarkozy,” blared headline on French websites, taking umbrage at Mr. Obama’s wayward remark at the G-20 summit about the physical appearance of French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Mr. Obama thought he was making a joke about Mr. Sarkozy, host of the summit, when he congratulated him and wife Carla on the birth of their daughter. Instead, Mr. Obama caused a minor international incident.

“I want to make mention that this is our first meeting since the arrival of the newest Sarkozy, and so I want to congratulate Nicolas and Carla on the birth of Giulia,” Mr. Obama told reporters shortly after his arrival at the G-20, with Mr. Sarkozy at his side. “And I informed Nicolas on the way in that I am confident that Giulia inherited her mother’s looks rather than her father’s, which I think is an excellent thing.”

Obama's Sarkozy remark offends French - Washington Times


While it might be fair to say that the President's writers use stale old material, it is even more fair to observe that the fucking French (to the extent they take offense at that patter) lack any sense of humor whatso-fucking-ever.
Just the French version of Faux Outrage.


But others in France took Mr. Obama’s comment as a nice gesture intended simply to congratulate their country’s leader on the rare event of becoming a parent again while in office.

The French news site France Soir called it “a dash of humor that did not seem to offend the French president.”

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