Obama's "Job Council"...what a colossal waste of time and money


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
You guys read the list of "suggestions"?

Wow. That's the best they could come up with?
Have the government pay for training for high-end manufacturing (as opposed to the companies paying for it themselves)
Encourage "green energy" installations in commercial buildings (yeah right...manufacturers who are struggling have money laying around to spend vast sums on green energy that will take 20 years to pay back)

I mean...Jesus Christ...this is all these clowns can come up with? Is spend more government money and green energy?
You guys read the list of "suggestions"?

Wow. That's the best they could come up with?
Have the government pay for training for high-end manufacturing (as opposed to the companies paying for it themselves)
Encourage "green energy" installations in commercial buildings (yeah right...manufacturers who are struggling have money laying around to spend vast sums on green energy that will take 20 years to pay back)

I mean...Jesus Christ...this is all these clowns can come up with? Is spend more government money and green energy?

And in a related story....

"President Barack Obama heads to an energy plant in North Carolina on Monday to talk once again about the job-creating power of a green economy.

The catch? Nearly three years into Obama's presidency, the White House can't point to much solid evidence that significant numbers of Americans are scoring the green jobs the president has been touting.

Obama's Council of Economic Advisers suggests 225,000 clean energy jobs were either created or preserved through the third quarter of 2010 thanks to more than $80 billion in the economic stimulus package. But those are estimates at best.

Green job advocates have been making their pitch for more than a decade, offering the concept as a retort to the familiar industry warnings that environmental rules are economic killers."

Read more: Green jobs success eludes President Obama - Darren Samuelsohn - POLITICO.com
Why is this so hard for some people to figure out. You can't create more green jobs if people aren't buying more green products, and your not going to sell more green products if you can't sell them at a price that people can afford. Most of us can't afford to switch to solar when the monthly payments for the installation loan or lease are going to cost us more then what we're already being charged for public service, and most of us can't afford to pay 25% more to buy a green car even if we want to. Like all other technologies it's price is going to have to come down into the range where the average person can easily afford it before anyone is going to adopt it on the sort of scale that most liberals want.
Why is this so hard for some people to figure out. You can't create more green jobs if people aren't buying more green products, and your not going to sell more green products if you can't sell them at a price that people can afford. Most of us can't afford to switch to solar when the monthly payments for the installation loan or lease are going to cost us more then what we're already being charged for public service, and most of us can't afford to pay 25% more to buy a green car even if we want to. Like all other technologies it's price is going to have to come down into the range where the average person can easily afford it before anyone is going to adopt it on the sort of scale that most liberals want.

Welcome to the board; can't have too much sanity around here.

The underlying assumption in your post is that there is some efficacy in 'green products.'
Since many if not most folks have caught on to the fact that 'global warming' is a scam, wouldn't it follow that the accoutrements are a fraud, as well?

Global warming is a scam, but not all so called green technologies are necessarily a bad idea. If people could go down to home depot, spend $500-$1000 on parts and equipment and spend a weekend installing solar panels on their roofs it would be a no brainer for most of us. Hmmm, $1000 and a couple days labor now, and I don't have to pay public service $150-200 a month ever again.....

Solar might not be the solution for factories and other power hungry businesses that need tons of energy all hours of the day, but if they ever get the cost of the panels down to something affordable most people would be willing to switch for the cost savings. Frankly, that's what it comes down to with all new technologies, and always has. If it can provide the energy (or whatever else people want) at a lower cost than the existing technology then people will want to use it.
These idiots aren't "insane". They don't have to be. Because they're "idiots".
I love the example they used.
In Obama's "Jobs Tour" yesterday - they highlighted a "green energy" light bulb company and how it was an example of how stimulus was working to create jobs.


The company has outsourced over half of it's production to China since it received the stimulus money - so in fact, the American taxpayers gave money to a company so it could outsource jobs to China.

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