Obama's Ineptocracy..?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
:eusa_doh:<<<<....your friendly Democrat...


(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

(used in a sentence)
Unless we can get Obama out of the White House, this country is headed for ineptocracy.

Urban Dictionary: ineptocracy
More stuff from the link..


Ex.1 Fred: "Hey TJ did you know that the U.S. is now ran by a Ineptocracy?"
TJ: "No I didn't know that because I don't have to work for a living I just get free money to spend from the government. Its not my money so why can't I spend it on anything I want?"


Ex.2 Rick: "Do you know what I am sick of Mark?"
Mark: "What's that?"
Rick: "I'm sick of being taxed so much, it just goes to the people who don't deserve it and who haven't worked for it!"
Mark: "That's robbery, except its legal!"
Rick: "I KNOW! If I wanted to help someone I would donate it to charity and not have it legally robbed from me."
Mark: "I'm going to get my flag that says don't tread on me and protest!"
Rick: "Lets do it!"

Urban Dictionary: ineptocracy
I guess "Obama's Ineptocracy" isn't the least bit popular...:lol:
:eusa_doh:<<<<....your friendly Democrat...


(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

(used in a sentence)
Unless we can get Obama out of the White House, this country is headed for ineptocracy.

Urban Dictionary: ineptocracy

One has to believe that the leadership of this nation is actually worried about this nation to buy into the above.

I'm don't.
:eusa_doh:<<<<....your friendly Democrat...


(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

(used in a sentence)
Unless we can get Obama out of the White House, this country is headed for ineptocracy.

Urban Dictionary: ineptocracy

Well, our President will be just that until 20Jan2017.

And if the economy is in freefall, 750,000 jobs a month being lost, and two wars being fought off the books, then we can say that President Obama is just as inept as Bush and the GOP were.

However, if the recovery is continueing, we are not in useless wars, and all the expenditures are on the books, then we can say that President Obama and the Dems are not inept at all.

If the economy is booming, most of our military is not in harms way, and the deficit is being reduced, then President Obama will be a resounding success. Not that people like you would ever admit that.
Lol this op is.......ummmm.....hmmmmmmm....... A retard, this is not even political so t should be moved.
obama HAD to demonstrate his total inability during the recent and disastrous Asian trip.

Obama's Asia trip: No bows this time, but he did grab an awkward kiss by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com

obama's failure got him called a servant by the first lady of Thailand.

Obama's Thailand-Burma-Cambodia Junket All Style And No Substance - Investors.com

On his trip to Cambodia, a country he claimed didn't deserve a visit due to its strongman government, first lady Bun Rany greeted Obama with a traditional "sampeah" pressed-hands greeting reserved for servants, a little dig that was probably lost on him but not to Asians.
:eusa_doh:<<<<....your friendly Democrat...


(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

(used in a sentence)
Unless we can get Obama out of the White House, this country is headed for ineptocracy.

Urban Dictionary: ineptocracy

Well, our President will be just that until 20Jan2017.

And if the economy is in freefall, 750,000 jobs a month being lost, and two wars being fought off the books, then we can say that President Obama is just as inept as Bush and the GOP were.

However, if the recovery is continueing, we are not in useless wars, and all the expenditures are on the books, then we can say that President Obama and the Dems are not inept at all.

If the economy is booming, most of our military is not in harms way, and the deficit is being reduced, then President Obama will be a resounding success. Not that people like you would ever admit that.

I would love if the economy turned around, unemployment was below 6% and people had good paying (full time) work, if the country was energy independent, much like the Bush years before Pelosi & Reid took over Congress & the booming Clinton/Republican Congressional years.

I wouldn't even mind if Obama played a part in establishing such a legacy..

But alas, given Obama's inept experience and poor leadership abilities, there is just no way for him to lead a good percentage of the American people to a brighter future, his hands are tied by his socialistic ideology.
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:eusa_doh:<<<<....your friendly Democrat...


(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

(used in a sentence)
Unless we can get Obama out of the White House, this country is headed for ineptocracy.

Urban Dictionary: ineptocracy

Again- compared to Bush... whose only qualification was that his Daddy was a failed president.
:eusa_doh:<<<<....your friendly Democrat...


(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

(used in a sentence)
Unless we can get Obama out of the White House, this country is headed for ineptocracy.

Urban Dictionary: ineptocracy

Again- compared to Bush... whose only qualification was that his Daddy was a failed president.

:lol:..Pelosi & Reid totaly ruined the Bush economy..

Granted... The Republican Congress deserved a butt kicking for not being conservative and way over-spending...in that election

:lol:..Pelosi & Reid totaly ruined the Bush economy..

Granted... The Republican Congress deserved a butt kicking for not being conservative and way over-spending...in that election

I'm still waiting for you to point out what bit of legislation was passed by Pelosi/Reid that Bush refused to sign that caused the recession.

Fuck, I'll take ANY bit of legislation they passed, whether Bush signed it or not.

The problems that caused the Crash were well in place long before the Dems retook Congress.... It had been going on for more than a decade.
obama's only qualification is that he's black.

and was a Senator, a State representative, and a Lawyer...

Franky, more than Bush-43, whose only qualifcatin was his Dad held the job.

Or REagan, who was just a senile actor.

(And not even a good actor!)

I think you could be far more fair Joe...:confused:

It's a sad fact in this country that the cream of the crop, the true Statesmen, just don't run for President..

:lol:..Pelosi & Reid totaly ruined the Bush economy..

Granted... The Republican Congress deserved a butt kicking for not being conservative and way over-spending...in that election

I'm still waiting for you to point out what bit of legislation was passed by Pelosi/Reid that Bush refused to sign that caused the recession.

Fuck, I'll take ANY bit of legislation they passed, whether Bush signed it or not.

The problems that caused the Crash were well in place long before the Dems retook Congress.... It had been going on for more than a decade.

I would blame Pelosi and Reid for their lack of oversight, good judgement and reasonable legislation to confront the issues mostly.

and Yup it's a shared responsibility but Democrats usually place the blame on Bush exclusively..so, we both agree only blaming Bush is total bullshit..:D
obama's only qualification is that he's black.

and was a Senator, a State representative, and a Lawyer...

Franky, more than Bush-43, whose only qualifcatin was his Dad held the job.

Or REagan, who was just a senile actor.

(And not even a good actor!)

I think you could be far more fair Joe...:confused:

It's a sad fact in this country that the cream of the crop, the true Statesmen, just don't run for President..

Actually, recently, just for fun, I rented some old Reagan movies. "Hellcats in the Navy" (the only film he did with Nancy Davis, now Nancy Reagan) and "Storm Warning" (where he played ironically, a Klan fighting lawyer in the South). He really wasn't a very good actor.

Okay, now that we have that out of the way...

The ONLY qualifications for president is to be a 35 years or older citizen born in this country- and all 43 guys who held the office qualified. Even Obama. Really.

If I were being fair, I'd say that a lot of things that happen to these guys is out of their control.

Clinton lucked into an awesome set of circumstances, while Bush couldn't get much of anything to go right for him. LONG TERM- yes, these policies have macro consequences.

:lol:..Pelosi & Reid totaly ruined the Bush economy..

Granted... The Republican Congress deserved a butt kicking for not being conservative and way over-spending...in that election

I'm still waiting for you to point out what bit of legislation was passed by Pelosi/Reid that Bush refused to sign that caused the recession.

Fuck, I'll take ANY bit of legislation they passed, whether Bush signed it or not.

The problems that caused the Crash were well in place long before the Dems retook Congress.... It had been going on for more than a decade.

I would blame Pelosi and Reid for their lack of oversight, good judgement and reasonable legislation to confront the issues mostly.

and Yup it's a shared responsibility but Democrats usually place the blame on Bush exclusively..so, we both agree only blaming Bush is total bullshit..:D

Oversight on the part of Congress isn't really a solution. Congress only gets involved when something goes horribly wrong.

If Chris Cox as the SEC had been watching the banks, and Bush's appointees had been doing their jobs, Congress wouldn't have had to have acted.

The biggest thing I fault Bush for in his second term is that he appointed loyalists and hacks. His first term, he did it right. He got professionals. He retained some of the Clinton people, he got some of the pros from the Reagan/Pappy days. Second term, he appointed a lot of his friends and supporters to the key positions.

Heckuva Job, Brownie!
I'm still waiting for you to point out what bit of legislation was passed by Pelosi/Reid that Bush refused to sign that caused the recession.

Fuck, I'll take ANY bit of legislation they passed, whether Bush signed it or not.

The problems that caused the Crash were well in place long before the Dems retook Congress.... It had been going on for more than a decade.

I would blame Pelosi and Reid for their lack of oversight, good judgement and reasonable legislation to confront the issues mostly.

and Yup it's a shared responsibility but Democrats usually place the blame on Bush exclusively..so, we both agree only blaming Bush is total bullshit..:D

Oversight on the part of Congress isn't really a solution. Congress only gets involved when something goes horribly wrong.

If Chris Cox as the SEC had been watching the banks, and Bush's appointees had been doing their jobs, Congress wouldn't have had to have acted.

The biggest thing I fault Bush for in his second term is that he appointed loyalists and hacks. His first term, he did it right. He got professionals. He retained some of the Clinton people, he got some of the pros from the Reagan/Pappy days. Second term, he appointed a lot of his friends and supporters to the key positions.

Heckuva Job, Brownie!

Bullshit...Democrats assign blame to anyone else except themselves but their duties clearly involve hearings and oversight..and the purse strings

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