Obama's Hope And Change Is Finally Effecting Everyone


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The Obama Administration has been illegally trafficking illegal immigrants for years, yet only now, because it has gotten out of control, it has become public.

I don't think Obama counted on it becoming this bad, maybe he did, but now that it's getting out of hand everyone is being effected by this.

The president is a liar. Nothing he nor his administration says can be trusted.

The president has been setting this up for years. Now he's shipping illegals everywhere causing hardship for towns all over the country.

Before, most of what Obama did only had an effect on a limited number of people. His health care law only directly effected 6 million people, causing them to lose their coverage. He's been covering up the fact that at least 10 times that many will lose their coverage when it goes fully into effect.

Obama can't escape the consequences of his amoral and illegal acts anymore. He thinks that Democrats and the media can trick enough people into getting off of his back and blame this all on the GOP, but it's not going to work. The fact that when this story became public he refused to even witness it himself, choosing instead to swill bear and play pool, the optics were terrible.


Now illegal immigration is the number one issue on the public's mind. Unfortunately, it will never be addressed as long as Obama is president. Primarily because he cannot be trusted to follow any new laws they pass.

The only option is to totally cut off funding to this unnamed operation Obama is conducting, conduct a full audit, close down the HHS offices and grab their computers before they're able to destroy their hard-drives, and open an investigation with an independent prosecutor.

Fact is none of this would be happening today if Romney had won election. This becomes more clear every day.


One in Six Say Immigration Most Important U.S. Problem
If Romney had won the election the conversation would be totally different, you would now be a nationalist defending the president no matter what he did or failed to do.
Oh so you agree with the Op about how many years that fuck in the WH has been letting these illegals in??

Good to know we are all on the same page asshole.
Oh so you agree with the Op about how many years that fuck in the WH has been letting these illegals in??

Good to know we are all on the same page asshole.

No I lam laughing at everything he wrote, has written and ever will write because his reactionary and disingenuous tone stinks of cowardice, blind partisanship and misinformation.
If Romney had won the election the conversation would be totally different, you would now be a nationalist defending the president no matter what he did or failed to do.

I'd probably be defending him against the press when he started slashing government debt.

Republican presidents and their supporters do not give two shits about the debt after they are elected, you should know this by now.
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If Romney had won the election the conversation would be totally different, you would now be a nationalist defending the president no matter what he did or failed to do.

We both know that the GOP has no interest in securing the border, just like the DNC has no interest in it.

That is why lying is a prerequisite for attaining public office these days. Those that run must give lip service to "securing the border" as well as "defending the middle class". Then the walking dead come out to vote for these fools in mass.
Oh so you agree with the Op about how many years that fuck in the WH has been letting these illegals in??

Good to know we are all on the same page asshole.

No I lam laughing at everything he wrote, has written and ever will write because his reactionary and disingenuous tone stinks of cowardice, blind partisanship and misinformation.

I'm just telling it like it is.

Only hardcore Democrats are sticking with him.

These are the folks that refuse to pay attention to anything. All they care about is that he's protected and never pays a price for anything he does wrong.
If Romney had won the election the conversation would be totally different, you would now be a nationalist defending the president no matter what he did or failed to do.

We both know that the GOP has no interest in securing the border, just like the DNC has no interest in it.

That is why lying is a prerequisite for attaining public office these days. Those that run must give lip service to "securing the border" as well as "defending the middle class". Then the walking dead come out to vote for these fools in mass.

No one actually has any interest in "securing the border" it's just the usual election year issue that never really gets resolved and gets forgotten until the next election.
If Romney had won the election the conversation would be totally different, you would now be a nationalist defending the president no matter what he did or failed to do.

We both know that the GOP has no interest in securing the border, just like the DNC has no interest in it.

That is why lying is a prerequisite for attaining public office these days. Those that run must give lip service to "securing the border" as well as "defending the middle class". Then the walking dead come out to vote for these fools in mass.

That's not exactly true.

Some in the GOP want this to continue.....and we will root them out and get rid of them when we find them.

With Democrats it seems to be all or nothing. Chaos or you're a racist.

I'm all for legal immigration. Democrats seem to be against it because it's taking too long and is too well regulated. They need new voters now, because they're alienating them faster than they can bring them in.
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Oh so you agree with the Op about how many years that fuck in the WH has been letting these illegals in??

Good to know we are all on the same page asshole.

No I lam laughing at everything he wrote, has written and ever will write because his reactionary and disingenuous tone stinks of cowardice, blind partisanship and misinformation.

I'm just telling it like it is.

Only hardcore Democrats are sticking with him.

These are the folks that refuse to pay attention to anything. All they care about is that he's protected and never pays a price for anything he does wrong.

You would do the same for any republican president and be a lot more nasty about it.
If Romney had won the election the conversation would be totally different, you would now be a nationalist defending the president no matter what he did or failed to do.

We both know that the GOP has no interest in securing the border, just like the DNC has no interest in it.

That is why lying is a prerequisite for attaining public office these days. Those that run must give lip service to "securing the border" as well as "defending the middle class". Then the walking dead come out to vote for these fools in mass.

No one actually has any interest in "securing the border" it's just the usual election year issue that never really gets resolved and gets forgotten until the next election.

Well it's clear Democrats aren't interested in it, which is why immigration reform is clearly a non-starter.
If Romney had won the election the conversation would be totally different, you would now be a nationalist defending the president no matter what he did or failed to do.

We both know that the GOP has no interest in securing the border, just like the DNC has no interest in it.

That is why lying is a prerequisite for attaining public office these days. Those that run must give lip service to "securing the border" as well as "defending the middle class". Then the walking dead come out to vote for these fools in mass.

That's not exactly true.

Some in the GOP want this to continue.....and we will root them out and get rid of them when we find them.

Who's "we"? The tea party? By November it will be obvious just how powerless they are to effect change in this country.
We both know that the GOP has no interest in securing the border, just like the DNC has no interest in it.

That is why lying is a prerequisite for attaining public office these days. Those that run must give lip service to "securing the border" as well as "defending the middle class". Then the walking dead come out to vote for these fools in mass.

No one actually has any interest in "securing the border" it's just the usual election year issue that never really gets resolved and gets forgotten until the next election.

Well it's clear Democrats aren't interested in it, which is why immigration reform is clearly a non-starter.

They are very interested in reform just not in being draconian fascists about it and militarizing the border and treating people like garbage.
No one has any interest in "securing the border" it's just the usual election year issue that never really gets resolved and gets forgotten until the next election.

Well it's clear Democrats aren't interested in it, which is why immigration reform is clearly a non-starter.

They are very interested in reform just not in being draconian fascists about it and militarizing the border and treating people like garbage.

Sort of the way Mexico does?

If you don't have borders, you don't have a country.

Democrats took over California in this manner. Nixon took the state 5 times in various elections. Reagan won re-election in landslides, yet today no Republican has a chance in Hell of taking California. What changed?

I lived or owned property in California from the 70s into 2004. I noticed ever increasing changes in the population. It's getting to the point that if you don't speak Spanish in Southern California you can't communicate.

Hispanics eventually become Americans like everyone else, but too many entering at once is difficult to handle. I was listening to NPR yesterday. El Salvador blames America for all of this. Many of the gangs in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador were created by deportees who went to America as children and ended up in prison. El Salvador blames us because they couldn't take care of them. Instead they turned to crime. As if this is our fault. It's our fault these Central American countries can't take care of their own people.

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