Obama's Homeland Security To Take Over The Election - What Could Go Wrong?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Obama administration declared they have evidence Russia Hacked the election system so Obama's Homeland Security is taking over the election.

The guy who protected Hillary from going to jail is taking over the election.

Turn out the light, the party's over.

The FIX is OFFICIALLY IN. The election is NOW OVER!

Homeland eyes special declaration to take charge of elections
Washington Examiner - RationalWiki

The Washington Examiner is a right-wing political journal that goes into the areas you usually expect such publications to go into. It could be thought of as Townhall.com's more "respectable" cousin but even with that being said the site looks like a tabloid desperately trying to pass off as real news. It's not uncommon to see it used as a source among more extreme right-wingers who seem to like how proper the site pretends to be.

On science issues the site it pretty abysmal.Global warming denialism is rampant,[1] as is myths about DDT bans and other anti-environmentalist rhetoric,[2] leading to the site having a weird obsession with defending coalas being not all that damaging to the environment.[3] Also, Barack Obama only beatMitt Romney because of the damned liberal media,[4] with implementing socialism being part of Obama's (and liberals) master plan.[5][6]Basically the site is what you'd expect from a publication that makes most of its money from winding up wingnuts.
How sure are you that the meat puppet faggot wants Hitlery to win?

Dump's going to bring in "universal healthcare". He's pretty much all talk all over the place. The moonbat messiah may prefer the enemy who will punch him in the face over one who might cause his "suicide".


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