Obama's Gun Surprise: I Shoot 'All The Time'



Damn, I thought skeet guns were longer. :lol::lol::lol:

:eusa_silenced:I bet he wanted to see what a sawed off shotgun looked like. He probably thought thats what he was doing.
Obama says he goes skeet shooting 'all the time' | White House News | Political News | Comcast

President Obama, who as a candidate once claimed some voters "cling" to guns and religion and has launched a renewed push for an assault-weapons ban, revealed a curious factoid in an interview with The New Republic -- he's an avid skeet shooter, apparently.

"Up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time," Obama said.


Gee, I thought he was referring to his mouth.....
If you don't believe something someone says, that is not evidence that person lied.

Some of you choose not to believe anything Obama says or approve of a single thing he ever does because that is just the way you are. But that is reflective of your own character, not his.

It is, however, surprising to hear Obama say he skeet shoots "all the time", but last year a reporter did say all there was to do at Camp David was bowl and skeet shoot. So it would not be surprising if a President decided to give both a whirl for lack of any other R&R activities to do when he is there.

And you'd think that the White House photographer whose job it is to historically document the day to day activities of the president 24/7 would have snapped at least one picture in the last 4 years wouldn't you?
So.....how often is "all the time" when it comes to this? Let's say that President Obama has visited Camp David 30 times. How often would he have had to shoot skeet in order to qualify as having done so "all the time"?

I'd say half a dozen. Anyone else have an opinion?

The fun part about nutters is that they rarely have enough patience to wait for the facts to be flushed out.

Are you really so delusional as to think any real facts will be forthcoming? According to the left, if their dear leader utters the words, there is no proof required.
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So.....how often is "all the time" when it comes to this? Let's say that President Obama has visited Camp David 30 times. How often would he have had to shoot skeet in order to qualify as having done so "all the time"?

I'd say half a dozen. Anyone else have an opinion?

The fun part about nutters is that they rarely have enough patience to wait for the facts to be flushed out.

Are you really so delusional as to think any real facts will be forthcoming? According to the left, if their dear leader utters the words, there is no proof required.

If no further facts are reveled, I will have no choice but to reserve judgement. Unlike you, I want to know the facts BEFORE I judge. It is one of the things that separates intelligent people from idiots.
maybe "all the time" was redefined recently to mean "never" and no one told us.

That's interesting since in another thread you posted:
Maybe you should wait until more information comes out before jumping to conclusions.
...But apparently some people here don't actually care about facts. They want to make it about politics despite no evidence of anyone's political affiliation. You realize that means mean you are intentionally being deceptive. That is propaganda, my friends. Those engaging in propaganda really dont have any moral authority to oppose it.

Just sayin'... interesting selectivity.
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If you don't believe something someone says, that is not evidence that person lied.

Some of you choose not to believe anything Obama says or approve of a single thing he ever does because that is just the way you are. But that is reflective of your own character, not his.

It is, however, surprising to hear Obama say he skeet shoots "all the time", but last year ]a reporter did say all there was to do at Camp David was bowl and skeet shoot[/url]. So it would not be surprising if a President decided to give both a whirl for lack of any other R&R activities to do when he is there.

got any pictures of him shooting (a gun, not his butt)

If His clain is true, there hast to be at least one picture.

Not once from 2008 until now has obama mentioned anything about shooting a gun.
No one asked him why he was going to Camp David. He gave this information freely
He lied for no reason.
So.....how often is "all the time" when it comes to this? Let's say that President Obama has visited Camp David 30 times. How often would he have had to shoot skeet in order to qualify as having done so "all the time"?

I'd say half a dozen. Anyone else have an opinion?

The fun part about nutters is that they rarely have enough patience to wait for the facts to be flushed out.

Are you really so delusional as to think any real facts will be forthcoming? According to the left, if their dear leader utters the words, there is no proof required.

If no further facts are reveled, I will have no choice but to reserve judgement. Unlike you, I want to know the facts BEFORE I judge. It is one of the things that separates intelligent people from idiots.

There are enough facts available for any rational person to make an informed judgement about the veracity of Obama's statement.
Are you really so delusional as to think any real facts will be forthcoming? According to the left, if their dear leader utters the words, there is no proof required.

If no further facts are reveled, I will have no choice but to reserve judgement. Unlike you, I want to know the facts BEFORE I judge. It is one of the things that separates intelligent people from idiots.

There are enough facts available for any rational person to make an informed judgement about the veracity of Obama's statement.

There are? Let's see.....

Obama says he shoots skeet at Camp David.

Nutters say he does not.

Them's the facts.

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