Obama’s DNA Request

does anyone know why Obama LIVED in Kenya? ----I mean WHY would anyone who could live in Hawaii OPT to live in Kenya? ---------I really don't know but suspect that lots of your out there do know why his parents OPTED for Kenya
He NEVER lived there, why do you think he did?

I will try to GIRD MY LOINS and check

sorry-----he lived in INDONESIA-----with his mom for two years-----and got
good grades in "islam" class. His mom had divorced Obama's Kenyan
father and married an Indonesian. Both husbands were muslims. Home was
Hawaii after that (???) I believe that he later on lived with his grandparents
(???). Kenya is not all that weird. I have been acquainted with several
Kenyans in the USA-----most not actually INDIGENOUS Kenyans---but transplants from south east Asia.---both muslims and hindus
does anyone know why Obama LIVED in Kenya? ----I mean WHY would anyone who could live in Hawaii OPT to live in Kenya? ---------I really don't know but suspect that lots of your out there do know why his parents OPTED for Kenya
He NEVER lived there, why do you think he did?

I will try to GIRD MY LOINS and check
When his mother remarried, a few years after her divorce, she remarried an Indonesian man, they moved to Indonesia and Obama went to a secular school and a Catholic school when he was there as a young child...he moved back to Hawaii around 7 or 8 years old to live with his grandparents and mother and husband and new sister I believe stayed there...in Indonesia
does anyone know why Obama LIVED in Kenya? ----I mean WHY would anyone who could live in Hawaii OPT to live in Kenya? ---------I really don't know but suspect that lots of your out there do know why his parents OPTED for Kenya
He NEVER lived there, why do you think he did?

I will try to GIRD MY LOINS and check
When his mother remarried, a few years after her divorce, she remarried an Indonesian man, they moved to Indonesia and Obama went to a secular school and a Catholic school when he was there as a young child...he moved back to Hawaii around 7 or 8 years old to live with his grandparents and mother and husband and new sister I believe stayed there...in Indonesia

He got an 'A' in "islam" class in Indonesia-----I do not know if that was during
his catholic school or "secular" school education. It is a myth that Indonesia
is a "secular" country. It is Islamic. Regarding education-----lots of "public"
schools in putatively "secular" Islamic countries have mandatory "islam" classes obligatory for non muslims. Catholic school in such countries often provide
classes in islam for the muslim students and let them out of catholic
religion classes. All weird but true
Let's get er done...
Trump and Congress Should Grant Obama’s DNA Request
Science can resolve the biggest identity mystery of all time.
February 24, 2017
Lloyd Billingsley



In 1965 the Hawaiian-born American’s mother Ann Dunham married Indonesian student Lolo Soetoro and Barry became Lolo’s stepson. As a radical Occidental College student, Barry could have simply adopted an African name in the style of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee leader Stokely Carmichael, who changed his name to Kwame Ture. Instead, in Dreams from My Father, Barry claimed that the Kenyan student Barack H. Obama, who passed away in 1982, “bequeathed” him his name.

“My father was a foreign student, born and raised in a small village in Kenya,” the senatorial candidate formerly known as Barry Soetoro told the Democratic Party convention in 2004. “He grew up herding goats, went to school in a tin-roof shack. His father, my grandfather, was a cook, a domestic servant to the British.” The speaker became a U.S. senator and in 2008 he set out to become president of the United States.

Some claimed that he was born in Kenya and therefore ineligible to be president. In reality, the child of an American mother born abroad is automatically a U.S. citizen, eligible for any elected office. The “birther” claim originated with Hillary Clinton and her aides, a ruse to distract from the real issue: the true identity of the candidate’s father.

The old-line establishment media showed little interest and many of the candidate’s records had been sealed tight. Voters knew less about him than any presidential candidate in history, but in 2008, the thoroughly unvetted Democrat became the 44th president of the United States, the most powerful man in the world. As his first term wound down, the identity mysteries mounted a surge.

The 1995 Dreams From My Father, an elephantine roman à clef with no index and no photo section, devotes 2500 words to “Frank” but in The Audacity of Hope (2006) even “Frank” fails to show up. The author openly acknowledged that Frank is Frank Marshall Davis, but he was more than a happy-drunk African American poet.

Davis was a Stalinist who supported all-white Communist dictatorships and published pornography on the side. In The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor (2012), Paul Kengor made a strong case that the slavishly pro-Soviet Davis was the president’s ideological father, finding “remarkable similarities” between Davis’ writings and the president’s policies.


In other words, was the 44th president really the person he said he was? Or as Malik Obama said, was he a fraud or a con? That is a question of some importance, considering the vast damage he left behind.

Trump and Congress Should Grant Obama’s DNA Request

What "Obama DNA request'?

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