Obama's distress call to Clinton...things look bad for Dems according to Hume


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
The convention role being given Bill Clinton is proof that President Obama is in deep trouble and he and his political handlers know it….
Add to that the Rasmussen survey in which voters by 62 percent to 30 said economic growth was more important to them than economic fairness. Fairness, of course, is a major theme of Mr. Obama and his party. With his attacks on Mitt Romney’s business record and his repeated and unsubtle appeals to elements of his party’s base, Mr. Obama is clearly shooting for a big Democratic turnout in November.
But Gallup reports that the number of Democrats who say they are more enthusiastic about voting this year is at 39 percent, down from 61 percent four years ago. 51 percent of Republicans, meanwhile, said they are more enthusiastic this year, that is up from 35 per cent in 2008.When you put all this together with the continuing bad news on the economy, you know why Mr. Obama is suddenly reaching out to Bill Clinton.
This is a distress call."

Brit Hume: Obama’s “distress call” to Bill Clinton « Hot Air
1) I doubt Bill Clinton is capable of getting BO out of the hole he has dug.
2) I'm not sure that Bill Clinton wants the bastard around for another 4 years either.

The Democratic convention may bring surprises.


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