Obama's counterterror strategy: Release jihadists, investigate CIA


Jul 14, 2009
Yet another Which-Side-Is-Obama-On Alert: "Release the Terrorist, Investigate the CIA," by Andy McCarthy at The Corner, August 27:

The Wall Street Jounral [sic] has a terrific editorial this morning on how valuable the CIA interrogation program was in uncovering life-saving intelligence. My favorite paragraph was this one, which gets into the terrorist the mainstream press doesn't want to talk about, Binyam Mohammed (see my column on him, here):

The most revealing portion of the IG report documents the program's results. The CIA's "detention and interrogation of terrorists has provided intelligence that has enabled the identification and apprehension of other terrorists and warned of terrorist plots planned for the United States and around the world." That included the identification of Jose Padilla and Binyam Muhammed, who planned to detonate a dirty bomb, and the arrest of previously unknown members of an al Qaeda cell in Karachi, Pakistan, designated to pilot an aircraft attack in the U.S. The information also made the CIA aware of plots to attack the U.S. consulate in Karachi, hijack aircraft to fly into Heathrow, loosen track spikes to derail a U.S. train, blow up U.S. gas stations, fly an airplane into a California building, and cut the lines of suspension bridges in New York.

Though the Journal does not get into it, Binyam Mohammed was released outright by the Obama administration in February. He is now living freely in England. That's our new counterterrorism approach: Release the terrorist who planned mass-murder attacks against U.S. cities but investigate the CIA agents who prevented mass-murder attacks against U.S. cities....
include black panthers off the hook, cia = bad guys...loony fucking dems are cowards
Just imagine Eric Holder and his cronies in charge of interrogating terrorists and be afraid, be very afraid.

Michelle Malkin » How Eric Holder fixed the FALN pardons

Opposed to Holder without Apology by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

It seems Holder has never met a terrorist that should not be let go.

Eric Holder has been obama's sock puppet for years. Together, they're dissecting the spine right out of America.

Educate yourself.... click on the link in my sig line.

No need. There was no "Soetoro" on any ballot, so when you thanked everyone who voted for this fictional person, you were thanking NO ONE?
Educate yourself.... click on the link in my sig line.

No need. There was no "Soetoro" on any ballot, so when you thanked everyone who voted for this fictional person, you were thanking NO ONE?

Well then you know who it is and you're just playing games. Typical liberal.
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Well then you know who it is and just playing games. Typical liberal.

Nope. I just know that there was no "Soetoro" on any US ballot. You DO know this, right? So, again, who were you thanking?
Educate yourself.... click on the link in my sig line.

No need. There was no "Soetoro" on any ballot, so when you thanked everyone who voted for this fictional person, you were thanking NO ONE?

You have to understand the right wing.
They like to giggle and remind people that Barack Obama's mother remarried. And are you ready???
She married a guy who had an un-american name like Soetoro....can you imagine that?
If we are not attacked between now and then, on September 12th Barack Obama will have officially kept this country more safe during his presidency than George W. Bush.

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