Obama's campaign falling apart.. but Obama smarter right???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
From the time he accepted his nomination for the Presidency under the Greek columns in an outdoor stadium, we were given a major clue this was not a humble man.
In 2006, [Obama] the senator gave him a warning: ‘I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it …It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.’

A Hollywood Republican » Obama’s Narcissism on Parade

And today we read:
POLITICO e-book: Obama campaign roiled by conflict

The discord, these sources said, has on occasion flowed from Obama himself, who at repeated turns has made vocal his dissatisfaction
with decisions made by his campaign team,
with its messaging,
with Vice President Joe Biden and
with what Obama feared was clumsy coordination between his West Wing and reelection headquarters in Chicago.

The effort in Chicago, meanwhile, has been bedeviled by some of the drama Obama so deftly dodged in 2008 — including, at a critical point earlier this year,
a spat that left senior operatives David Axelrod and Stephanie Cutter barely on speaking terms —
and growing doubts about the effectiveness of Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

POLITICO e-book: Obama campaign roiled by conflict - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Maybe Obama with his highly touted intelligence can do all those jobs as He has said he can do them better!!!
The only thing worse is the ideaological difference between the GOP and the Mittens/Ryan team.
that will play out at the convention.
The reason why obama ran a flawless campaign the first time is because he could say anything and since no one knew him he got away with it. His flaws come from his record.
Obama is about as bright as a brain fart. In fact he's so bright that he won't let anyone see his transcipts or his college year's writings.
Obama is about as bright as a brain fart. In fact he's so bright that he won't let anyone see his transcipts or his college year's writings.

What does this say about Mitt, who won't show his college transcripts, his college writings,his draft deferment letters, the contents of the investigation into vehicular homicide in France or his tax returns?

Obama is about as bright as a brain fart. In fact he's so bright that he won't let anyone see his transcipts or his college year's writings.

That is because they did not keep a copy of his thesis.
transcrips, even bush did not release his transcripts. Stupid birther coward.
We are NOT talking about the past.. but what is happening NOW!
They can't get rid of Biden as Hillary turned them down.
Obama is getting tired of being President and wants out!
He never wanted Presidency to help the country but to help himself!

He sees Clinton laughing all the way to the bank and again says he can do better!

I think Obama is going to throw in the towel "sub-consciously" because he's tired and wants to play golf!
The only thing worse is the ideaological difference between the GOP and the Mittens/Ryan team.
that will play out at the convention.

Ideological... Your misspelling casts a really comical interpretation on what your wrote. Very funny! :clap2:
From the time he accepted his nomination for the Presidency under the Greek columns in an outdoor stadium, we were given a major clue this was not a humble man.
In 2006, [Obama] the senator gave him a warning: ‘I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it …It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.’

A Hollywood Republican » Obama’s Narcissism on Parade

And today we read:
POLITICO e-book: Obama campaign roiled by conflict

The discord, these sources said, has on occasion flowed from Obama himself, who at repeated turns has made vocal his dissatisfaction
with decisions made by his campaign team,
with its messaging,
with Vice President Joe Biden and
with what Obama feared was clumsy coordination between his West Wing and reelection headquarters in Chicago.

The effort in Chicago, meanwhile, has been bedeviled by some of the drama Obama so deftly dodged in 2008 — including, at a critical point earlier this year,
a spat that left senior operatives David Axelrod and Stephanie Cutter barely on speaking terms —
and growing doubts about the effectiveness of Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

POLITICO e-book: Obama campaign roiled by conflict - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Maybe Obama with his highly touted intelligence can do all those jobs as He has said he can do them better!!!

After reading the article, I come away feeling that Obama 's leadership is the problem inthe campaign, just as it is the problem in his administration.
Obama's Narcissistic Personality Disorder will not allow him to believe people are not blindly following him. His past was locked away but for a couple of problems that he quickly distanced himself from, Reverend Wright for one.

More people know who he is, know what he stands for, knows he doesn't even like America. He won't just give up, it's gonna get worse, hang on to your hats.
Well, given is approval ratings are down in the forties, combine that with the bleak economic picture, he should be worried... like, real worried. This ain't Chicago where he can preach his message to the select downtrodden... this is the national stage and that shit doesn't play nearly as well.
Well, given is approval ratings are down in the forties, combine that with the bleak economic picture, he should be worried... like, real worried. This ain't Chicago where he can preach his message to the select downtrodden... this is the national stage and that shit doesn't play nearly as well.

Darn, just DARN!! Organizing America wasn't quite as easy as the thought it'd be. Poor guy, not. :lol:

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