Obama's Birthday Reactions


Jul 17, 2013
Since it was President Obama's birthday on Sunday, August 4, the media has had a field day with it. While reading through different blogs, twitters feeds, and watching the media I saw some interesting well wishes and some... well not so well wishes...

One article I stumbled upon was kind of interesting. it was wishing Obama an happy birthday from an conservative's viewpoint. I think it was written extremely well.

Check it out- Happy birthday, Barack | Rare.us

Cheers :beer:
That's a ridiculous op-ed site but, hopefully, most of the country values what President Obama has accomplished and that he continues to fight for ALL of the American people - not just the 1% the right deifies.

What a Country. We don't even know what name the president was born with or where he was born. His school records are sealed so we don't know the details of Barry Sotoro presenting himself as a foreign born student in order to benefit from lower tuition costs.
Since it was President Obama's birthday on Sunday, August 4, the media has had a field day with it. While reading through different blogs, twitters feeds, and watching the media I saw some interesting well wishes and some... well not so well wishes...

One article I stumbled upon was kind of interesting. it was wishing Obama an happy birthday from an conservative's viewpoint. I think it was written extremely well.

Check it out- Happy birthday, Barack | Rare.us

Cheers :beer:

Must be a respected source, my computer has the website blacklisted for malware lol.
Last time I checked, Obama rated higher than congress.

Testicular cancer rates higher than congress so that is not saying much.

Even better, at that approval rating they are all still getting reelected so apparently such ratings are complete and utter bullshit.

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