Obama's Bad Week


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama got caught whispering to one of our former enemies that after the election his policies will change and become more accommodating to Russia's interests with respect to our National Security. He also touched off a race war right before this politically disastrous meeting. On top of that his health care law was practically laughed out of the Supreme Court. Take Katrina, Abu Ghraib, Waterboarding and lump them together you couldn't get a worse week than Obama had. Yet he's still out there acting like he's winning the hearts and minds of women and every minority on the planet.

A couple of weeks ago it was discovered that the Sandra Flucke controversy originated from the White House. Ms. Flucke's publicity was being engineered by Anita Dunn, a former Obama aide. What makes things worse is it was discovered that her testimony was a farce. The press made it appear like she was testifying in front of a Senate committee when in fact it was simply an unsanctioned press conference set up to look official.

What went unnoticed was the fact that his budget was unanimously voted down 414-0.

What has happened is the dislike for the man has been ratcheted up thanks to his political maneuvers. Before it was his policies that were unpopular. Now it's getting personal.

“The level of dislike for the president has ratcheted up sharply” | Wizbang
Articles: Who Shrank The President?
Blog: 'Worst week' of Obama presidency

Obama got caught whispering to one of our former enemies that after the election his policies will change and become more accommodating to Russia's interests with respect to our National Security. He also touched off a race war right before this politically disastrous meeting. On top of that his health care law was practically laughed out of the Supreme Court. Take Katrina, Abu Ghraib, Waterboarding and lump them together you couldn't get a worse week than Obama had. Yet he's still out there acting like he's winning the hearts and minds of women and every minority on the planet.

A couple of weeks ago it was discovered that the Sandra Flucke controversy originated from the White House. Ms. Flucke's publicity was being engineered by Anita Dunn, a former Obama aide. What makes things worse is it was discovered that her testimony was a farce. The press made it appear like she was testifying in front of a Senate committee when in fact it was simply an unsanctioned press conference set up to look official.

What went unnoticed was the fact that his budget was unanimously voted down 414-0.

What has happened is the dislike for the man has been ratcheted up thanks to his political maneuvers. Before it was his policies that were unpopular. Now it's getting personal.

“The level of dislike for the president has ratcheted up sharply” | Wizbang
Articles: Who Shrank The President?
Blog: 'Worst week' of Obama presidency

The tissue of lies is unravelling and the k00ks can't stand it.
Is that why the plight of the GOP is looking worse every day as prospective voters become increasingly offended by the wingnut stances that it has adopted?
Actually...Barry had a pretty good week all things considered. Anything that takes scrutiny away from his handling of things like the economy and his desire for higher gas prices is a good thing for him and the Trayvon Martin "controversy" was a Godsend just as the Sandra Flock "controversy" was a Godsend.

You'll be seeing repeated attempts by this Administration to divert the discussion to ANYTHING but the economy and gas prices and in general the main stream media will go along with those attempts. Barack Obama does NOT want to run on his economic record so there will be a concerted effort to frame the election in some other fashion. If he fails to do so then he will lose. It's really that simple.
I fear the left is going to be a little surprised just like they were in the Congressional Races in 2010. Over confidence from a sitting representative usually is their downfall.
The Sandra Fluke controversy fell flat. The Martin fiasco could backfire in ways even worse because obama is not in control of "his people".

Barack Obama gains nine-point lead over Mitt Romney in key states - Telegraph

The survey, by USA Today and Gallup, indicated that the president owes this advantage mainly to a huge shift of women to his side.

In the fifth Swing States survey taken since last fall, Mr Obama leads Mr Romney 51 percent to 42 percent among registered voters.

A month ago the president trailed Romney by two percentage points, USA Today noted.

The biggest change came among women under 50, the report said. In mid-February, just under half of those voters supported Mr Obama. Now more than six in 10 do while Mr Romney's support among them has dropped by 14 points, to 30 percent.

The president leads the former Massachusets governor 2-1 in this group, USA Today said.

Barack Obama gains nine-point lead over Mitt Romney in key states - Telegraph

The survey, by USA Today and Gallup, indicated that the president owes this advantage mainly to a huge shift of women to his side.

In the fifth Swing States survey taken since last fall, Mr Obama leads Mr Romney 51 percent to 42 percent among registered voters.

A month ago the president trailed Romney by two percentage points, USA Today noted.

The biggest change came among women under 50, the report said. In mid-February, just under half of those voters supported Mr Obama. Now more than six in 10 do while Mr Romney's support among them has dropped by 14 points, to 30 percent.

The president leads the former Massachusets governor 2-1 in this group, USA Today said.

:clap2: Keep on believing that. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Obama has a NINE point lead? That's it? Does anyone understand how quickly that can evaporate? Figure that 4 points is margin of error anyway. Add some higher gas prices and a tick in unemployment and he's done.
This one isn't going to help Obama, either:

WASHINGTON (AP) — A major donor to President Barack Obama has been accused of defrauding a businessman and impersonating a bank official, creating new headaches for Obama's re-election campaign as it deals with the questionable history of another top supporter.

The New York donor, Abake Assongba, and her husband contributed more than $50,000 to Obama's re-election effort this year, federal records show. But Assongba is also fending off a civil court case in Florida, where she's accused of thieving more than $650,000 to help build a multimillion-dollar home in the state — a charge her husband denies.

Top Obama campaign donor accused of fraud - Yahoo! News
I fear the left is going to be a little surprised just like they were in the Congressional Races in 2010. Over confidence from a sitting representative usually is their downfall.
A little surprised in 2010? Sheepdip! Most are still in Denial that it meant anything. Some have made it on to Anger. A couple have made it to Bargaining. None are in depression yet and they're all far away from Acceptance.

If they lose huge here, they'll be apoplectic.
Is that why the plight of the GOP is looking worse every day as prospective voters become increasingly offended by the wingnut stances that it has adopted?

The right should have it easy. Obama is telling us we need to screw the rich (Big-Oil) so we can save our children. His only answer to everything is attack that imaginary rich guy. I remember Biden saying rapes will go up if we didn't give them their debt increase.

These assholes, the POTUS and the VP, are saying some pretty reprehensible things. If we were dealing with rational people this kind of class-warfare is easy to obliterate, to expose it for the dishonest and outrageous divisive speech it really is.

Funny thing is, this lying individual claims he can't effect gas prices, but wtf does he think shafting Big-Oil will do???

He must be ether retarded or he must think we are.

In your case he's probably right.
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Is that why the plight of the GOP is looking worse every day as prospective voters become increasingly offended by the wingnut stances that it has adopted?

The right should have it easy. Obama is telling us we need to screw the rich (Big-Oil) so we can save our children. His only answer to everything is attack that imaginary rich guy. I remember Biden saying rapes will go up if we didn't give them their debt increase.

These assholes, the POTUS and the VP, are saying some pretty reprehensible things. If we were dealing with rational people this kind of class-warfare is easy to obliterate, to expose it for the dishonest and outrageous divisive speech it really is.

Funny thing is, this lying individual claims he can't effect gas prices, but wtf does he think shafting Big-Oil will do???

He must be ether retarded or he must think we are.

In your case he's probably right.

And there you have it. He is accustomed to working with people that have little education and rely on the government for everything. What do you think Community Organizers do?? They create societies completely dependent on others and tell them it's the best they're ever going to get.

He had no idea all of America wasn't like this. He truly thinks we are incapable of making a logical decision that will improve our individual lives, without government assistance. He himself has lived on the government dole his entire life, albeit accumulating personal wealth at the same time. He's never held a real job, he's always been paid by, fed by and had his housing provided by............some government entity.
Obama's a fucking traitor. If he's reelected kiss the USA and Israel goodbye

Wherever they're going, please go with them. TIA.

You know why Useful Idiots are always the first ones executed by the new regimes?

First, they believe that being armed was bad.

Second, they were traitors to their nation and the new regime cannot not trust them not to turn again.

Finally, they were too stupid to see they were rooting for their demise.
Obama's a fucking traitor. If he's reelected kiss the USA and Israel goodbye

Wherever they're going, please go with them. TIA.

You know why Useful Idiots are always the first ones executed by the new regimes?

First, they believe that being armed was bad.

Second, they were traitors to their nation and the new regime cannot not trust them not to turn again.

Finally, they were too stupid to see they were rooting for their demise.

Permitting executions for anything but murder is evil, and stupid in and of itself.

Second, disagreeing with your hide under the bed vision of Politics is not being a traitor to the nation, you're just a hysterical zombie.

Barack Obama gains nine-point lead over Mitt Romney in key states - Telegraph

The survey, by USA Today and Gallup, indicated that the president owes this advantage mainly to a huge shift of women to his side.

In the fifth Swing States survey taken since last fall, Mr Obama leads Mr Romney 51 percent to 42 percent among registered voters.

A month ago the president trailed Romney by two percentage points, USA Today noted.

The biggest change came among women under 50, the report said. In mid-February, just under half of those voters supported Mr Obama. Now more than six in 10 do while Mr Romney's support among them has dropped by 14 points, to 30 percent.

The president leads the former Massachusets governor 2-1 in this group, USA Today said.

You know this really means nothing right now... right?
Once we have just ONE person running against Obama, you're going to see a huge change in these numbers...and i don't think you'll be bragging so much once everyone rallies behind Romney pretty soon.

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