Obama's agenda: Trickle up poverty, any discussion?

We al know where that poverty is coming from. It is the decisions we have made over the last 30 years to grow the economy by throwing money at the wealthy

Still looking for that trickle down effect

There's your problem, you're waiting for it not making it happen. I mean other then by voting for Democrats to do it for you.
2/3rds of US Corporations Pay Zero Federal Taxes
Mar 28, 2011

..... the tax-dodging practices of massive corporations that they see as the real source of the country's deficit.

..... Bank of America hasn't paid a nickel in federal income taxes for the past two years, and in fact raked in an additional $1 billion in tax benefits. The bank is enjoying these profits after accepting $45 billion from taxpayers, which the company then got to count as a deduction when they paid back the money.

Big corporations get to play by a whole different set of rules, says tax expert Bob Willens of New York-based Robert Willens LLC:

This is why two-thirds of corporations in America pay no federal income taxes. If they were forced to, we're told, the whole country would suffer. Jobs would be lost, salaries slashed. Thank heavens we've avoided such calamity by allowing corporations to shape legislation in their favor.

In 2010, Bank of America handed out $2.2 million in campaign contributions to Congressional representatives and PACs (36 percent went to Democrats, 64 percent to Republicans). By throwing around that much cash, huge companies like BoA have a big say when it comes to crafting legislation that permits them to escape paying taxes, according to US Uncut organizer J.A. Myerson.

The reason it's not illegal is because they have bought and paid for the people who make the laws. The laws are made to accommodate this sort of nefariousness ..... The rigged game has left citizens feeling burnt and angry .....

2/3rds of US Corporations Pay Zero Federal Taxes
The "system" is working exactly the way its supposed to work -

- tax cuts or no taxes at all for corporations and the wealthy despite the fact that neither have delivered on providing jobs
- "buy and pay for the people who make the laws" through campaign contributions

- provide the necessary "scapegoats" (unions, teachers, the poor) and encourage the middle and working classes to turn their anger on them as a diversion

- convince citizens that corporations and the wealthy embody "American values" and the "American Dream."

Let me ask all of you a question
If we tax the people who work for the corporation
if we tax the people who own the corporation
if we tax the people who own stock in the corporation
How do we tax the corporation?
If a corporation makes a profit, how does not pay taxes? is it any different than a person?
I have never understood if the way and the why a corporation gets taxed

I also take issue with your links claim that 2/3 of the corporations did not pay taxes. this would simply mean that 2/3rds of the companies in this country did not make a "profit"
Unless you get a waiver such as Obama is giving to companies on his Obama-care, you will pay taxes

People get taxed who own the corporation thru capital gains
thru salaries
thru stocks
thru dividend

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Come 2016 the policies set forth by BHO will have peoples pay checks de valued so much, many will be headed towards poverty
I am not kidding
It his intent
The more you get to depend on his kind of economy, an economy that collects my wealth and gives it to others, the more "others" that exist, the more he feels will support there agenda
Its a classic Marxist agenda.

The Rich thrive as long as the middle class survives. Taxes that are forth coming to pay for this "blame Bush" deficit and "blame Bush recession" along with the cost of Obama care and much higher gas pricing will and is as we speak destroying the middle man.

Not by accident

"never allow a serious crises to go to waste"

helping Brazil drill baby drill while this country keep millions without work and trillions in wealth locked down.
The opening of shale oil exploration along with oil exploration and drilling on public lands along with the expansion of new refineries and power producing stations does more for the working class than 10 of Obama "slush fund" Stimuluses

"Never allow a serious crises go to waste"

Yea the Brazil Oil thing really is a huge debacle. So we're going to give them several $Billions in American Tax Dollars to drill for Oil while we have Massive Unemployment,Record Poverty,and Massive Debt here at Home? Yea that makes perfect sense. Yikes! :eek:

It makes no sense yes, but it is an agenda that is real
Obama will have this country by 2012 no matter what he does we will never be the same again
An entire generation will be lost to his style of socialism. I am no conspiracy theorist. how else does any-one explain what he is doing

Read about Mugabe's Zimbabwe; you will see similarities. Destroy a productive country, wipe the value of money, allow the country to descend into a cesspool, all for the "leader's" ego.
i've never heard obama mention the poor since i've know about him. only the middle class, and taking from the rich.

europe is finding out now that they are paying into a common fund, to support the losers, and the lazy. i'm just sitting in the sun enjoying some wine and some cheese (ask odball)
the rich have been supporting the poor and mediocre since "day one" in this country.
democrats want a pool house at the restaurant, the shiitty servers get paid the same as communism.

The ground work Obama is laying is Marxist, and to be honest he has not tried hard to hide it. Obama took a budget that was doing the jobs and has added 3 trillion dollars of debt to it in 2 years
Higher taxes are not if, its when
Add gas. Like I said states collect sales tax on fuel as a %. do not under estimate how much Obama's green policy along with not allowing any drilling or oil shale exploration/extraction is a deliberate maneuver to put the middle class to the level in which they become part of the impoverished, to become wholly or partially Dependant on BHO inc.
Health-care becomes socialized, single payer system
Fuel is rationed and price is controlled
wealth is redistributed more than it is now
work weeks become 35 hours long
pick up trucks will be replaced by Chevy volts and your home will have white roof with solar panels on top.

Obama gave the UAW 50 billion dollars without asking the tax payer
Obama/Pelosi/Reid rammed Obama care down the congresses throat with 60% of the people against it
what happened to the stimulus money/ the tax cuts where welcomed, but what happened to the cash?
Why did GWB use a stimulus to give the tax payer back some wealth and Obama decided who and what he would stimulate?
Think about that a minute

Actually.......it's the GOP dirtbags in the Congress who are trying to give tax breaks to corporations and the top 2 percent of the wealthy, while paying for it on the backs of the common workers and labor unions.

Oh yeah.......don't forget the poor.......they have to pay their fair share too, right?

The only things that tax breaks for the wealthy do is give them more money to invest in Wall St. For every dollar you give to the uber rich, you get back 1.03 on the economy (they invest, not create jobs). If you give that same dollar to those on unemployment, welfare and tax breaks for the middle class down? It generates 1.63 for the economy.

Surely even you stupid capitalists can understand that.

"Investing": giving money to people/companies starting out or wanting to expand, hopefully for the return of the money with interest. Other words: that equals creating jobs, ......

helping Brazil drill baby drill while this country keep millions without work and trillions in wealth locked down.

"Never allow a serious crises go to waste"

American companies sitting on 2 trillion dollars in capital is why the jobs have appeared.

"American companies sitting on 2 trillion dollars in capital" are doing so because the government is inconsistent with its policies. Let them pass a budget (on time) and put some regulations into effect for decades instead of threatening companies with tightening regulations every 2 or 3 years. Why build (a facility with the lifespan of 40+ years) when the government will shut you down for non-compliance in 3-5 years? It would be like telling the middle class to build a new house, and then, just 'know' in 5 years, the house will be condemned for "new" standards. It does not make sense to invest in something the government is threatening to make worthless, shortly after you "invest".
Yanno......considering that GE paid NO INCOME TAX FOR 2010, AS WELL AS GOT A 3.5 BILLION DOLLAR TAX CREDIT, I'd say that maybe the corporations need to be taxed a bit more.

I mean, what are they doing with that money? The sure as fuck ain't creating jobs.

GE runs Obama. They probably got a big chunk of the stimulus too. This is how the President does business: if you give him money, the laws do not apply to you. If you do not give him money (or enough money) and you have it, he will use his office to "rob" you. It is just surprising that those that claim to hate authority and abuse of power squeeze their eyes shut tight whenever this man operates. Last Presidency, the lefties were screaming it was all about the oil. This time when the President bombs Lybia, gives billions to Brazil for drilling oil, the lefties are silent. Learn it, it is about MONEY. Oil is MONEY. The President does not care about the middle class (other than using them for tax revenues). He can get the government dependents (the "poor") to vote whatever he wants into office or law. It is about power that is fueled by MONEY. The lefties are just his pawns (read disposable) to take the liberty and freedom of those that produce (middle class and business people). Just keep supporting him, remember, you like him.
The ground work Obama is laying is Marxist, and to be honest he has not tried hard to hide it. Obama took a budget that was doing the jobs and has added 3 trillion dollars of debt to it in 2 years
Higher taxes are not if, its when
Add gas. Like I said states collect sales tax on fuel as a %. do not under estimate how much Obama's green policy along with not allowing any drilling or oil shale exploration/extraction is a deliberate maneuver to put the middle class to the level in which they become part of the impoverished, to become wholly or partially Dependant on BHO inc.
Health-care becomes socialized, single payer system
Fuel is rationed and price is controlled
wealth is redistributed more than it is now
work weeks become 35 hours long
pick up trucks will be replaced by Chevy volts and your home will have white roof with solar panels on top.

Obama gave the UAW 50 billion dollars without asking the tax payer
Obama/Pelosi/Reid rammed Obama care down the congresses throat with 60% of the people against it
what happened to the stimulus money/ the tax cuts where welcomed, but what happened to the cash?
Why did GWB use a stimulus to give the tax payer back some wealth and Obama decided who and what he would stimulate?
Think about that a minute

Actually.......it's the GOP dirtbags in the Congress who are trying to give tax breaks to corporations and the top 2 percent of the wealthy, while paying for it on the backs of the common workers and labor unions.

Oh yeah.......don't forget the poor.......they have to pay their fair share too, right?

The only things that tax breaks for the wealthy do is give them more money to invest in Wall St. For every dollar you give to the uber rich, you get back 1.03 on the economy (they invest, not create jobs). If you give that same dollar to those on unemployment, welfare and tax breaks for the middle class down? It generates 1.63 for the economy.

Surely even you stupid capitalists can understand that.

"Investing": giving money to people/companies starting out or wanting to expand, hopefully for the return of the money with interest. Other words: that equals creating jobs, ......

The liberal mind needs a overhaul
Tax breaks?
BHO signed into law the same "tax breaks" or tax "rates" that GWB put into law as I recall 2003
Paying 35% of ones income is not a break
And where did you get those numbers? and what are they suppose to mean?
have you ever heard of capital gains?
If you make profit, you get taxed
if you increase you wealth or GAINS ON YOUR CAPITAL" you get taxed
The ground work Obama is laying is Marxist, and to be honest he has not tried hard to hide it. Obama took a budget that was doing the jobs and has added 3 trillion dollars of debt to it in 2 years
Higher taxes are not if, its when
Add gas. Like I said states collect sales tax on fuel as a %. do not under estimate how much Obama's green policy along with not allowing any drilling or oil shale exploration/extraction is a deliberate maneuver to put the middle class to the level in which they become part of the impoverished, to become wholly or partially Dependant on BHO inc.
Health-care becomes socialized, single payer system
Fuel is rationed and price is controlled
wealth is redistributed more than it is now
work weeks become 35 hours long
pick up trucks will be replaced by Chevy volts and your home will have white roof with solar panels on top.

Obama gave the UAW 50 billion dollars without asking the tax payer
Obama/Pelosi/Reid rammed Obama care down the congresses throat with 60% of the people against it
what happened to the stimulus money/ the tax cuts where welcomed, but what happened to the cash?
Why did GWB use a stimulus to give the tax payer back some wealth and Obama decided who and what he would stimulate?
Think about that a minute

Actually.......it's the GOP dirtbags in the Congress who are trying to give tax breaks to corporations and the top 2 percent of the wealthy, while paying for it on the backs of the common workers and labor unions.

Oh yeah.......don't forget the poor.......they have to pay their fair share too, right?

The only things that tax breaks for the wealthy do is give them more money to invest in Wall St. For every dollar you give to the uber rich, you get back 1.03 on the economy (they invest, not create jobs). If you give that same dollar to those on unemployment, welfare and tax breaks for the middle class down? It generates 1.63 for the economy.

Surely even you stupid capitalists can understand that.

"Investing": giving money to people/companies starting out or wanting to expand, hopefully for the return of the money with interest. Other words: that equals creating jobs, ......

Investing in Wall St. doesn't create jobs. Neither does letting corporations here in the US ship our jobs over to China and India.

By the way......since the GOP is so concerned with jobs (according to Boehner before the election), why is it that they have done EVERYTHING ELSE other than job creation?

Oh yeah...........I know why.........they want Obama to be a 1 term president so they can sell us all out to the big business' and the wealthy.

Slavery is gonna make a comeback I fear, but this time, it's not whites owning blacks, it's gonna be the haves owning the have nots.
Actually.......it's the GOP dirtbags in the Congress who are trying to give tax breaks to corporations and the top 2 percent of the wealthy, while paying for it on the backs of the common workers and labor unions.

Oh yeah.......don't forget the poor.......they have to pay their fair share too, right?

The only things that tax breaks for the wealthy do is give them more money to invest in Wall St. For every dollar you give to the uber rich, you get back 1.03 on the economy (they invest, not create jobs). If you give that same dollar to those on unemployment, welfare and tax breaks for the middle class down? It generates 1.63 for the economy.

Surely even you stupid capitalists can understand that.

"Investing": giving money to people/companies starting out or wanting to expand, hopefully for the return of the money with interest. Other words: that equals creating jobs, ......

Investing in Wall St. doesn't create jobs. Neither does letting corporations here in the US ship our jobs over to China and India.

By the way......since the GOP is so concerned with jobs (according to Boehner before the election), why is it that they have done EVERYTHING ELSE other than job creation?

Oh yeah...........I know why.........they want Obama to be a 1 term president so they can sell us all out to the big business' and the wealthy.

Slavery is gonna make a comeback I fear, but this time, it's not whites owning blacks, it's gonna be the haves owning the have nots.

Investing in wall street does not create jobs?
I do not even know what to say there
go to Florida and ask how many retirees have paid for there retirement with a 401K or any kind of wall street investment
And my company has been funded by my stocks more than once

Job Creation? The GOP is pro drill, I will leave that there for now

BHO is going to be a term president because he is failing, and I mean allot
The have nots do own the haves.
Where at about 50% with Medicare and medicate
Look I make 75,000 a year (about that in taxable income)
I end up with about 50 of it after all the taxes I pay

How much more you want?
Considering that progressive economic policies created the greatest peace time economic expansion in the history of the world, only and idiot would conclude that these policies would cause poverty to trickle up.
Actually.......it's the GOP dirtbags in the Congress who are trying to give tax breaks to corporations and the top 2 percent of the wealthy, while paying for it on the backs of the common workers and labor unions.

Oh yeah.......don't forget the poor.......they have to pay their fair share too, right?

The only things that tax breaks for the wealthy do is give them more money to invest in Wall St. For every dollar you give to the uber rich, you get back 1.03 on the economy (they invest, not create jobs). If you give that same dollar to those on unemployment, welfare and tax breaks for the middle class down? It generates 1.63 for the economy.

Surely even you stupid capitalists can understand that.

"Investing": giving money to people/companies starting out or wanting to expand, hopefully for the return of the money with interest. Other words: that equals creating jobs, ......

Investing in Wall St. doesn't create jobs. Neither does letting corporations here in the US ship our jobs over to China and India.

By the way......since the GOP is so concerned with jobs (according to Boehner before the election), why is it that they have done EVERYTHING ELSE other than job creation?

Oh yeah...........I know why.........they want Obama to be a 1 term president so they can sell us all out to the big business' and the wealthy.

Slavery is gonna make a comeback I fear, but this time, it's not whites owning blacks, it's gonna be the haves owning the have nots.

Where do you think the "invested" money goes (with the exception of the Bernie Madoffs)?
Considering that progressive economic policies created the greatest peace time economic expansion in the history of the world, only and idiot would conclude that these policies would cause poverty to trickle up.

That is a great statement. It discounts all the "little" people that worked to produce in hopes of making wealth (and many, many did). Thought you "progressives" were all about the "little people", now it appears you make a statement and it just happens.
Considering that progressive economic policies created the greatest peace time economic expansion in the history of the world, only and idiot would conclude that these policies would cause poverty to trickle up.

That is a great statement. It discounts all the "little" people that worked to produce in hopes of making wealth (and many, many did). Thought you "progressives" were all about the "little people", now it appears you make a statement and it just happens.

If we look at the results of over 1 trillion dollars of deficit spending stimulus in 2009, what would you call what Obama is doing?
I mean if we invest that much wealth with the results he has to show for it along with a tax increase forth coming no matter who the president is now
what would anyone call what Obama is doing?

We have created 40 million jobs sense Reagan went to the white house
in 2 years Obama has had about 2 million of those go away
are you guys still bitching about the money spent by the 111th ? don't forget about the omnibus bill that got shot down... it's never ending and now there is matching hawkishness.
Like I've said before........spend a buck on the rich and you get back 1.03 into the economy.

Spend a buck on the middle and lower class? The economy receives 1.63 back.

It's simple math........really........

Come 2016 the policies set forth by BHO will have peoples pay checks de valued so much, many will be headed towards poverty
I am not kidding
It his intent
The more you get to depend on his kind of economy, an economy that collects my wealth and gives it to others, the more "others" that exist, the more he feels will support there agenda
Its a classic Marxist agenda.

The Rich thrive as long as the middle class survives. Taxes that are forth coming to pay for this "blame Bush" deficit and "blame Bush recession" along with the cost of Obama care and much higher gas pricing will and is as we speak destroying the middle man.

Not by accident

"never allow a serious crises to go to waste"

helping Brazil drill baby drill while this country keep millions without work and trillions in wealth locked down.
The opening of shale oil exploration along with oil exploration and drilling on public lands along with the expansion of new refineries and power producing stations does more for the working class than 10 of Obama "slush fund" Stimuluses

"Never allow a serious crises go to waste"
It is exactly what they want, you and me to depend on them, socialists. But the idiot left don't see it, they are blind or stupid.
We al know where that poverty is coming from. It is the decisions we have made over the last 30 years to grow the economy by throwing money at the wealthy

Still looking for that trickle down effect
Poverty comes from the gov't. poliies creating a socialist society, aka, obamaturd.

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