Obamacare: unquestionably the worst disaster in U.S. healthcare history


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Heritage Foundation investigative reporter Lachlan Markay wrote a story recently that got people upset. The IRS recently ruled that some of the common devices used in veterinary offices will be hit be hit by Obamacare’s 2.3 percent device tax. In response, many of the manufacturers are expected to raise their prices, which will raise pet care costs for concerned owners.

A survey in January 2012 showed that more than half of 181 manufactures of medical devices said they would pass some or all of the tax on to their customers. Among manufacturers here in North America, that number was even higher–58 percent. According to the American Pet Products Association, Americans spent over $13.5 billion on veterinary care in 2012. This could rise under Obamacare.

The tax will not affect veterinary equipment that is used exclusively for treating animals. However, several medical devices are used in both doctors and veterinary offices, and these are subject to the tax.

Fluffy and Fido May Have to Pay for Obamacare Too | myHeritage
The Heritage Foundation is a group of bullshit regurgitating Neo-cons whose only purpose is to shovel garbage into the minds of tea partiers. You can be assured that any stats or facts that they release have been massaged as much as possible to make it seem like they have a point.
The Heritage Foundation is a group of bullshit regurgitating Neo-cons whose only purpose is to shovel garbage into the minds of tea partiers. You can be assured that any stats or facts that they release have been massaged as much as possible to make it seem like they have a point.

You don't even know who or what the Heritage Foundation is - you never even heard of it before this post. You're just a typical dumbocrat parasite who wants free shit because he's too fuck'n lazy to earn his own way through life.
The Heritage Foundation is a group of bullshit regurgitating Neo-cons whose only purpose is to shovel garbage into the minds of tea partiers. You can be assured that any stats or facts that they release have been massaged as much as possible to make it seem like they have a point.

You don't even know who or what the Heritage Foundation is - you never even heard of it before this post. You're just a typical dumbocrat parasite who wants free shit because he's too fuck'n lazy to earn his own way through life.

I've known about that organization for years. Using them as a source is the equivalent of me quoting Emily's List to say abortion does something like cure cancer. It's no coincidence that so many big name conservative talk radio hosts, whose jobs are also to shovel diarrhea into tea partier minds, are affiliated with them.
2.3% tax? GET A GRIP...Pub dupes!

I love how you're such an ignorant, partisan HACK that you act like one 2.3% ta is all that exists in the world, and that's all that conservatives are complaining about.

First of all, you uneducated dumbocrat, the fact that Obama and his cronies had to hide shit like this in the bill so other ignorant dumbocrats in Congress would support it is deplorable.

Second, this hidden tax is on top of the endless nation collapsing, greedy taxes of you assholes. Pay roll taxes, city taxes, county taxes, state taxes, property tax, sales tax.

You sound so fuck'n stupid, I'm actually embarrassed for you.
The Heritage Foundation is a group of bullshit regurgitating Neo-cons whose only purpose is to shovel garbage into the minds of tea partiers. You can be assured that any stats or facts that they release have been massaged as much as possible to make it seem like they have a point.

Heritage foundation with people like Coors, the Koch's and Paul Weyrich. Remember Weyrich's famous "I don't want everybody to vote". You'd think that some of these right wing posters would look into the backgrounds of the groups providing them all their information.
The Heritage Foundation is a group of bullshit regurgitating Neo-cons whose only purpose is to shovel garbage into the minds of tea partiers. You can be assured that any stats or facts that they release have been massaged as much as possible to make it seem like they have a point.

You don't even know who or what the Heritage Foundation is - you never even heard of it before this post. You're just a typical dumbocrat parasite who wants free shit because he's too fuck'n lazy to earn his own way through life.

I've known about that organization for years. Using them as a source is the equivalent of me quoting Emily's List to say abortion does something like cure cancer. It's no coincidence that so many big name conservative talk radio hosts, whose jobs are also to shovel diarrhea into tea partier minds, are affiliated with them.

You don't even know who or what the Heritage Foundation is - you never even heard of it before this post. You're just a typical dumbocrat parasite who wants free shit because he's too fuck'n lazy to earn his own way through life. They do research which is 100% accurate, and that's what pisses your little parasite ass off... :)
The Heritage Foundation is a group of bullshit regurgitating Neo-cons whose only purpose is to shovel garbage into the minds of tea partiers. You can be assured that any stats or facts that they release have been massaged as much as possible to make it seem like they have a point.

You don't even know who or what the Heritage Foundation is - you never even heard of it before this post. You're just a typical dumbocrat parasite who wants free shit because he's too fuck'n lazy to earn his own way through life.

Anybody that follows politics has heard of the Heritage foundation. Do you get paid for posting this dribble of yours?
The Heritage Foundation is a group of bullshit regurgitating Neo-cons whose only purpose is to shovel garbage into the minds of tea partiers. You can be assured that any stats or facts that they release have been massaged as much as possible to make it seem like they have a point.

Heritage foundation with people like Coors, the Koch's and Paul Weyrich. Remember Weyrich's famous "I don't want everybody to vote". You'd think that some of these right wing posters would look into the backgrounds of the groups providing them all their information.

Oh, you mean one lunatic from the 1970's who hasn't been with the organization for over 30 years?!? :cuckoo:
The Heritage Foundation is a group of bullshit regurgitating Neo-cons whose only purpose is to shovel garbage into the minds of tea partiers. You can be assured that any stats or facts that they release have been massaged as much as possible to make it seem like they have a point.

You don't even know who or what the Heritage Foundation is - you never even heard of it before this post. You're just a typical dumbocrat parasite who wants free shit because he's too fuck'n lazy to earn his own way through life.

Anybody that follows politics has heard of the Heritage foundation. Do you get paid for posting this dribble of yours?


It's DRIVEL you ignorant, uneducated, high school drop out. Dribble is something a basketball player does.... :lol:
You don't even know who or what the Heritage Foundation is - you never even heard of it before this post. You're just a typical dumbocrat parasite who wants free shit because he's too fuck'n lazy to earn his own way through life.

I've known about that organization for years. Using them as a source is the equivalent of me quoting Emily's List to say abortion does something like cure cancer. It's no coincidence that so many big name conservative talk radio hosts, whose jobs are also to shovel diarrhea into tea partier minds, are affiliated with them.

You don't even know who or what the Heritage Foundation is - you never even heard of it before this post. You're just a typical dumbocrat parasite who wants free shit because he's too fuck'n lazy to earn his own way through life. They do research which is 100% accurate, and that's what pisses your little parasite ass off... :)

Lol. Fine, then by that logic Michael Moore's documentaries are 100% accurate too.

The Repubic hair party should keep on listening to the Heritage Foundation and other super right wing propaganda machines. They're so much smarter than everyone else.

How'd that work out for you this last election?
The Heritage Foundation is a group of bullshit regurgitating Neo-cons whose only purpose is to shovel garbage into the minds of tea partiers. You can be assured that any stats or facts that they release have been massaged as much as possible to make it seem like they have a point.

Heritage foundation with people like Coors, the Koch's and Paul Weyrich. Remember Weyrich's famous "I don't want everybody to vote". You'd think that some of these right wing posters would look into the backgrounds of the groups providing them all their information.

Oh, you mean one lunatic from the 1970's who hasn't been with the organization for over 30 years?!? :cuckoo:

You didn't answer my question, do you get paid for posting this dribble of yours? Is that a picture of your wife there? Is that why you're complaining about the veterinarian costs going up under Obamacare?
When I first came to the board some idiot liberal tried to show how Obamatax wasn't the biggest in history. Using the numbers supplied by the liberal I showed him/her exactly how it was the biggest. Although it was spelled out so a 5 year old could understand surprisingly she/he never said thanks for clarifying.

But it does not matter the poster probably never really looked at the numbers because to do so would mean they became informed. And let's face it being uninformed is a liberal goal.
I've known about that organization for years. Using them as a source is the equivalent of me quoting Emily's List to say abortion does something like cure cancer. It's no coincidence that so many big name conservative talk radio hosts, whose jobs are also to shovel diarrhea into tea partier minds, are affiliated with them.

You don't even know who or what the Heritage Foundation is - you never even heard of it before this post. You're just a typical dumbocrat parasite who wants free shit because he's too fuck'n lazy to earn his own way through life. They do research which is 100% accurate, and that's what pisses your little parasite ass off... :)

Lol. Fine, then by that logic Michael Moore's documentaries are 100% accurate too.

The Repubic hair party should keep on listening to the Heritage Foundation and other super right wing propaganda machines. They're so much smarter than everyone else.

How'd that work out for you this last election?

With the educated portion of the population, it turned out wonderfully. Unfortunately, we have a nation full of people like you and her...

[ame=http://youtu.be/tpAOwJvTOio]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

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