Obamacare Signing Up Illegals

now the lair is getting even more radical ...how can you take 25 to a 100 calls a day when he's here all the time ragging about obama care ... this guy puts his foot in his mouth every time he post ... what a fool he's making of himself ... antares if your going to lie to us at least try and make it look like your credible ...that's even funnier ... the average call is 15 min... which if he did a 100 calls that means he was on the phone for 25 hours ...really antares ??? you want to go with that one ??? you know, every time antares sign them up he get 5 grand ... at leas thats what he said ... that means, why he's making 125,000 dollars a day .... no wonder he's here all the time ... antares works one day then rags the other 29 days here about how health care is so bad ... doesn't seem too bad for him ... could it be true ??? he's one lying repub-LIE-tard bastard??? could that be it ??? you make a fool of yourself every time you post, paid poster

God you are stupid billy boi.

How would you know what an "average" call is?

Now I just feel sorry for you because you really are a stupid as I thought you were.

I see you realize how moronic you sound ... now that you just been outed by m,e once again, as the boards biggest liar ... you said you take 25 to a 100 calls a day ... then when confronted about it, you Claim you took 5 calls a day .... then told us you make 5000 dollars per call ... now you're tap dance here about that lie too... trying to save face Antares ??? you too funny...:lol::lol::lol: ... mean time you said you working day in and day out but you're here all the time ... so which is it antares ??? 25 to a 100 calls a day ??? working day in and day out ??? or are you just another republican liar ... here's a Idea ...let the board decide what and who you are I already know ... you're a paid poster from BCBS because they are losing people by the hand full... are ya going to try and counter this post too, by oh calling me.OHHHH, something like A poopie head ??? or something clever like that ...

You are to stupid to even understand that you don't understand anything you read....geeezus kid....no wonder you are on welfare.
Only a fool thinks that a program that passed in 09', was signed into law 2010, and has changed over 32 times, and had to push back the damaging effects of it till after th 2016 election is a good law.

Well a fool or a Democrat.
By using Mexican consulates to sign up folks to fill out it's numbers, the administration is happy to report that they have reached 6 million enrollees. Illegal immigrants line up at consulates across country for 'DREAM'-er applications | Fox News

Young illegal immigrants are lining up by the thousands at consulates across the country to take advantage of the Obama administration program allowing them to apply for a two-year reprieve from deportation.

As many as 1.8 million undocumented immigrants could be eligible for the program, which kicked off Wednesday. Under the new rules, applicants can fill out a six-page form, pay a $465 fee and submit documents proving their identity in order to qualify.

Immigration officials say the documents will be closely scrutinized, given the potential for fraud, but there is no uniform standard. Applicants are supposed to show they arrived in the U.S. before they were 16, and that they're enrolled in school or vocational training, or have a high school degree.

The lines began forming on Tuesday, as illegal immigrants tried to get a leg up in seeking their passport applications.

"We are waiting for our passports. We want to get our passport because Obama might be asking for them," applicant Kristi Alarcon told MyFoxHouston, as she stood in line outside Houston's Mexican consulate.

That is what the Covered California website explains to illegals. They also make sure to let illegals know that none of the information given for healthcare will be shared with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Another lamebrain idea from America’s brain-dead president, whom the Left deem a GENIUS!

According to Bloomberg, ObamaCare isn’t attracting the Latinos, so this latest move by Obama appears to be another desperation move. I predict a “Hail Mary” soon, when ObamaCare offers a voucher for Taco Bell or some other such nonsense.

What an insult to Mexican nationals. Does Obama think they are stupid enough to sign up for what they get that is already free?

So they can get a bill they either can’t or won’t pay.

ObamaCare needs big numbers, and they could not care less where they get them. If it means burning the Constitution and the American taxpayers, for Obama that’s a small price to pay for his “legacy.”

Read more at ObamaCare signing up illegals - The Black Sphere

Obama promises that information gained from the site can be used by I.C.E.

Obama says if you are "legally present" in this country, and he decides who is here legally, you can sign up. That means he's signing up illegals. He simply ignores the law.

Obama Promises Illegals: ObamaCare Sign-Up Info Won't Be Used to Deport You - YouTube

I can't believe so many of you dummies fell for this. Faux Noise propaganda at its worst.

You know what? Ten years from now people will be wondering why the fuck there was so much fearmongering over the ACA. They'll also be wondering why people were stupid enough to believe anything they heard on Faux noise.

It's not really funny but Obama and Democrat leaders lie without repercussions from their dependent subjects .. yet Democrats have the nerve and stupidity to judge others..It would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic...

@Lumpy, and [MENTION=35910]william[/MENTION] th' Wie that thanked him:

It's true that everyone tells a lie every now and again. But the right wing media lies about EVERYTHING.


Look, it's stupid to be like a sheep in a pen, letting others make your decisions for you. It's stupid to adhere to a fantasy just because the fantasy is more appealing than reality.

Look through ALL of the assorted media (including foreign sources.) You'll find conflicting reports at first, but over time you'll learn which ones gave you the most accurate facts and which ones made stuff up out of thin air.

In the meantime, you're not wise enough to argue with me. Without facts your words are a waste of bandwidth.
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I can't believe so many of you dummies fell for this. Faux Noise propaganda at its worst.

You know what? Ten years from now people will be wondering why the fuck there was so much fearmongering over the ACA. They'll also be wondering why people were stupid enough to believe anything they heard on Faux noise.

It's not really funny but Obama and Democrat leaders lie without repercussions from their dependent subjects .. yet Democrats have the nerve and stupidity to judge others..It would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic...

@Lumpy, and [MENTION=35910]william[/MENTION] th' Wie that thanked him:

It's true that everyone tells a lie every now and again. But the right wing media lies about EVERYTHING.


Look, it's stupid to be like a sheep in a pen, letting others make your decisions for you. It's stupid to adhere to a fantasy just because the fantasy is more appealing than reality.

Look through ALL of the assorted media (including foreign sources.) You'll find conflicting reports at first, but over time you'll learn which ones gave you the most accurate facts and which ones made stuff up out of thin air.

In the meantime, you're not wise enough to argue with me. Without facts your words are a waste of bandwidth.

:lol:..thought so, no real goods to offer up, perhaps someone will do it for you...moving along.
I can't believe so many of you dummies fell for this. Faux Noise propaganda at its worst.

You know what? Ten years from now people will be wondering why the fuck there was so much fearmongering over the ACA. They'll also be wondering why people were stupid enough to believe anything they heard on Faux noise.

It's not really funny but Obama and Democrat leaders lie without repercussions from their dependent subjects .. yet Democrats have the nerve and stupidity to judge others..It would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic...

@Lumpy, and [MENTION=35910]william[/MENTION] th' Wie that thanked him:

It's true that everyone tells a lie every now and again. But the right wing media lies about EVERYTHING.


Look, it's stupid to be like a sheep in a pen, letting others make your decisions for you. It's stupid to adhere to a fantasy just because the fantasy is more appealing than reality.

Look through ALL of the assorted media (including foreign sources.) You'll find conflicting reports at first, but over time you'll learn which ones gave you the most accurate facts and which ones made stuff up out of thin air.

In the meantime, you're not wise enough to argue with me. Without facts your words are a waste of bandwidth.

With this administration it's easy to give in to all of the lies.

How is it Obama always finds a way to do the impossible. It took almost 7 months to sign up 5 million, yet somehow he's able to figure out a way to sign up 2 million in a week. Not a month, but a week. The last couple of days the site was crashed. Nobody could sign up. Then it was discovered that they were signing up people that shouldn't be signing up. Signing up illegals that Obama decided he was going to allow to be here without the approval of Congress. Hey, he's got a pen. He's got a phone.

They can't tell us how many are in the magic age group of 26-32. The people that they needed to make this system work. Well, if you're signing up illegals that coincidentally fall in that age group, it's not a problem. How many of these people will actually stay insured a few months down the road when they begin paying their premiums, we'll never know. Many of these kids don't have jobs. Where are they going to get the money to afford the extra expense? Many of them thought they were applying for passports so they could stay in the country legally. Signing up for health care must have seemed like a bonus to them.

The administration wants us to believe that they've actually signed up 7.1 people, but an independent Rand survey says that they've only signed up a little over 800,000 of the uninsured. Supposedly, they say that there are over 40 million Americans that have no health insurance, so 800,000 isn't much if you really look at it. If you noticed, Kathleen Sebelius wasn't even there, or even mentioned when Obama very publically started patting himself on the back. What does that tell you?


Some say this is only the first wave. Yup. The mandates were pushed back till 2016 just so the damaging effects of the ACA wouldn't effect Democrat's chances in the next two elections. The next wave starts when the mandates finally kick in. Millions more will be getting their cancellation letters, and millions more will discover the truth after Obama is history. He'll be in retirement, living in Hawaii. Obama isn't signing up old uninsured but the newly uninsured that his Affordable Care Act will make uninsured.

Obama thinks this made up number is going to pull his butt out of the dregs his signature piece of legislation put him in. It was predicted that the Dems would lose as many as 11 seats and the balance of power would shift. Talks of impeachment looming on the horizon. Small wonder that Obama claims he reached his goal. His future depended on it. Once he's gone from the White House there's nothing to stop anyone from actually investigating all of the crimes he's committed. Maybe if he can keep the Senate he won't become completely isolated, indicted, or maybe even incarcerated. The level of corruption won't be revealed for at least another 3 years.

This was only the first salvo in the war against truth by Democrats in the run-up to the midterms. Nobody can prove one way or another if their numbers are true. The system wasn't set up for a president that's this dishonest. Maybe if the media started doing their job we could find out, but what are the chances of that.

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