Obamacare premiums to jump..as we told you they would...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
obamacare was,designed to destroy private insurance to force us into single payer/ government run healthcare.....and it is moving along nicely....premiums are going to go up...as designed....and people will now cry out for more government to fix the problem government created....

Obamacare Insurance Premiums to Jump by up to 51
A word of advice...you will accomplish absolutely nothing making a thread where Breitbart is the source. None. Nada, Zip.
My advice...is to link the source of the Bretbart article....this one --> Health Insurers Seek Hefty Rate Boosts - WSJ

What you will see in this thread is the left attacking Breitbart rather than discussing the reality of states raising Obamacare.
A word of advice...you will accomplish absolutely nothing making a thread where Breitbart is the source. None. Nada, Zip.
My advice...is to link the source of the Bretbart article....this one --> Health Insurers Seek Hefty Rate Boosts - WSJ

What you will see in this thread is the left attacking Breitbart rather than discussing the reality of states raising Obamacare.

The reasons for the proposed rate hikes, which vary by state and insurer, come down to two issues: sicker patients and higher costs for pharmaceuticals, such as the expensive hepatitis C treatment Sovaldi...

Still, not every state will be facing hefty increases. The top insurer in Vermont, for instance, is asking for an 8.4 percent increase, while Maine's top carrier is proposing to keep rates flat.

Some Obamacare insurers want massive premium hikes - CBS News
A word of advice...you will accomplish absolutely nothing making a thread where Breitbart is the source. None. Nada, Zip.
My advice...is to link the source of the Bretbart article....this one --> Health Insurers Seek Hefty Rate Boosts - WSJ

What you will see in this thread is the left attacking Breitbart rather than discussing the reality of states raising Obamacare.

I don't care....the left are assholes who hate the truth...Breitbart is a good source, as you point out they link from other sites....I am not going to let the left dictate what is or isn't a good source for information. They also hate Fox News.....they want people to stop posting from their...they hate the WSJ, they want you to stop posting from their.....giving in to each little effort they make to limit what you post and how you post is what they do to push their beliefs......fuck them........

Normal people will see Breitbart as the source, and then see the actual information somewhere else and they will realize that Breitbart is a real source since as you point out they are linking from other news sources...that is how people will come to realize the left is full of shit.......

So thanks, I know you mean well, but the lefties don't....they want to silence anyone who disagrees with them and again....fuck them.....
The 2014 health spending share of national GDP came in at 17.8%, up from 16.0% when President Obama took office.

Healthcare insurance rates have been eating up the Middle Class's expendable income for years and before Obamacare was even an idea.
Personally, I'm not a lover of the mandate part of Obamacare, but something has to be done.
The US does not have the best healthcare in the world. We have been told that the US healthcare is the best in the world by the healthcare industry and their bought and paid for politicians. Yet study after study contradicts this propaganda.
In Minnesota, the increase was a paltry 4.5%
4.5 average hike in 2015 MNsure health plan rates Minnesota Public Radio News
Minnesota has the lowest healthcare insurance rates in the country and also the best healthcare in the country. It is also consistently in the top 5 of the healthiest states. Thus the consistent cheap costs of healthcare insurance.
A lot of people in Minnesota must take Michelle Obama seriously. :2up:

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