"Obamacare Nightmare 2015" - coming soon in a meeting/mailbox near you.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Our letter arrived yesterday....Our insurance will go up $320 per month for everyone who has a spouse on the plan, and is able to get insurance at their employer. Obviously since there is no way in hell you can get single coverage health insurance for $320 a month - everyone will be forced to pay it.

#2 - My neighbor came over last night, furious...they had a company meeting yesterday about health insurance. The company said they had no choice but to significantly increase the employee burden of their plan.
His insurance will go up $117 per pay period - $234 a month.

More to come.....
I received notification that my insurance premiums will remain exactly the same for 2015 while my coverage will be increased.
My plan went up last year, and I expect to see it again this year. Someone has to pay for the lazy deadbeats to go to the movies, have a cell phone, and a nice car. Don't worry about your healthcare, we got you covered there.

Too bad you are only interested in your fear mongering partisan agenda rather that the facts and reality.

Employer-sponsored plans may see modest increase in 2015

Employer-sponsored plans may see modest increase in 2015

The cost of premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance plans is holding steady, according to a report released this week.

For 2014, the average annual premium was $6,025 for coverage of a single person. That’s about a 2.3 percent increase from the 2013 cost of $5,884.

Health care consulting firm Mercer, meanwhile, released a report Thursday that predicts that the per-employee benefit cost will increase by an average of 3.9 percent in 2015. The report also says that 73 percent of employers will offer a low-cost consumer-directed plan.

Since my employer self-insures they have been able to manage to contain their costs by providing greater incentives for better health. Regular physicals plus incentives to join gyms together with health counseling are proving to be a very effective means to keep costs under control.

Since this methodology actually works it will be adopted by other employers soon enough. By 2016 you will no longer be able to use Obamacare as a stick to drive your partisan agenda. Notice how few of your candidates are using it already in 2014.

In all likelihood the right will be claiming credit for Obamacare by 2016.
Too bad you are only interested in your fear mongering partisan agenda rather that the facts and reality.

Employer-sponsored plans may see modest increase in 2015

Employer-sponsored plans may see modest increase in 2015

The cost of premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance plans is holding steady, according to a report released this week.

For 2014, the average annual premium was $6,025 for coverage of a single person. That’s about a 2.3 percent increase from the 2013 cost of $5,884.

Health care consulting firm Mercer, meanwhile, released a report Thursday that predicts that the per-employee benefit cost will increase by an average of 3.9 percent in 2015. The report also says that 73 percent of employers will offer a low-cost consumer-directed plan.

Since my employer self-insures they have been able to manage to contain their costs by providing greater incentives for better health. Regular physicals plus incentives to join gyms together with health counseling are proving to be a very effective means to keep costs under control.

Since this methodology actually works it will be adopted by other employers soon enough. By 2016 you will no longer be able to use Obamacare as a stick to drive your partisan agenda. Notice how few of your candidates are using it already in 2014.

In all likelihood the right will be claiming credit for Obamacare by 2016.

I don't see why they wouldn't take credit, they were part of the charade which is why I am no longer a pub. That and the debt ceiling

Too bad you are only interested in your fear mongering partisan agenda rather that the facts and reality.

Employer-sponsored plans may see modest increase in 2015

Employer-sponsored plans may see modest increase in 2015

The cost of premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance plans is holding steady, according to a report released this week.

For 2014, the average annual premium was $6,025 for coverage of a single person. That’s about a 2.3 percent increase from the 2013 cost of $5,884.

Health care consulting firm Mercer, meanwhile, released a report Thursday that predicts that the per-employee benefit cost will increase by an average of 3.9 percent in 2015. The report also says that 73 percent of employers will offer a low-cost consumer-directed plan.

Since my employer self-insures they have been able to manage to contain their costs by providing greater incentives for better health. Regular physicals plus incentives to join gyms together with health counseling are proving to be a very effective means to keep costs under control.

Since this methodology actually works it will be adopted by other employers soon enough. By 2016 you will no longer be able to use Obamacare as a stick to drive your partisan agenda. Notice how few of your candidates are using it already in 2014.

In all likelihood the right will be claiming credit for Obamacare by 2016.

I hope you are kidding? None of these reports are worth their weight in snow in Alaska.
You understand there was an employer mandate delay? And cancellation delays,,and about another dozen delays. Everything that bad about ACA was delayed. For obvious reasons.
The delays are just now coming due.
Come back to this thread in 6 months and let's see how well these pipe dream reports stood up against what will actually happen. Unless of course Obama delays everything again to get past elections - again.
This thing you people supported is now coming to bite you in the ass. In a way you all deserve it who voted for Obama


Not a conspiracy anymore: The left cheers as employers scale back health coverage
posted at 2:41 pm on October 8, 2014 by Noah Rothman
Even before the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, its conservative critics warned of the perverse incentive contained within the law which could prompt employers to reduce the health benefits they offered to some of their employees.
“Because of the magnitude of the new subsidies created by Congress, the economics become compelling for many employers to simply drop coverage and help their employees obtain replacement coverage through an exchange,” former Tennessee Gov. Philip Bredesen warned in a 2010 op-ed in The Wall Street Journal.
“Providing incentives for employers to dump their employees into the exchanges is simply shifting the cost burden to taxpayers,” The Daily Signal’s Alyene Senger cautioned less than two years later. “Whatever the employer-dumping study du jour says, it’s not good for Americans who want to keep their employer-sponsored coverage in the new Obamacare era.”
Citing prominent Democrats like Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), who told a Nevada media outlet that the ACA was a way in which the country could begin to “work our way past” the private insurance model, some conservatives charged that Obamacare was designed to kick start the process of dismantling the system of employer-based insurance.
The law’s backers predictably dismissed the concerns of these and other Obamacare critics. Some derided their criticisms charitably as reflective merely of a misunderstanding of basic capitalist incentive structures. Others, who were perhaps less inclined toward charity, derided Obamacare’s Cassandras as mere kooks and conspiracy theorists.
Citing a Modern Healthcare survey of employers in March, 2013, Think Progress blogger Sy Mukherjee observed that only 6 percent of employer respondents planned to transition their employees away from sponsored health coverage. “That assessment stands in stark contrast to some Obamacare opponents’ more outlandish claims,” he wrote. “[C]onversations about Obamacare tend to devolve into varying degrees of hysteria and fear-mongering that aren’t based in the reality of what the reform law will do.”
Vox.com founder and former flagship blogger for The Washington Post’s Wonkblog, Ezra Klein, has been perhaps the most prolific author of pieces dismissing the concerns of those who suggest large employers would scale back health benefits.
“Employers offer health insurance because employees demand it,” Klein wrote in the spring of 2013. “If you’re an employer who doesn’t offer insurance and your competitors do, you’ll lose out on the most talented workers. An employer who stopped offering health benefits would see his best employees immediately start looking for other jobs.”

all of it here:
Not a conspiracy anymore The left cheers as employers scale back health coverage Hot Air
Our letter arrived yesterday....Our insurance will go up $320 per month for everyone who has a spouse on the plan, and is able to get insurance at their employer. Obviously since there is no way in hell you can get single coverage health insurance for $320 a month - everyone will be forced to pay it.

#2 - My neighbor came over last night, furious...they had a company meeting yesterday about health insurance. The company said they had no choice but to significantly increase the employee burden of their plan.
His insurance will go up $117 per pay period - $234 a month.

More to come.....

Yep I received my letter of cancellation from Humana two days ago.
I think general that all who is in America will have emergency treatment to a small cost. Federal loans should be dealed to does how intend to stay in the US after the education and to American's citizen's.

I also think general that none who is not covered for Medical aid won't get medical aid. The insurance should be formed in contrast to the individuals income and property.
And now my wife's employer sent their letter....
"...the increase for most employee plans will be between 15% - 20%.....the deductible will rise from $2000 to $3000.
The left can cheer all they want which is why they will be showed the exit in the coming month

The left can cheer all they want which is why they will be showed the exit in the coming month


I would not at all assume that.
We are an extremely divided/partisan country today - on both sides.
Just this morning someone was saying how great the economy was when Clinton was President!! - MOST of the left still maintain that belief even after 2008!
A lot of these people are still defending Obamacare.
Nay - this fall will be the same as last election - Democrats will vote Democrat and Republicans will vote republican no matter what.
The left can cheer all they want which is why they will be showed the exit in the coming month


I would not at all assume that.
We are an extremely divided/partisan country today - on both sides.
Just this morning someone was saying how great the economy was when Clinton was President!! - MOST of the left still maintain that belief even after 2008!
A lot of these people are still defending Obamacare.
Nay - this fall will be the same as last election - Democrats will vote Democrat and Republicans will vote republican no matter what.

Like an elevator sitting on the floor in the basement, the only way is 'up'.

I'm waiting to see what the platform will be for the Dems. Obamacare cancellations and rate increases? Maybe they will campaign for immigration? How about those evil 1%? What will it be this time?

You can have your own plan, Frank, pay for it and don't depend on the govt.

The mainstream GOP has accepted the reality that ACA is here to stay.
I received notification that my insurance premiums will remain exactly the same for 2015 while my coverage will be increased.

So its a case of "I gots mine, fuck everyone else"

So far I've been forced to enter into a wellness program, or only be eligible for a high deductible plan at my company. We get to see the increases in our premiums in about a week. I can't fucking wait.

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