Obamacare Arrives 3 Years Later, Little Understood and Not Well-Liked


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
More people voted for Obama and that's why he's president.
According to the ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by telephone Sept.
12-15, 2013, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,004 adults, including
landline and cell-phone-only respondents.
Results have a margin of sampling error of 4 points,
including design effect. Partisan divisions are 34-23-34 percent, Democrats-Republicansindependents

Obamacare Arrives 3 Years Later, Little Understood and Not Well-Liked - ABC News

52 percent are opposed, vs. 42 percent in support;

in 16 ABC-Post polls since August 2009, it has never received majority support

NOTE: the poll had 341 Democrats, 230 GOP and 341 Independents.
And even though there were 110 MORE democrats in the poll there still was 52% opposition!

So Obama won by having more votes.. do you think the Senate will respect the majority of people's dislike of Obamacare
and accept the House's bill to defund Obamacare?

"Majority rules" would infer a democracy, and we're not a democracy. We're a constitutional republic.

So we elect people to make decisions for us.

Yes, they make bad decisions, they allow themselves to be corrupted by money, they lie and cheat with horrific regularity, and they insult our intelligence daily. But we still let them make decisions for us because we're more concerned with the important stuff, like Honey Boo Boo and the Kardashians.

So we're not a democracy.

EDIT: The title of the thread was changed, I was referrring to the original title which mentioned "majority rules".

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That's the problem with democracy...mob rule,when you have the government and its pals in big business doing everything it can to produce more generations of dumbed down idiots through that joke we call an education system and allows fluoride GMO's to be either put in food or produced outright as actual food then that's what you get. The dumbest of the dumb get to vote because its a "right".
Great thread. How about a recap!

A nutter who dislikes Obamacare very much cites an opinion poll and his limited understanding of American politics as his reasoning for suggesting that the Senate should assist a minority of the majority in the house in legislating a repeal of a law by selectively defunding it.

Captain Downer Obvious pipes in with a two cent lesson on the American political system ( which may have actually benefitted the OP ) and then proceeds to go through a littany of reasons why it is a failure. A 237 year failure! We are doomed! Doomed!

Finally...a complete whackadoodles conspiracy nut burps up a little breakfast for good measure.


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