Obama wins!!!...by a landslide!!!...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
....the race for most executive orders

Teddy Roosevelt 3
Others to FDR NONE
FDR 11 in 16 years
Truman 5 in 7 years
Ike 2 in 8 years
Kennedy 4 in 3 years
LBJ 4 in 5 years
Nixon 1 in 6 years
Ford 3 in 2 years
Carter 3 in 4 years
Reagan 5 in 8 years
Bush 3 in 4 years
Clinton 15 in 8 years
George W. Bush 62 in 8 years
Obama 923 in 3 1/2 years!
Subject: Executive Orders .... where's the media?If you don't get the implications, you're not paying attention. How many warnings do you need?
923 Executive Orders in 40 Months

During my lifetime, all Presidents have issued Executive Orders,for reasons That vary, some more than others.
When a President issued as many as 30 Ex. Orders during a term in office, People thought there was something amiss.

Even some Democrats in the House have turned on him,
plus a very small number of
Democrat Senators question him.


DOES THIS SCARE YOU AS MUCH AS IT DOES ME?________________________________

Not really surprising that he appointed "Czars" to be in charge
of everything.
Emperor Obama?
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

Remember what he told Russia's Putin: "I'll be more flexible
after I'm re-elected".

THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: Obama has signed 923 Executive Orders in 40 months!
What did Congress do in those 40 months? (The House
- considerable. The Senate -nothing, not even a budget nor allowing any House bill to be considered.)

A Whole new order must prevail in Wash. DC as a result of this next election!

Now Look at these:

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of Transportation and control of highways and seaports.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media

.-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, Gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over
all food resources and Farms.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work Brigades under government supervision.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education And welfare functions.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to Operate a national registration of all persons.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to
Take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate Communities, build new housing with
public funds, designate areas to be Abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland Waterways and public storage facilities.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal Departments and agencies, consolidating
21 operative Executive Orders issued
Over a fifteen year period.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in Times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce The plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to Establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate Penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to Develop plans to establish control
over the mechanisms of production and Distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money
In U.S. Financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also
Provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress Cannot review the action for six months.Feel free to verify the "executive orders" at will... And these are just the Major ones I'm sure you've all heard the tale of the
"Frog in the Pot"..

Are You All comfortable??? ARE you not at least a little scared!!!
Watch Obama's actions, not his words! By his actions he is showing you where America is headed..
Just this week, Obama has issued a new executive order that seeks to "harmonize" U.S. Economic regulations with the rest of the world. This new executive order is yet another incremental step that is pushing us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system.

Unfortunately, most Americans have absolutely no idea what
is happening.
The American people need to understand that Barack Obama is constantly looking for ways to integrate the United States more deeply with the rest of the world. The globalization of the world economy has accelerated under Obama, and this latest executive order represents a fundamental change in U.S. economic policy.
Now federal regulators will be required to "harmonize" their work with the international community.

Stay Stupid My Friends! Your President and his co-horts are Counting On It.
Analysis: This work of fiction not only grossly inflates the number of executive orders signed by President Obama, but attributes to him many that were actually penned by previous presidents.

As of Aug. 10, 2012, Barack Obama had signed 135 executive orders since taking office, far fewer than the 923 claimed and by no means the largest number signed by any U.S. president.

Likewise, the totals attributed to previous presidents appear to have been invented out of whole cloth. G.W. Bush signed 291 executive orders during his eight-year term of office, not 62 as claimed. Ronald Reagan signed 381. It was Franklin D. Roosevelt, not Barack Obama, who signed the most executive orders of any president, amassing a total of 3,522 in 12 years (figures courtesy of the American Presidency Project).

Barack Obama's 923 Executive Orders - Urban Legends

1. Negged for lying
2. This should be in conspiracy theories or the rubber room
3. But this IS USMB
Who do you think you're fooling?? All you liberals do the same thing in every thread.. LINK???? LINK???? Then you discredit the author of the link.. then once more links are provided , you begin calling people names and throwing up Booooooooooooosh.. it;s LIBERALLY the same thing in every thread..

No one takes liberals seriously.. NO ONE.
Analysis: This work of fiction not only grossly inflates the number of executive orders signed by President Obama, but attributes to him many that were actually penned by previous presidents.

As of Aug. 10, 2012, Barack Obama had signed 135 executive orders since taking office, far fewer than the 923 claimed and by no means the largest number signed by any U.S. president.

Likewise, the totals attributed to previous presidents appear to have been invented out of whole cloth. G.W. Bush signed 291 executive orders during his eight-year term of office, not 62 as claimed. Ronald Reagan signed 381. It was Franklin D. Roosevelt, not Barack Obama, who signed the most executive orders of any president, amassing a total of 3,522 in 12 years (figures courtesy of the American Presidency Project).

Barack Obama's 923 Executive Orders - Urban Legends

1. Negged for lying
2. This should be in conspiracy theories or the rubber room
3. But this IS USMB

Yiou neg everyone who isn't a far left kook.. WHO CARES??
C'mon dude.....you even TRY not to be a nut job?

Barack Obama's 923 Executive Orders - Urban Legends

From the link.....

Analysis: This work of fiction not only grossly inflates the number of executive orders signed by President Obama, but attributes to him many that were actually penned by previous presidents.

As of Aug. 10, 2012, Barack Obama had signed 135 executive orders since taking office, far fewer than the 923 claimed and by no means the largest number signed by any U.S. president.

Likewise, the totals attributed to previous presidents appear to have been invented out of whole cloth. G.W. Bush signed 291 executive orders during his eight-year term of office, not 62 as claimed. Ronald Reagan signed 381. It was Franklin D. Roosevelt, not Barack Obama, who signed the most executive orders of any president, amassing a total of 3,522 in 12 years (figures courtesy of the American Presidency Project
Ravi beat me to it....but like Romney says.....we aren't going to let fact checkers(or facts for that matter) run our campaign.
Viral freeper email strikes again, scam artists probably pay big bucks to get the email lists for people who like this stuff. On an unrelated matter, I know this Nigerian prince who needs some help and will pay handsomely for it, PM me for details.
All experts are predicting Romney in a landslide. I have to agree. But you guys keep spreading the propaganda, I think it's funny.
Who do you think you're fooling?? All you liberals do the same thing in every thread.. LINK???? LINK???? Then you discredit the author of the link.. then once more links are provided , you begin calling people names and throwing up Booooooooooooosh.. it;s LIBERALLY the same thing in every thread..

No one takes liberals seriously.. NO ONE.

Um, helloooo? Who you calling a lib? Might want to double check that. :cuckoo:

I discredited no one; I called no one a name; never mentioned Bush.

Linky, linky is needed when one lists 'fact after fact' like the OP did. Sollly Chally that's how the cookie crumbles around here, can't help it if you don't like it.
Stay Stupid My Friends! Your President and his co-horts are Counting On It.

Most Ironic Statement of the Week.

Just because you desperately want to believe something does not mean it is true. You should not pour your brain into a bong and smoke it.

Viral freeper email strikes again, scam artists probably pay big bucks to get the email lists for people who like this stuff. On an unrelated matter, I know this Nigerian prince who needs some help and will pay handsomely for it, PM me for details.

It's the ease of the transaction that is so convenient when dealing with the nigerian princes. They never did call me back though.
I was this close to getting $10 million deposited in my bank account from Nigeria, and then...Obama signed an Executive Order forbidding it!

Who do you think you're fooling?? All you liberals do the same thing in every thread.. LINK???? LINK???? Then you discredit the author of the link.. then once more links are provided , you begin calling people names and throwing up Booooooooooooosh.. it;s LIBERALLY the same thing in every thread..

No one takes liberals seriously.. NO ONE.

What a fool believes.......

It's so much easier to get through life accepting what others tell you, isn't it? Why bother to find out the truth? Most people don't because they don't like the truth. If the author of the link is discredited, it's usually because the author is also a fool. This is why no one takes conservatives seriously.
Obama has not issued 900 executive orders. He has signed slightly fewer orders than President George W. Bush during this point in his first term, according to the University of California, Santa Barbara, which tracks executive orders. Obama has issued 139 executive orders as of Sept. 25. (The U.C. website listed 138 orders on Sept. 25, the same day Obama signed order 139). Bush issued 160 executive orders through Sept. 20, 2004, a comparable amount of time.
The viral email that claims Obama has signed 900 executive orders lists 13 orders as evidence, all of which previous presidents signed in the 1960s and 1970s.
Presidents number their executive orders consecutively. The first executive order that President Obama signed was EO-13489, which dealt with presidential records. Obama’s predecessors signed any executive order with a number lower than 13489.
The first executive order the email lists and attributes to Obama is 10990, which John F. Kennedy signed in 1962. The order reestablished a council to oversee safety of civilian federal employees. It did not — as the email claims — allow a government takeover of the nation’s seaports, highways and other modes of transportation.

Read the rest here: FactCheck.org : Obama’s Executive Orders
C'mon dude.....you even TRY not to be a nut job?

Barack Obama's 923 Executive Orders - Urban Legends

From the link.....

Analysis: This work of fiction not only grossly inflates the number of executive orders signed by President Obama, but attributes to him many that were actually penned by previous presidents.

As of Aug. 10, 2012, Barack Obama had signed 135 executive orders since taking office, far fewer than the 923 claimed and by no means the largest number signed by any U.S. president.

Likewise, the totals attributed to previous presidents appear to have been invented out of whole cloth. G.W. Bush signed 291 executive orders during his eight-year term of office, not 62 as claimed. Ronald Reagan signed 381. It was Franklin D. Roosevelt, not Barack Obama, who signed the most executive orders of any president, amassing a total of 3,522 in 12 years (figures courtesy of the American Presidency Project

LOL, he still wins hands down....ut don't let the facts get in the way of your willingness to swallow everything Bammy throws at you.

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