Obama will have to wait for Ahmed and his Dad...


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
As I posted a couple of weeks ago, this was grandstanding at it's finest. Well played gentlemen, well played. You surveyed the Liberal landscape and came up with a great plan and the Liberal media and Obama and all the #IstandwithAhmed doofuses couldn't take the bait fast enough. Now Ahmed and Dad are out of the country cashing in on Radio Shack boy genius. Patience Obumble patience, you'll get your turn to bow and marvel at the clock radio. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The fact is, we can't trust anyone who is Muslim. This incident was jihad, designed to create an environment where Muslims can't be questioned. It was a 100% success with Obama helping along.
The fact is, we can't trust anyone who is Muslim. This incident was jihad, designed to create an environment where Muslims can't be questioned. It was a 100% success with Obama helping along.
Maybe someone in China should start manufacturing the exact replicas of the fucking raghead's amazing clock?
You could then buy them from Walmart and mail them to your favorite government officials. Maybe BOBO would like one for his mantel?
No problem right?
You notice you havent heard squat about the Jr. Jihadist lately?
I think they realized they werent fooling enough people so they took their show to a country with a more receptive audience.

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