Obama will bankrupt and starve American Seniors unless he gets his way


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
McConnell is right, how do you negotiate with a lunatic like this?
Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3

Way to go, Barry. Way to go! Criminally irresponsible talk from the Failed Leader who thinks bank ATM's are hurting the economy and thinks blowing a Trillion dollar on not so shovel ready projects is funny.

Obama= Epic Fail

Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

And the Republicans will be to blame. We can all play this stupid game. Voters will decide who they actually blame.
Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3

Way to go, Barry. Way to go! Criminally irresponsible talk from the Failed Leader who thinks bank ATM's are hurting the economy and thinks blowing a Trillion dollar on not so shovel ready projects is funny.

Obama= Epic Fail

Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

And the Republicans will be to blame. We can all play this stupid game. Voters will decide who they actually blame.

He proves he's a failure every time he talks.

Instead of cutting pork projects he's trying to starve our elderly
Shouldn't Republicans be celebrating? I thought they hated SS and progressive tax codes.

For fucks sake, you just can't win with some people.
Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3

Way to go, Barry. Way to go! Criminally irresponsible talk from the Failed Leader who thinks bank ATM's are hurting the economy and thinks blowing a Trillion dollar on not so shovel ready projects is funny.

Obama= Epic Fail

Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

It's not true though. The debit cealing has nothing to do with entitlement spending like Social Security. The lie is so obvious and flagerant that it indicates the president is down to his last dirty trick.
Shouldn't Republicans be celebrating? I thought they hated SS and progressive tax codes.

For fucks sake, you just can't win with some people.

youre a fucking idiot. show me one republican who says kill social security payments tomorrrow. Just one. stop listening to propaganda you zombie idiot.
Obama and the Dems have completely lost their minds. They got their asses handed to them in the last election because of their own recklessness. Now its more of the same and they think they will be able to blame everything on the Repubs who only own half of Congress.

How can anyone believe Dems are serious about cutting spending when they refuse to make any cuts unless raising taxes? Dems had two years to raise taxes if they wanted to without needing one Republican vote, and they refused to do it.
I'm surprised the WH has not already sent out letters to every SS recipient advising them that failure to raise the debt ceiling COULD mean no check in the mail, and no Medicare/Medicaid either. Absolute fearmongering at it's worst.

If I'm the GOP though, I pass an "emergency" bill authorizing borrowing for say 60 days to keep the checks flowing. Just enough to pay for the non-discretionary stuff, but not the fucking high speed rail bullshit and other nonsense. What's the big O gonna do then?
It's yet another sign of what a totally clueless rube is in charge over at 1600; he just went nuclear on US Senior citizens.


He still does not realize POTUS is a real job. He think's he banging on doors in Chicago to scare people into voting.

The guys a total fucking moron and that's not me saying stuff to get a rise out of the Liberal Intellectual Elite.
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Shouldn't Republicans be celebrating? I thought they hated SS and progressive tax codes.

For fucks sake, you just can't win with some people.

youre a fucking idiot. show me one republican who says kill social security payments tomorrrow. Just one. stop listening to propaganda you zombie idiot.

Bush tried to privatize SS using ignoramus arguments and racism. In fact, he went on a tour in order to try to accomplish his goals. Repukes have been railing against SS for decades.

Wake the fuck up.
Why is it that republican act like only their constituients deserve to be represented by the people who elected them.

Obama was elected too and has as much right to stick to his guns for the people who elected him.

He has offered the republicans so much on compromise its allready pissed off his voters.

The republicans have offered nothing in the line of compromise
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Shouldn't Republicans be celebrating? I thought they hated SS and progressive tax codes.

For fucks sake, you just can't win with some people.

youre a fucking idiot. show me one republican who says kill social security payments tomorrrow. Just one. stop listening to propaganda you zombie idiot.

Bush tried to privatize SS using ignoramus arguments and racism. In fact, he went on a tour in order to try to accomplish his goals. Repukes have been railing against SS for decades.

Wake the fuck up.

so you think privatize means those getting checks stop getting checks? You are so fucking stupid it's not even worth laughing at.

social security and such does not effect the debt ceiling? what about medicaid/medicare? I asked a friend on facebook about it and he says NO, but when I googled it I find it is said to. Perhaps the only ones who really know are the ones that have the best strategies up their, um, sleeves. *irritated*
It's hilarious, when lefties see those with brains say "Gee, maybe social security would do better as a private retirement investment based on the choice of the investor instead of the whims of bureaucratic morons," they flip out in reflex, but when Obama threatens to take away social security in less than a month they say "yeah! Great idea!" LOL. so fucking stupid...
I thought Social security had a Trust Fund?

What happened to the Trust Fund?
Why is it that republican act like only their constituients deserve to be represented by the people who elected them.

Obama was elected too and has as much right to stick to his guns for the people who elected him.

He has offered the republicans so much on compromise its allready pissed off his voters.

The republicans have offered nothing in the line of compromise

And this is the bottom line. The Dems, and especially Obama, has caved to almost every demand from the Republicans. The Republicans, on the other hand, will not negotiate. They honestly believe they have some kind of mandate. It's going to backfire on them big time.
Also, Libs always say its the right that uses fear tactics every time, but when lefties make the ryan grandma murder fear commercial, and now Obama making THREATS to OLD PEOPLE to...dundundun...SCARE THEM, they say "Oh, ok."

Only the ignorant can be a modern liberal, to ignore such obvious truth is to remove one's scalp and apply the vodka directly to the brain willingly. Kill those brain cells, guys! It's what your overlords in power demand of you!

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