Obama / WH Struggle To Say How Blacks Are Better Off Under Barry

Um.....we didn't want your democrat fail.....

No,but you did want and get.

Free Trade
Tax Cuts for rich people
Union Busting
Weakening of Workers rights

and when you got those things, trying to undo 70 years of progressive actions to protect workers and consumers, you got exactly the result one should expect.

The economy crashed because the rich blew a bunch of money, and there wasn't a strong enough economic foundation to withstand it.
Um.....we didn't want your democrat fail.....

No,but you did want and get.

Free Trade
Tax Cuts for rich people
Union Busting
Weakening of Workers rights

and when you got those things, trying to undo 70 years of progressive actions to protect workers and consumers, you got exactly the result one should expect.

The economy crashed because the rich blew a bunch of money, and there wasn't a strong enough economic foundation to withstand it.
Yes, all positives for America....and you delivered the exact opposite....

The economy crashed because you takers took too much......
Tell that to the minorities that went to a charter school. Until Obama tried to do away it. The parents raised hell, and Obama reopened it. So tell me how it doesn't help the minorities?

Charter schools are a scam.

Ravitch: Why states should say ‘no thanks’ to charter schools

* Numerous national and state studies have shown thatcharters on average don’t get better results than regular public schools. A small percentage get high scores, more get very low scores, most are about average in terms of test scores. Why kill off a community’s public school to replace it with a privately managed school that is no better and possibly worse?

* Many charter schools succeed by excluding or limiting the number of students they accept who have disabilities or who are English language learners. They are also free to push out low-scoring students and send them back to the local public school. This improves their results, but it leaves the regular public schools with disproportionate numbers of the most challenging students.
Bullshit charter schools educate kids better and at a lower cost. You just want to keep the indoctrination centers we have know. Where kids at a young age is only being taught being gay is okay, when they should only be taught math, english, and history.
Tell that to the minorities that went to a charter school. Until Obama tried to do away it. The parents raised hell, and Obama reopened it. So tell me how it doesn't help the minorities?

Charter schools are a scam.

Ravitch: Why states should say ‘no thanks’ to charter schools

* Numerous national and state studies have shown thatcharters on average don’t get better results than regular public schools. A small percentage get high scores, more get very low scores, most are about average in terms of test scores. Why kill off a community’s public school to replace it with a privately managed school that is no better and possibly worse?

* Many charter schools succeed by excluding or limiting the number of students they accept who have disabilities or who are English language learners. They are also free to push out low-scoring students and send them back to the local public school. This improves their results, but it leaves the regular public schools with disproportionate numbers of the most challenging students.

Slow or disruptive students do not benefit from being mixed academically with smart students. They simply tie up class time and slow the smart ones down.

Students who can't cut it academically should be put into separate vocational programs so they will develop skills with which to support themselves in adulthood, rather than being farmed into the bloated welfare system and supported by taxpayers.
Um.....we didn't want your democrat fail.....

No,but you did want and get.

Free Trade
Tax Cuts for rich people
Union Busting
Weakening of Workers rights

and when you got those things, trying to undo 70 years of progressive actions to protect workers and consumers, you got exactly the result one should expect.

The economy crashed because the rich blew a bunch of money, and there wasn't a strong enough economic foundation to withstand it.

'White House rejects Donald Trump’s claim that blacks are worse off under Obama'...even though he's RIGHT

"DESPITE GOVERNMENT DATA SUPPORTING DONALD TRUMP'S CLAIM THAT BLACKS ARE WORSE OFF UNDER PRESIDENT OBAMA, theWhite House insisted Thursday that blacks have made progress under the first black president and that the Republican nominee would reverse those gains."

Poor Barry is trying to make up his own reality, trying to rewite history and make up facts, to save his 'legacy'.

The stats don't support his claim, and the main arguments the WH seems to throw out are:

1. "Barry isn't done, yet."
- So he has pretty much ignored blacks for 7 1/2 years...he wouldn't get off the golf course to visit flood victims in La until he was shamed into doing so, but NOW he's going to put some effort into helping blacks?!


2. Republicans are racists and will be bad for blacks.

HIS PRESIDENCY has been bad for blacks, as the numbers show. As far as the 'racist' part, perhaps the anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, homophobe DNC should start hiding their e-mails better before calling anyone else names.

White House disputes Donald Trump’s claim that blacks are worse off
Did you see this?

Data shows that Black workers have seen gains during both the Biden and Trump administrations.

Under Trump, the unemployment rate for the group fell to 5.3% in September 2019 — a record low at the time. It dropped even further under President Joe Biden, to a new low of 4.8% in April 2023.

Another measure of job-market health, the labor-force participation rate, has also improved among Black workers under Biden, with 64% of the U.S. Black population in the workforce (employed and unemployed but seeking work), compared with a peak of 63.2% under Trump.

The all-time labor-force participation record for Black workers — as well as all U.S. workers came during the Clinton

When it comes to pay, inflation-adjusted weekly earnings for Black workers reached a two-decade high of $314 under Trump. That was narrowly surpassed in the fourth quarter of 2023 under Biden, hitting $315.

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