Obama / WH Struggle To Say How Blacks Are Better Off Under Barry


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'White House rejects Donald Trump’s claim that blacks are worse off under Obama'...even though he's RIGHT

"DESPITE GOVERNMENT DATA SUPPORTING DONALD TRUMP'S CLAIM THAT BLACKS ARE WORSE OFF UNDER PRESIDENT OBAMA, theWhite House insisted Thursday that blacks have made progress under the first black president and that the Republican nominee would reverse those gains."

Poor Barry is trying to make up his own reality, trying to rewite history and make up facts, to save his 'legacy'.

The stats don't support his claim, and the main arguments the WH seems to throw out are:

1. "Barry isn't done, yet."
- So he has pretty much ignored blacks for 7 1/2 years...he wouldn't get off the golf course to visit flood victims in La until he was shamed into doing so, but NOW he's going to put some effort into helping blacks?!


2. Republicans are racists and will be bad for blacks.

HIS PRESIDENCY has been bad for blacks, as the numbers show. As far as the 'racist' part, perhaps the anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, homophobe DNC should start hiding their e-mails better before calling anyone else names.

White House disputes Donald Trump’s claim that blacks are worse off
It demonstrates once again the cognitive dissonance of the democrat platform. Democrats say things are bad, vote democrat to make things better. The Donald says he will make things better. Democrats say things are good, don't vote for The Donald he will make things bad. Obama, Crooked Hillary and their democrats and their MSM are insane, fucking retarded douchebags.
See if I understand your argument.
You constantly complain how blacks are coddled by Obama. Think how much he loves BLM. And hates cops. According to you anyway.

You constantly complain how much in SNAP benefits blacks get and how they eat steak and lobster while you have to eat shit.

You constantly complain how good blacks have it on welfare. With big screen tvs, Mercedes-Benz to drive (with a caddy in the drive) the best pot and booze. And have 20 kids so they get MORE welfare.

I could go on but.....are you SURE Obama hasn't been good for blacks?

You seem to think they've got it so good.
So we have a bunch of white people telling black folks what they are supposed to think?

Nah, we have a bunch of white "people of privilege" defining to black folks why they do not yet have those same "privileges" after the better part of a century of being strung along by Democrats.
No, the WH has no struggle in this issue, because it is not an issue.
Unemployment rate for blacks is down four percent under Obama
More blacks have healthcare and access to Medicaid
Nah, we have a bunch of white "people of privilege" defining to black folks why they do not yet have those same "privileges" after the better part of a century of being strung along by Democrats.

Right. The fact that we have had 400 years of racism promoted by Conservatives had nothing to do with that. It was those mean old Democrats. No, really.

Yup, just pulled the wool right over their eyes by giving them Civil Rights and shit. and ending segregation.
We have "Americans" who say it is a blessing that black people were enslaved and brought to America.
It demonstrates once again the cognitive dissonance of the democrat platform. Democrats say things are bad, vote democrat to make things better. The Donald says he will make things better. Democrats say things are good, don't vote for The Donald he will make things bad. Obama, Crooked Hillary and their democrats and their MSM are insane, fucking retarded douchebags.

I remember how they kept repeating how bad the Bush years were but I never experienced the horror of it all since I could find work when I wanted it. I can't say that now.
We have "Americans" who say it is a blessing that black people were enslaved and brought to America.

America is that great asshole! That is what Michelle Obama said. Her husband made it great so it must have been worth it for them to be enslaved and brought over here.
See if I understand your argument.
You constantly complain how blacks are coddled by Obama. Think how much he loves BLM. And hates cops. According to you anyway.

You constantly complain how much in SNAP benefits blacks get and how they eat steak and lobster while you have to eat shit.

You constantly complain how good blacks have it on welfare. With big screen tvs, Mercedes-Benz to drive (with a caddy in the drive) the best pot and booze. And have 20 kids so they get MORE welfare.

I could go on but.....are you SURE Obama hasn't been good for blacks?

You seem to think they've got it so good.

Only if you call good having something because someone else was forced to provide it to you because you either won't or can't do for yourself. If you want to call that good, go ahead.
Nah, we have a bunch of white "people of privilege" defining to black folks why they do not yet have those same "privileges" after the better part of a century of being strung along by Democrats.

Right. The fact that we have had 400 years of racism promoted by Conservatives had nothing to do with that. It was those mean old Democrats. No, really.

Yup, just pulled the wool right over their eyes by giving them Civil Rights and shit. and ending segregation.

All of you that want to use the slavery and racism excuse should get the number of years consistent. It's different depending on which one of you uses that excuse.
Nah, we have a bunch of white "people of privilege" defining to black folks why they do not yet have those same "privileges" after the better part of a century of being strung along by Democrats.

Right. The fact that we have had 400 years of racism promoted by Conservatives had nothing to do with that. It was those mean old Democrats. No, really.

Yup, just pulled the wool right over their eyes by giving them Civil Rights and shit. and ending segregation.
Your kind are what is holding back blacks. You oppose school choice which would give them an education and a chance. You are the racist.
'White House rejects Donald Trump’s claim that blacks are worse off under Obama'...even though he's RIGHT

"DESPITE GOVERNMENT DATA SUPPORTING DONALD TRUMP'S CLAIM THAT BLACKS ARE WORSE OFF UNDER PRESIDENT OBAMA, theWhite House insisted Thursday that blacks have made progress under the first black president and that the Republican nominee would reverse those gains."

Poor Barry is trying to make up his own reality, trying to rewite history and make up facts, to save his 'legacy'.

The stats don't support his claim, and the main arguments the WH seems to throw out are:

1. "Barry isn't done, yet."
- So he has pretty much ignored blacks for 7 1/2 years...he wouldn't get off the golf course to visit flood victims in La until he was shamed into doing so, but NOW he's going to put some effort into helping blacks?!


2. Republicans are racists and will be bad for blacks.

HIS PRESIDENCY has been bad for blacks, as the numbers show. As far as the 'racist' part, perhaps the anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, homophobe DNC should start hiding their e-mails better before calling anyone else names.

White House disputes Donald Trump’s claim that blacks are worse off

The sad thing is, they aren't struggling to say how they are better than under Bush. They are struggling to say how they are better than during slavery. Their plantation has destroyed the black. It basically uses the black souls as fuel. Now replace souls with votes and you have it.
Nah, we have a bunch of white "people of privilege" defining to black folks why they do not yet have those same "privileges" after the better part of a century of being strung along by Democrats.

Right. The fact that we have had 400 years of racism promoted by Conservatives had nothing to do with that. It was those mean old Democrats. No, really.

Yup, just pulled the wool right over their eyes by giving them Civil Rights and shit. and ending segregation.

All of you that want to use the slavery and racism excuse should get the number of years consistent. It's different depending on which one of you uses that excuse.

My time frame in this instance follows the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act by majority Republicans, when the Democrats figured out that they needed to wrest the civil rights movement away from them as was encouraged by the Communists who had joined the party, to the present.

Prior to that time, they were The Lynch Party.


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