Obama Weighs In On President Trump For The First Time

"President [Obama] fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith."

In other words, Obama as usual has no idea what is going on. There is no ban on travel by Muslims from any other country.

How many so-called Christians have been detained at airports?

How many Christians are running around blowing people up, using trucks to ram into crowds, shooting up gay nightclubs and military bases?

Many. Google it...

"Many. Google it..."

No, you post links instead, of course you can't post links because you are babbling out of your buttocks again.

For those who can't Google...


The question was:

"How many Christians are running around blowing people up, using trucks to ram into crowds, shooting up gay nightclubs and military bases?"

So post links to Christians running around blowing people up, using trucks to ram into crowds, shooting up gay nightclubs and military bases and whilst we're at it beheading people with longknives, dissolving people in acid, throwing gays off rooftops, burning people alive and burying people alive.

POS like you Lakhota are just evil and wicked, you apologise for Satanic Devils like ISIS, why don't you just go and join ISIS, I'm sure you can get some Cultural Enrichment in-between blowing people up.
Obama wanted to give Trump his space. Nine days later, he is joining the debate.

Former President Barack Obama released a statement on Monday expressing solidarity with those protesting his successor’s ban on travelers and refugees entering the United States from certain Muslim-majority countries.

The statement, issued under the name of Obama’s spokesman Kevin Lewis, was the first time that Obama has weighed in on Donald Trump’s presidency. And though it did not mention Trump by name or directly criticize the executive order that he signed on Friday, the implication was one of disapproval.

President Obama is heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities around the country. In his final official speech as President, he spoke about the important role of citizens and how all Americans have a responsibility to be the guardians of our democracy — not just during an election but every day.

Citizens exercising their Constitutional right to assemble, organize and have their voices heard by their elected officials is exactly what we expect to see when American values are at stake.

With regard to comparisons to President Obama’s foreign policy decisions, as we’ve heard before, the President fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith.

Obama studiously kept his criticism of Trump muted during the transition and pledged to give Trump space after he assumed office. But nine days into the presidency, a host of executive orders have brought protestors to the streets and the nation’s airports. And they’ve compelled Obama to speak out as well.

Part of what may have compelled the former president was Trump’s insistence that the executive order mirrored what the Obama administration did when it stopped refugees from coming into the U.S. from Iraq for six months.

The fact-checkers have sided with Obama on this dispute, noting that Obama was vocally critical of any ban on refugees that prioritized one religion over another, as Trump’s does.

More: Obama Weighs In On President Trump For The First Time

Thank you, President Obama! We miss you!

Blah blah blah blah.
How many so-called Christians have been detained at airports?

How many Christians are running around blowing people up, using trucks to ram into crowds, shooting up gay nightclubs and military bases?

Many. Google it...

"Many. Google it..."

No, you post links instead, of course you can't post links because you are babbling out of your buttocks again.

For those who can't Google...
now that you've done that, now post the abstract from one that proves your point.

Within six months the Leftist Maniacs will be fully under the heel, then they learn to keep quiet and behave or face the consequences.
Hussein couldn't even keep his mouth shut for a freaking week. It's disgusting.
why do you care? he's fking nothing anymore. he has zip power. his view counts as much as any message board libturd.

Obama is going to be the leader of BLM, the Black Supremacist organisation.

President Trump's Department of Justice should declare BLM an American terrorist organisation, have their leaders arrested and thrown into dungeons.
Obama wanted to give Trump his space. Nine days later, he is joining the debate.

Former President Barack Obama released a statement on Monday expressing solidarity with those protesting his successor’s ban on travelers and refugees entering the United States from certain Muslim-majority countries.

The statement, issued under the name of Obama’s spokesman Kevin Lewis, was the first time that Obama has weighed in on Donald Trump’s presidency. And though it did not mention Trump by name or directly criticize the executive order that he signed on Friday, the implication was one of disapproval.

President Obama is heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities around the country. In his final official speech as President, he spoke about the important role of citizens and how all Americans have a responsibility to be the guardians of our democracy — not just during an election but every day.

Citizens exercising their Constitutional right to assemble, organize and have their voices heard by their elected officials is exactly what we expect to see when American values are at stake.

With regard to comparisons to President Obama’s foreign policy decisions, as we’ve heard before, the President fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith.

Obama studiously kept his criticism of Trump muted during the transition and pledged to give Trump space after he assumed office. But nine days into the presidency, a host of executive orders have brought protestors to the streets and the nation’s airports. And they’ve compelled Obama to speak out as well.

Part of what may have compelled the former president was Trump’s insistence that the executive order mirrored what the Obama administration did when it stopped refugees from coming into the U.S. from Iraq for six months.

The fact-checkers have sided with Obama on this dispute, noting that Obama was vocally critical of any ban on refugees that prioritized one religion over another, as Trump’s does.

More: Obama Weighs In On President Trump For The First Time

Thank you, President Obama! We miss you!
Fuck Barry and the camel he rode in on. Had Brocefus done his job, President Trump wouldn't be having to do this.


Is the middle east more stable now than it was 8 years ago?

Watch out Mr. President. The Grabber in Chief might send out a nasty Tweet about you.
so you don't believe trump has 1st amendment rights. nice.

When did I say the Grabber in Chief should be banned from tweeting? I support his right to make a fool of himself.
so you just are the right hand man for obummer then. nice.

Nice pole vault.
yep, kind of went there cause you felt the need to have to warn obummer that the donald tweets. wow. like even obummer knows that. And if the donald tweeted something about obummer meant what exactly? And that is how I got to the 1st amendment. I mean there had to be a point for the warning right?
Hussein couldn't even keep his mouth shut for a freaking week. It's disgusting.
why do you care? he's fking nothing anymore. he has zip power. his view counts as much as any message board libturd.

Obama is going to be the leader of BLM, the Black Supremacist organisation.

President Trump's Department of Justice should declare BLM an American terrorist organisation, have their leaders arrested and thrown into dungeons.
like i said, i can't wait for the line in the sand.
Watch out Mr. President. The Grabber in Chief might send out a nasty Tweet about you.
so you don't believe trump has 1st amendment rights. nice.

When did I say the Grabber in Chief should be banned from tweeting? I support his right to make a fool of himself.
so you just are the right hand man for obummer then. nice.

Nice pole vault.
yep, kind of went there cause you felt the need to have to warn obummer that the donald tweets. wow. like even obummer knows that. And if the donald tweeted something about obummer meant what exactly? And that is how I got to the 1st amendment. I mean there had to be a point for the warning right?

There was a point but it was not the warning to the former President about the dire and or disastrous consequences of a nasty tweet by the Grabber in Chief, King of the nasty tweets.

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