Obama: “we Know That President Bashar Al-assad Protected Christians In Syria.”


Nov 14, 2012
Very interesting! I am really surprised but still don´t know how to rate it!

US President Barack Obama surprised his visitors, the delegation of Eastern Christians patriarchs, on Thursday when he told them that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad “protected the Christians in Syria.” Obama met with the delegation in the White House for 35 minutes, during which the patriarchs presented a paper in which they exposed the situation of Christians in the Middle East and the threats and challenges they are facing, due in part to the expansion of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militant group.

Sources told Al-Akhbar that the highlight of the meeting was when Obama said the following phrase: “We know that President Bashar al-Assad protected Christians in Syria.”

Obama then used the term “the Syrian government” instead of “regime,” which is usually used by the US to describe the government in Syria.

The confused attendees could not believe what they heard. However, one of the guests addressed Obama and said: “Then you should stop talking about a moderate Syrian opposition.”

Obama spoke about the planned US airstrikes in Syria, claiming that they will help “facilitate the (Syrian) political process.”

The US president then reiterated his country’s “support for the Lebanese army,” explaining that the “weaponry the US gave to the Lebanese army is the best response to ISIS in Lebanon.”

Obama Assad protected Christians in Syria Al Akhbar English
For him to blatantly admit the truth like that is a shocker---maybe he wants to follow up on that truth and act on it.
What obama hasn't said is the truth, protecting Christians is one of the reasons why Assad has to go.
what is the point? Assad is better than ISIS? I knew that and so does
Obama-------they both stink----but ISIS is worse. This situation in the Islamic
world is nothing new-------Islamic governments always STINK---more or less.
People victimized by the filth are better off with those governments that stink less
relative to their particular situations.
what is the point? Assad is better than ISIS? I knew that and so does
Obama-------they both stink----but ISIS is worse. This situation in the Islamic
world is nothing new-------Islamic governments always STINK---more or less.
People victimized by the filth are better off with those governments that stink less
relative to their particular situations.
You still believe that Syria has an Islamic government?
what is the point? Assad is better than ISIS? I knew that and so does
Obama-------they both stink----but ISIS is worse. This situation in the Islamic
world is nothing new-------Islamic governments always STINK---more or less.
People victimized by the filth are better off with those governments that stink less
relative to their particular situations.
You still believe that Syria has an Islamic government?

There is no question------Bashar, is a BAATHIST DOG. I do understand that Baathist dogs CLAIM they are "non-sectarian" ------just as muslims claim that
"ISLAM HAS THE 'most toleration' " <<< I learned about the 'beauty of islam' ---
from persons born in countries outside of the usa----which accounts for the
somewhat quaint language usage>>>

Baathist dogs are arabist nationalists and ultimately islamicists------they
cannot shake it off. The "non sectarian" BS was probably thrown
in as a kiss up to communist ideology and to attract even non muslim
"arabs" remember M. Mehdi?---that greasy pig who was the forerunner
of CAIR? he knew the Baathist filth well and tried to promulgate
it here in the USA----I think he died about 20 years ago. Other Baathists
have included Nasser pig, and Sadaam pig ------It is possible that the famous
Nazi pig AL HUSSEINI was or was something like a Baathist. It is a kind
of Islamic socialist Nazism

(you might recall that sadaam was also a nonsectarian
lover of chaldeans)
what is the point? Assad is better than ISIS? I knew that and so does
Obama-------they both stink----but ISIS is worse. This situation in the Islamic
world is nothing new-------Islamic governments always STINK---more or less.
People victimized by the filth are better off with those governments that stink less
relative to their particular situations.
You still believe that Syria has an Islamic government?

There is no question------Bashar, is a BAATHIST DOG. I do understand that Baathist dogs CLAIM they are "non-sectarian" ------just as muslims claim that
"ISLAM HAS THE 'most toleration' " <<< I learned about the 'beauty of islam' ---
from persons born in countries outside of the usa----which accounts for the
somewhat quaint language usage>>>

Baathist dogs are arabist nationalists and ultimately islamicists------they
cannot shake it off. The "non sectarian" BS was probably thrown
in as a kiss up to communist ideology and to attract even non muslim
"arabs" remember M. Mehdi?---that greasy pig who was the forerunner
of CAIR? he knew the Baathist filth well and tried to promulgate
it here in the USA----I think he died about 20 years ago. Other Baathists
have included Nasser pig, and Sadaam pig ------It is possible that the famous
Nazi pig AL HUSSEINI was or was something like a Baathist. It is a kind
of Islamic socialist Nazism

(you might recall that sadaam was also a nonsectarian
lover of chaldeans)
I did not ask you for an abusive rant on Assad or Baathism. My question was if you still believe that the Syrian government is an Islamic government.

The constitution guarantees religious freedom for every recognized religious communities, including many Christian denominations. All schools are government-run and non-sectarian, although there is mandatory religious instruction, provided in Islam and/or Christianity. Political forms of Islam are not tolerated by the government.
Islam and secularism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
what is the point? Assad is better than ISIS? I knew that and so does
Obama-------they both stink----but ISIS is worse. This situation in the Islamic
world is nothing new-------Islamic governments always STINK---more or less.
People victimized by the filth are better off with those governments that stink less
relative to their particular situations.
You still believe that Syria has an Islamic government?

There is no question------Bashar, is a BAATHIST DOG. I do understand that Baathist dogs CLAIM they are "non-sectarian" ------just as muslims claim that
"ISLAM HAS THE 'most toleration' " <<< I learned about the 'beauty of islam' ---
from persons born in countries outside of the usa----which accounts for the
somewhat quaint language usage>>>

Baathist dogs are arabist nationalists and ultimately islamicists------they
cannot shake it off. The "non sectarian" BS was probably thrown
in as a kiss up to communist ideology and to attract even non muslim
"arabs" remember M. Mehdi?---that greasy pig who was the forerunner
of CAIR? he knew the Baathist filth well and tried to promulgate
it here in the USA----I think he died about 20 years ago. Other Baathists
have included Nasser pig, and Sadaam pig ------It is possible that the famous
Nazi pig AL HUSSEINI was or was something like a Baathist. It is a kind
of Islamic socialist Nazism

(you might recall that sadaam was also a nonsectarian
lover of chaldeans)
I did not ask you for an abusive rant on Assad or Baathism. My question was if you still believe that the Syrian government is an Islamic government.

The constitution guarantees religious freedom for every recognized religious communities, including many Christian denominations. All schools are government-run and non-sectarian, although there is mandatory religious instruction, provided in Islam and/or Christianity. Political forms of Islam are not tolerated by the government.
Islam and secularism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

ROFLMAO-----of course-----just like the Koran guarantees FREEDOM OF
RELIGION!!!! what is your problem? (I really enjoy that "recognized" religion
thing----so koranic----"we can decide allah does not like your religion or YOU"

uhm------I am a jew---born in the USA-----based on the jobs I have held and
my lifestyle ---etc etc----I have encountered persons from just about everywhere
in the world and formed close friendships.-----I actually met that pig Mehdi once---
in the 60s and poor hubby encountered that Baathist pig in the 90s. I have even
come to know Christian Syrians (actually Christian Syrians are the very first
Arabic speaking people I have known---way back in the 50 when I had no idea
where Syria or what Syria was.) Based on what I know---about Christian Syrians
from Christian Syrians----way back and some who left Syria more recently----
BASHAR is a muslim----the government is muslim and its no damned good for
Christians there. Of course I have also encountered many Syrian jews. I have
to admit----I never PERSONALLY knew a muslim who complained "he's an alawite
and I am sunni. All I knew from muslims is papa assad and baby
assad is a "DICTATOR" Just about every Islamic cesspit includes "freedom
of religion" in its constitution (freedom of LEGAL religions)
UN: Assad Responsible for More Atrocities in Syria Than ISIS
Special UN panel says despite bloody Islamic State rampage the Syrian regime is still responsible for most war crimes in Syria.
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By Ari Soffer
First Publish: 9/16/2014, 5:25 PM


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
AFP photo
Despite the high-profile and shocking nature of the so-called "Islamic State" and its push through Iraq and Syria, the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad is still responsible for the majority of war crimes being committed in that country, according to the author of a special UN report into the Syrian civil war.

With no end in sight to the three and a half year conflict, a special United Nations panel presented its findings Tuesday in a depressing 17-page report.

Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, who led the four-person panel, said he had "run out of words to depict the gravity of the crimes committed inside Syria."

He noted that the Islamic State, which recently beheaded three western hostages James Foley, Steven Sotloff and David Haines, has similarly subjected countless other Syrian civilians to similar public executions and brutal punishments.

The report is based on eyewitness testimonies from Syrians interviewed by the team, hailing from across the country.

Pinheiro also highlighted the mass-killings of prisoners of war - as occurred after IS's recent capture of Tabqa airbase in northern Syria - as well as of dissenters and political opponents.

Women are particularly vulnerable to abuse at the hands of the Islamist terror group, with several already being stoned to death based on accusations of adultery, or publicly flogged for minor offenses such as walking in the street without a male chaperone.

Nevertheless, Pinheiro pointed out that the regime of Bashar al-Assad "remains responsible for the majority of the civilian casualties, killing and maiming scores of civilians daily."

Civilians are being slaughtered at the hands of the regime in a variety of ways - from indiscriminate shelling, air raids and "barrel bombings", to shootings and summary executions at the hands of soldiers and pro-government militiamen.

Those captured or arrested by the regime were subjected to horrific torture and denied food or water for prolonged periods of time. Female prisoners were regularly raped or otherwise sexually abused.

Pinheiro said that the inaction on the part of major world powers to intervene - via the UN Security Council or otherwise - has helped fuel the conflict. It's most recently "beneficiary", he said, was the Islamic State - but the Syrian government has been able to escape justice for its massacres for longer still.
UN: Assad Responsible for More Atrocities in Syria Than ISIS
Special UN panel says despite bloody Islamic State rampage the Syrian regime is still responsible for most war crimes in Syria.
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on print More Sharing Services 1
By Ari Soffer
First Publish: 9/16/2014, 5:25 PM


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
AFP photo
Despite the high-profile and shocking nature of the so-called "Islamic State" and its push through Iraq and Syria, the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad is still responsible for the majority of war crimes being committed in that country, according to the author of a special UN report into the Syrian civil war.

With no end in sight to the three and a half year conflict, a special United Nations panel presented its findings Tuesday in a depressing 17-page report.

Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, who led the four-person panel, said he had "run out of words to depict the gravity of the crimes committed inside Syria."

He noted that the Islamic State, which recently beheaded three western hostages James Foley, Steven Sotloff and David Haines, has similarly subjected countless other Syrian civilians to similar public executions and brutal punishments.

The report is based on eyewitness testimonies from Syrians interviewed by the team, hailing from across the country.

Pinheiro also highlighted the mass-killings of prisoners of war - as occurred after IS's recent capture of Tabqa airbase in northern Syria - as well as of dissenters and political opponents.

Women are particularly vulnerable to abuse at the hands of the Islamist terror group, with several already being stoned to death based on accusations of adultery, or publicly flogged for minor offenses such as walking in the street without a male chaperone.

Nevertheless, Pinheiro pointed out that the regime of Bashar al-Assad "remains responsible for the majority of the civilian casualties, killing and maiming scores of civilians daily."

Civilians are being slaughtered at the hands of the regime in a variety of ways - from indiscriminate shelling, air raids and "barrel bombings", to shootings and summary executions at the hands of soldiers and pro-government militiamen.

Those captured or arrested by the regime were subjected to horrific torture and denied food or water for prolonged periods of time. Female prisoners were regularly raped or otherwise sexually abused.

Pinheiro said that the inaction on the part of major world powers to intervene - via the UN Security Council or otherwise - has helped fuel the conflict. It's most recently "beneficiary", he said, was the Islamic State - but the Syrian government has been able to escape justice for its massacres for longer still.
We have a thread with that topic already and you know it. You just want to provoke. The strange IS spokeswoman provided us at least with the name of the puppet, that spreads its lies into the medias. The puppet's source is the internet where the crimes of the terrorist groups are proudly presented by themselves, whereas the alleged crimes of the Syrian gov't the puppet talks about are totally fabricated.
ROFLMAO-----of course-----just like the Koran guarantees FREEDOM OF
RELIGION!!!! what is your problem? (I really enjoy that "recognized" religion
thing----so koranic----"we can decide allah does not like your religion or YOU"

uhm------I am a jew---born in the USA-----based on the jobs I have held and
my lifestyle ---etc etc----I have encountered persons from just about everywhere
in the world and formed close friendships.-----I actually met that pig Mehdi once---
in the 60s and poor hubby encountered that Baathist pig in the 90s. I have even
come to know Christian Syrians (actually Christian Syrians are the very first
Arabic speaking people I have known---way back in the 50 when I had no idea
where Syria or what Syria was.) Based on what I know---about Christian Syrians
from Christian Syrians----way back and some who left Syria more recently----
BASHAR is a muslim----the government is muslim and its no damned good for
Christians there. Of course I have also encountered many Syrian jews. I have
to admit----I never PERSONALLY knew a muslim who complained "he's an alawite
and I am sunni. All I knew from muslims is papa assad and baby
assad is a "DICTATOR" Just about every Islamic cesspit includes "freedom
of religion" in its constitution (freedom of LEGAL religions)
Well, the "recognized religion thing" is quite normal. We have that in Germany, too.
Oh, yes, Bashar Assad is Muslim, but he is a very liberal one (his wife does not even wear head scarves), but the only office in Syria that requires its holder to be Muslim is the office of the President. Isn´t the Israeli President a Jew? However, it cannot be that bad to be a Syrian Christian.
Last edited:
ROFLMAO-----of course-----just like the Koran guarantees FREEDOM OF
RELIGION!!!! what is your problem? (I really enjoy that "recognized" religion
thing----so koranic----"we can decide allah does not like your religion or YOU"

uhm------I am a jew---born in the USA-----based on the jobs I have held and
my lifestyle ---etc etc----I have encountered persons from just about everywhere
in the world and formed close friendships.-----I actually met that pig Mehdi once---
in the 60s and poor hubby encountered that Baathist pig in the 90s. I have even
come to know Christian Syrians (actually Christian Syrians are the very first
Arabic speaking people I have known---way back in the 50 when I had no idea
where Syria or what Syria was.) Based on what I know---about Christian Syrians
from Christian Syrians----way back and some who left Syria more recently----
BASHAR is a muslim----the government is muslim and its no damned good for
Christians there. Of course I have also encountered many Syrian jews. I have
to admit----I never PERSONALLY knew a muslim who complained "he's an alawite
and I am sunni. All I knew from muslims is papa assad and baby
assad is a "DICTATOR" Just about every Islamic cesspit includes "freedom
of religion" in its constitution (freedom of LEGAL religions)
Well, the "recognized religion thing" is quite normal. We have that in Germany, too.
Oh, yes, Bashar Assad is Muslim, but he is a very liberal one (his wife does not even wear head scarves), but the only office in Syria that requires its holder to be Muslim is the office of the President. Isn´t the Israeli President a Jew? However, it cannot be that bad to be a Syrian Christian.

Priester----as usual ---you said nothing. As for being a Christian in Syria----I have never been one-------I have known lots of Christians and some jews from Syria------most PRE ASSAD---but some Christians during assad--------they say it sucks. What does the fact the president of Israel is a jew have to do with anything at all? As far as I know there is no law demanding that
he be a jew. Why would Syria have a LAW demanding that the president be a muslim if the
country is SECULAR? The pig is BAATHIST------the Islamic form of Nazi socialist-----
as ----IMPERIALIST ARABISM like your heros al husseini, gamal abdel Nasser, Sadaam Hussein --------etc Imperialist Arabism is simply another name for ARAB CALIPHATISM---
Last edited:
Priester----as usual ---you said nothing. As for being a Christian in Syria----I have never been one-------I have known lots of Christians and some jews from Syria------most PRE ASSAD---but some Christians during assad--------they say it sucks. What does the fact the president of Israel is a jew have to do with anything at all? As far as I know there is no law demanding that
he be a jew. Why would Syria have a LAW demanding that the president be a muslim if the
country is SECULAR? The pig is BAATHIST------the Islamic form of Nazi socialist-----
as ----IMPERIALIST ARABISM like your heros al husseini, gamal abdel Nasser, Sadaam Hussein --------etc Imperialist Arabism is simply another name for ARAB CALIPHATISM---
I thought that was an older post at first but then I read Today at 5:05 AM :biggrin:
UN: Assad Responsible for More Atrocities in Syria Than ISIS
Special UN panel says despite bloody Islamic State rampage the Syrian regime is still responsible for most war crimes in Syria.
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on print More Sharing Services 1
By Ari Soffer
First Publish: 9/16/2014, 5:25 PM


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
AFP photo
Despite the high-profile and shocking nature of the so-called "Islamic State" and its push through Iraq and Syria, the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad is still responsible for the majority of war crimes being committed in that country, according to the author of a special UN report into the Syrian civil war.

With no end in sight to the three and a half year conflict, a special United Nations panel presented its findings Tuesday in a depressing 17-page report.

Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, who led the four-person panel, said he had "run out of words to depict the gravity of the crimes committed inside Syria."

He noted that the Islamic State, which recently beheaded three western hostages James Foley, Steven Sotloff and David Haines, has similarly subjected countless other Syrian civilians to similar public executions and brutal punishments.

The report is based on eyewitness testimonies from Syrians interviewed by the team, hailing from across the country.

Pinheiro also highlighted the mass-killings of prisoners of war - as occurred after IS's recent capture of Tabqa airbase in northern Syria - as well as of dissenters and political opponents.

Women are particularly vulnerable to abuse at the hands of the Islamist terror group, with several already being stoned to death based on accusations of adultery, or publicly flogged for minor offenses such as walking in the street without a male chaperone.

Nevertheless, Pinheiro pointed out that the regime of Bashar al-Assad "remains responsible for the majority of the civilian casualties, killing and maiming scores of civilians daily."

Civilians are being slaughtered at the hands of the regime in a variety of ways - from indiscriminate shelling, air raids and "barrel bombings", to shootings and summary executions at the hands of soldiers and pro-government militiamen.

Those captured or arrested by the regime were subjected to horrific torture and denied food or water for prolonged periods of time. Female prisoners were regularly raped or otherwise sexually abused.

Pinheiro said that the inaction on the part of major world powers to intervene - via the UN Security Council or otherwise - has helped fuel the conflict. It's most recently "beneficiary", he said, was the Islamic State - but the Syrian government has been able to escape justice for its massacres for longer still.
We have a thread with that topic already and you know it. You just want to provoke. The strange IS spokeswoman provided us at least with the name of the puppet, that spreads its lies into the medias. The puppet's source is the internet where the crimes of the terrorist groups are proudly presented by themselves, whereas the alleged crimes of the Syrian gov't the puppet talks about are totally fabricated.

I did not see it till after the fact.

Assad Slaughtering Syrian Christians

Bringing balance to your mushy adoration of a butcher.

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