Obama wants to tax coal, oil and natural gas out of use


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Barack Obama's 'Gradual Adjustment' to Higher Gas Prices - Standard Newswire

What is amazing is most Liberals have zero idea what Obama has said in the past. During the run up to the election the fawning press failed us on a massive scale in regards our current President.

This was posted last year and I believe in 2008 as well. Yet some liberal DEMANDS a link when told about it. Here is a current link.

Here let me give it to you again.

Barack Obama's 'Gradual Adjustment' to Higher Gas Prices - Standard Newswire
Note to the Left:

There is as yet no Magic Energy that will replace fossil fuels. It's amazingly short-sighted and stupid to prevent their use until economical, scalable alternatives are found.

So stop it.
So naturally Obama is secretly ordering the CIA, his SIEU thugs, and Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright's love child to blow up underwater oil caps and California neighborhoods. You know, to push their agenda ahead a bit faster ...
So naturally Obama is secretly ordering the CIA, his SIEU thugs, and Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright's love child to blow up underwater oil caps and California neighborhoods. You know, to push their agenda ahead a bit faster ...

The timing of certain events do seem a tad... ummmm.... convenient though, do they not?
What exactly is the fixation with higher gasoline prices? They will fluxuate regardless of U.S. energy policy. Gas prices are secondary to the importance of the health of the petroleum industry as a whole.

I'm all for increasing federal taxes on gasoline in order to raise government revenues and reduce demand.

But thanks Sgt for bringing up the subject.

The story mentions a $15 billion "windfall profits" tax on oil. But it fails to address the over $40 billion in taxes the government intends to collect by cutting the rug out from under the oil and gas businesses in this country by way of retracting long-standing tax provisions.

If we want to raise revenues and decrease demand, then slap a tariff on imported oil. Don't conjur some fucked up policy that will first and foremost penalize U.S. oil companies.

Who's doing all the drilling in the U.S.? Independents. They drill over 80% of the wells in this country. Not "big oil".
So naturally Obama is secretly ordering the CIA, his SIEU thugs, and Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright's love child to blow up underwater oil caps and California neighborhoods. You know, to push their agenda ahead a bit faster ...

This is not about whether the Government had anything to do with 3 different explosions, This is about Obama announcing he would bankrupt Coal, Oil and natural gas if he could. And about the press not even covering it the next day in the story.

The interview was on Jan 17 2008 at the San Francisco Chronicle and the paper version was on the 18th.

This is about the fact that Luissa and the rest of you liberals have no idea what Obama actual said and wants to do.
So naturally Obama is secretly ordering the CIA, his SIEU thugs, and Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright's love child to blow up underwater oil caps and California neighborhoods. You know, to push their agenda ahead a bit faster ...

This is not about whether the Government had anything to do with 3 different explosions, This is about Obama announcing he would bankrupt Coal, Oil and natural gas if he could. And about the press not even covering it the next day in the story.

The interview was on Jan 17 2008 at the San Francisco Chronicle and the paper version was on the 18th.

This is about the fact that Luissa and the rest of you liberals have no idea what Obama actual said and wants to do.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure it is, RGS ... and my birthday is September 9, 2010.

It has everything to do with what you claim and this has nothing to do whatsoever with your crackpot "truffer style" theory from the other thread that Obama is behind the BP explosion and this California neighborhood that blew up. No siree, no at all.
So naturally Obama is secretly ordering the CIA, his SIEU thugs, and Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright's love child to blow up underwater oil caps and California neighborhoods. You know, to push their agenda ahead a bit faster ...

This is not about whether the Government had anything to do with 3 different explosions, This is about Obama announcing he would bankrupt Coal, Oil and natural gas if he could. And about the press not even covering it the next day in the story.

The interview was on Jan 17 2008 at the San Francisco Chronicle and the paper version was on the 18th.

This is about the fact that Luissa and the rest of you liberals have no idea what Obama actual said and wants to do.

I monitor oil and gas news sites and they were on this from the git go. But you're right- main stream media gave it no never mind. Same as it's been for the 30 years I've been on it.
Alternative energy sources make a great deal of sense regardless of your belief concerning the relationship of fossil fuels to climate change. The internal combustion engine is very inefficient compared to electric motors or fuel cells. Much of the energy from gasoline does not translate into useful work but rather heat. The byproducts pollute the air and production of oil pollutes the oceans and the land. Production is both expensive and dangerous.

The dependence of foreign oil has created major problems in foreign policy and national security. Even if we were willing to make huge environmental sacrifices it is doubtful that US could every be energy independent. Increasing the US production would bring prices down which will encourages ever higher rates of consumption. Higher rates of production is only a short term fix. Over the long term it is mistake.

The US can provide all the clean efficient energy it needs when technology can reduce the cost. The other alternative is to raise the price of fossil fuels. The cost of producing alternative energy is falling and will continue with new technology breakthroughs. The cost of fossil fuels will continue to rise as production costs rise.

Increasing the tax on fossil fuels is a good idea regardless of how unpopular it is.
Barack Obama's 'Gradual Adjustment' to Higher Gas Prices - Standard Newswire

What is amazing is most Liberals have zero idea what Obama has said in the past. During the run up to the election the fawning press failed us on a massive scale in regards our current President.

This was posted last year and I believe in 2008 as well. Yet some liberal DEMANDS a link when told about it. Here is a current link.

Here let me give it to you again.

Barack Obama's 'Gradual Adjustment' to Higher Gas Prices - Standard Newswire

So what is wrong with a corporation paying a windfall tax, after monopolizing an excessive profit off your resources?
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What exactly is the fixation with higher gasoline prices? They will fluxuate regardless of U.S. energy policy. Gas prices are secondary to the importance of the health of the petroleum industry as a whole.

I'm all for increasing federal taxes on gasoline in order to raise government revenues and reduce demand.

But thanks Sgt for bringing up the subject.

The story mentions a $15 billion "windfall profits" tax on oil. But it fails to address the over $40 billion in taxes the government intends to collect by cutting the rug out from under the oil and gas businesses in this country by way of retracting long-standing tax provisions.

If we want to raise revenues and decrease demand, then slap a tariff on imported oil. Don't conjur some fucked up policy that will first and foremost penalize U.S. oil companies.

Who's doing all the drilling in the U.S.? Independents. They drill over 80% of the wells in this country. Not "big oil".

I believe demand has been fairly well cut for quite a few years now. If you want to lower taxes on oil, Nationalize it and eliminate taxes altogether.
hope this gets talked about more, it will lead to gridlock. Republicans should pay to run commercials on it before midters. Liberals will shoot thier foot off.
Barack Obama's 'Gradual Adjustment' to Higher Gas Prices - Standard Newswire

What is amazing is most Liberals have zero idea what Obama has said in the past. During the run up to the election the fawning press failed us on a massive scale in regards our current President.

This was posted last year and I believe in 2008 as well. Yet some liberal DEMANDS a link when told about it. Here is a current link.

Here let me give it to you again.

Barack Obama's 'Gradual Adjustment' to Higher Gas Prices - Standard Newswire

Something more concrete than hearsay? The nerve of some people!:eusa_whistle:
Luissa is so stupid she can not listen to the audio and can not grasp that every story on this references the ORIGINAL session on Jan 17 2008.

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