Obama wanted to shoot Israeli jets down in 2014... is this what you call an Ally/friend??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Bethlehem-based news agency Ma’an has cited a Kuwaiti newspaper report Saturday, that US President Barack Obama thwarted an Israeli militaryattack against Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.
Following Obama's threat, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was reportedly forced to abort the planned Iran attack.
According to Al-Jarida, the Netanyahu government took the decision to strike Iran some time in 2014 soon after Israel had discovered the United States and Iran had been involved in secret talks over Iran’s nuclear program and were about to sign an agreement in that regard behind Israel's back.
The report claimed that an unnamed Israeli minister who has good ties with the US administration revealed the attack plan to Secretary of State John Kerry, and that Obama then threatened to shoot down the Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.
Obama Threatened to Shoot Down IAF Iran Strike - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
Not a lot of info - only unnamed sources.... IF it's true...one has to ask: what kind of ally attempts to derail delicate negotiations and force us into a military conflict by doing this? What kind of "friend" does that? Bibi is doing everything possible to make this a military conflict which means our people will get forced in and killed. It should be a last option, not a first. What kind of friend does that?
Israeli settlements[1] are Israeli civilian communitieshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement#endnote_desc built on lands occupied by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War. Such settlements currently exist in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and in the Golan Heights. Settlements previously existed in the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip until Israel evacuated the Sinai settlements following the 1979 Israel-Egypt peace agreement and from the Gaza Strip in 2005 under Israel's unilateral disengagement plan. Israel dismantled 18 settlements in the Sinai Peninsula in 1982, and all 21 in the Gaza Strip and 4 in the West Bank in 2005,[2] but continues to both expand its settlements and settle new areas in the West Bank,[3][4][5][6][7] despite pressure to desist from the international community.

The international community considers the settlements in occupied territory to be illegal,[8] and the United Nations has repeatedly upheld the view that Israel's construction of settlements constitutes a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.[9][10] Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem and communities in the Golan Heights, the latter of which has been annexed by Israel, are also considered settlements by the international community, which does not recognise Israel's annexations of these territories.[11] The International Court of Justice also says these settlements are illegal in a 2004advisory opinion.[12][13][14] In April 2012, UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon, in response to moves by Israel to legalise Israeli outposts, reiterated that all settlement activity is illegal, and "runs contrary to Israel's obligations under the Road Map and repeated Quartet calls for the parties to refrain from provocations."[15] Similar criticism was advanced by the EU and the US.[16][17] Israel disputes the position of the international community and the legal arguments that were used to declare the settlements illegal.[18]
Israeli settlement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So why did Israel decide to occupy these territories that they agreed in a unilateral disengagement... i.e. the agreed after beating Egypt!
This is one of the reasons.......
Screen Shot 2015-03-01 at 11.14.25 AM.png
Not a lot of info - only unnamed sources.... IF it's true...one has to ask: what kind of ally attempts to derail delicate negotiations and force us into a military conflict by doing this? What kind of "friend" does that? Bibi is doing everything possible to make this a military conflict which means our people will get forced in and killed. It should be a last option, not a first. What kind of friend does that?

So you have NO problem with Iran have nuclear weapons right? Because that is what Obama wants to happen.
Isnt odd that the same people who want to limit or get rid of our nukes are busy trying to proliferate them all over the world
One has to wonder if Obama will limit funding for weapons. He has done that before.
He tried to cut the funding for Israel’s Iron Dome at least two years in a row.
Obama Threatens Sanctions Against Israel Over Apartment Buildings www.independentsentinel.com

Why are we funding it?
Primarily because Americans historically have considered Israel a democracy island surrounded by dictator/tribal/uncivilized societies that
a) consider all gays should be killed..
b) Women should walk behind men, not vote i.e. be 2nd class women.
c) WANT to destroy Israel, United States...i.e. any western civilization.
It is their destiny and written into the charters... destroy infidels which unless you are a Muslim...YOU are to be killed on sight!
Do you understand these people are barbarians and you as Obama want to facilitate their taking over western civilization?
(CNN) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's open conflict with U.S. President Barack Obama over his diplomacy with Iran has not only served a blow to the U.S.-Israeli relationship. It has also collapsed Israel's otherwise arguably successful Iran policy.

Contrary to Israel's rhetoric, the fear of Iran getting a nuclear weapon has not been the driving factor of Israel policy on Iran since the early 1990s. Obviously, Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon would be highly undesirable for Israel. But that has not been Israel's primary concern. Rather, the fear has been that Washington would end up finding a compromise with Iran that on the one hand would close off any Iranian path to a bomb, but on the other hand would lock in a shift in the regional balance of power in Israel's disfavor.

Regardless of the details of a nuclear deal with Iran, a deal per se would reduce Washington's tensions with Tehran, while not necessarily tempering the Israeli-Iranian rivalry proportionally. Israel will be "abandoned" to face Iran alone, Israelis fear. Moreover, a deal would signal, the argument goes, that Washington has accepted and will not contest Iran's geopolitical advances in the region. Iran has hegemonic aspirations, Israel contends, and must be stopped, not accommodated. After a deal with Iran, Washington would be even more likely to shift its geopolitical focus elsewhere and be less intertwined with Israel's needs.

The U.S.-Iran enmity has ensured Washington's commitment to isolating and containing Iran, much to Israel's satisfaction. If your interest dictates that the U.S. and Iran must remain firmly at odds with each other, a nuclear deal -- any deal -- would eliminate the most explosive point of contention between Washington and Tehran and lessen America's inclination to confront Iran on other matters, Israel believes. As Israel's Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said earlier this week: "[E]very deal that will be signed between the West and this messianic and apocalyptic regime will strike a severe blow to Western and Israeli interests." This also explains why Netanyahu has been contradicting his own intelligence services and exaggerated and misconstrued Iran's nuclear activities.

Mod Edit: please don't post entire article

Opinion Netanyahu has crossed the point of no return on Iran - CNN.com
Last edited by a moderator:
Good! I wish he had. Oh and REMEMBER THE LIBERTY! What kind of ally attacks its "ally's ships? Not even a damn war ship at that...Well Israel does of course! :)

Yup... Israel did that for sure.
You don't need to read this I'm sure as being an Anti-american/Anti-Israeli as you are honesty is not your suite.
But for others... here is a very good article about the gigantic mistake Israel made. Yup... It was totally wrong for Israel to attempt to drag US into the conflict.
The USS Liberty Cover-Up
It is though because of people like you that LOVE to make the America/Israel the bad guys. You and your ilk are constantly tearing democracies like America/Israel etc. and all because YOU think you are intellectually honest..i.e. more intelligent.. i.e. another Obama!
I am so disgusted with people like you taking advantage of Democracy benefits and totally ignorant how damaging you idiots are!
Not a lot of info - only unnamed sources.... IF it's true...one has to ask: what kind of ally attempts to derail delicate negotiations and force us into a military conflict by doing this? What kind of "friend" does that? Bibi is doing everything possible to make this a military conflict which means our people will get forced in and killed. It should be a last option, not a first. What kind of friend does that?

So you have NO problem with Iran have nuclear weapons right? Because that is what Obama wants to happen.
Nope, don't really care. You do realize why Iran wants a nuke, right? We've only invaded and overthrown two of their neighboring countries.
Good! I wish he had. Oh and REMEMBER THE LIBERTY! What kind of ally attacks its "ally's ships? Not even a damn war ship at that...Well Israel does of course! :)

Yup... Israel did that for sure.
You don't need to read this I'm sure as being an Anti-american/Anti-Israeli as you are honesty is not your suite.
But for others... here is a very good article about the gigantic mistake Israel made. Yup... It was totally wrong for Israel to attempt to drag US into the conflict.
The USS Liberty Cover-Up
It is though because of people like you that LOVE to make the America/Israel the bad guys. You and your ilk are constantly tearing democracies like America/Israel etc. and all because YOU think you are intellectually honest..i.e. more intelligent.. i.e. another Obama!
I am so disgusted with people like you taking advantage of Democracy benefits and totally ignorant how damaging you idiots are!
LOL at Israel being called a democracy, Anyways it was no mistake. Mistake is 1 time shooting at a ship then going to help afterwords not constantly attacking not only with jet fighters but torpedo boats as well THEN conspiring with the US president to cover it up! Only problem was Israel didn't sink the ship. America the country and America the government are 2 totally different things. America the country I love American Government are scum.
Not a lot of info - only unnamed sources.... IF it's true...one has to ask: what kind of ally attempts to derail delicate negotiations and force us into a military conflict by doing this? What kind of "friend" does that? Bibi is doing everything possible to make this a military conflict which means our people will get forced in and killed. It should be a last option, not a first. What kind of friend does that?

So you have NO problem with Iran have nuclear weapons right? Because that is what Obama wants to happen.
Nope, don't really care. You do realize why Iran wants a nuke, right? We've only invaded and overthrown two of their neighboring countries.

Why are you LIPs so uninformed? Is it because you are so shrift in concentration that you can't handle FACTS? You can only handle 30 second sound bites?

Was it OK to Iran for Saddam to invade Kuwait?
Iran was perfectly happy with the USA liberating Iraq from their ARCH ENEMY Saddam... again you seem to forget the 1980s Iraq/Iran conflict right????
Today Iran is working with the USA on ISIS in Iraq again a gigantic cluster f...k by Obama in premature evacuation from Iraq all because the idiot Obama
doesn't seem to realize stationing US troops for long periods of time in countries like oh Germany/Japan,etc. over 60 years now!
But an ignoramus like you obviously have never heard the history of Iran take over by mullahs in 1979.. by their support of Taliban.. but you don't seem to
know this... thanks to your modern educational system!
Not a lot of info - only unnamed sources.... IF it's true...one has to ask: what kind of ally attempts to derail delicate negotiations and force us into a military conflict by doing this? What kind of "friend" does that? Bibi is doing everything possible to make this a military conflict which means our people will get forced in and killed. It should be a last option, not a first. What kind of friend does that?

So you have NO problem with Iran have nuclear weapons right? Because that is what Obama wants to happen.
Nope, don't really care. You do realize why Iran wants a nuke, right? We've only invaded and overthrown two of their neighboring countries.

Why are you LIPs so uninformed? Is it because you are so shrift in concentration that you can't handle FACTS? You can only handle 30 second sound bites?

Was it OK to Iran for Saddam to invade Kuwait?
Iran was perfectly happy with the USA liberating Iraq from their ARCH ENEMY Saddam... again you seem to forget the 1980s Iraq/Iran conflict right????
Today Iran is working with the USA on ISIS in Iraq again a gigantic cluster f...k by Obama in premature evacuation from Iraq all because the idiot Obama
doesn't seem to realize stationing US troops for long periods of time in countries like oh Germany/Japan,etc. over 60 years now!
But an ignoramus like you obviously have never heard the history of Iran take over by mullahs in 1979.. by their support of Taliban.. but you don't seem to
know this... thanks to your modern educational system!
Jesus Christ, you're all over the place in this post and you have the nerve to talk about education. Iran being happy that Saddam is gone doesn't mean they don't fear the US. They aren't mutually exclusive concepts. Republicans have been calling for attacking Iran for over a decade.
Not a lot of info - only unnamed sources.... IF it's true...one has to ask: what kind of ally attempts to derail delicate negotiations and force us into a military conflict by doing this? What kind of "friend" does that? Bibi is doing everything possible to make this a military conflict which means our people will get forced in and killed. It should be a last option, not a first. What kind of friend does that?

So you have NO problem with Iran have nuclear weapons right? Because that is what Obama wants to happen.
Nope, don't really care. You do realize why Iran wants a nuke, right? We've only invaded and overthrown two of their neighboring countries.

Why are you LIPs so uninformed? Is it because you are so shrift in concentration that you can't handle FACTS? You can only handle 30 second sound bites?

Was it OK to Iran for Saddam to invade Kuwait?
Iran was perfectly happy with the USA liberating Iraq from their ARCH ENEMY Saddam... again you seem to forget the 1980s Iraq/Iran conflict right????
Today Iran is working with the USA on ISIS in Iraq again a gigantic cluster f...k by Obama in premature evacuation from Iraq all because the idiot Obama
doesn't seem to realize stationing US troops for long periods of time in countries like oh Germany/Japan,etc. over 60 years now!
But an ignoramus like you obviously have never heard the history of Iran take over by mullahs in 1979.. by their support of Taliban.. but you don't seem to
know this... thanks to your modern educational system!

Jesus Christ, you're all over the place in this post and you have the nerve to talk about education. Iran being happy that Saddam is gone doesn't mean they don't fear the US. They aren't mutually exclusive concepts. Republicans have been calling for attacking Iran for over a decade.

Some idiots like you criticize the USA for liberating Iraq which was not abiding by the 1991 CEASE FIRE you dummy!
What good are agreements i.e. 1991 Cease Fire if they aren't enforced? So how in the hell do we know Iran will keep their nuclear ambitions at bay?
But crappy traitors like you BELIEVE IRAN would keep these agreements?
As far as Iran fears the USA??? You are so naive!
This thread is in Politic
One has to wonder if Obama will limit funding for weapons. He has done that before.
He tried to cut the funding for Israel’s Iron Dome at least two years in a row.
Obama Threatens Sanctions Against Israel Over Apartment Buildings www.independentsentinel.com

Why are we funding it?
Primarily because Americans historically have considered Israel a democracy island surrounded by dictator/tribal/uncivilized societies that
a) consider all gays should be killed..
b) Women should walk behind men, not vote i.e. be 2nd class women.
c) WANT to destroy Israel, United States...i.e. any western civilization.
It is their destiny and written into the charters... destroy infidels which unless you are a Muslim...YOU are to be killed on sight!
Do you understand these people are barbarians and you as Obama want to facilitate their taking over western civilization?

I've seen no evidence that Obama desires that. Funding remains at the same levels of support.

Why stop all funding in the ME except for humanitarian and let them sort it out?

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