Obama voters only fooled themselves..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In 2008 131 million votes were cast:
Ethnicity % of voters # of voters Voted Obama Attitude today
White 76.3% 99,953,000 44% Democrat Obama BUT 38% vote today
black 12.1% 15,851,000 91% for Obama 87% would vote today
Hispanics 7.4% 9,694,000 more democrats 67%
Asian 2.5% 3,275,000 not sure

Of those 43.97 million white voters for Obama, how many do you think voted for Obama because they didn't want to think they were racist by not voting for Obama? KNOWING that MOST WHITE people really didn't know how inexperienced Obama was..(he was campaigning for president 2 years after his Senate term started), didn't know he had NO executive experience but was a community organizer.

So when those ignorant Iowans had to physically STAND in the caucuses they didn't want the press, nor the country to think they were unsophisticated , racists, so they like the 44% of whites voted for Obama and I contend MOST WHITE voters did so because they didn't want to think themselves "RACIST"!

What a shame that Obama who never
1) served in the military as Allen West, a black did..20 years rank of lieutenant colonel),
2) had ANY business experiences like Tim Scott a black GOP congressman who owns an insurance agency, and works as a financial advisor

was the first affirmative action president.. to the endangerment of us all!
And all because probably 10% or more of the 43 million white voters for Obama voted because THEY didn't want to think they were racist!

Now there will be some idiot comments about me being a "racist" and mostly from those idiots that voted for Obama because he was black and they are racists. See I absolutely respect and admire West and Scott and knowing that both have FAR more experiences then Obama EVER had would be a Black Presidential candidate as well as J.C.Watts, Florida's Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll even better a black retired Navy Lieutenant Commander, Aviation Maintenance Officer after 20 years, Herman Cain GodFather's Pizza CEO (who I shook hands with great respect!!) just to name a FEW QUALIFIED,EXPERIENCED black people .. again I would work for to get elected and obviously vote for just to name a few!

So those few idiots who want to call my comments "racist"? I ignore you as well as other intelligent people ignore you who realized early on that Obama was FOOLING people and those of you who voted for him and still defend him.. YOU obviously NEVER read his book where he told us he was FOOLING US and he's laughing especially at you WHITE guilt ridden voters!

"Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Fooled you Obama voters and he is laughing at you right now cause HE KNOWS you were fooled by him because he didn't tell you ..
NOW he's laughing even harder because IN spite of his RECORD... you idiots are going to vote AGAIN for him.. this time because he
knows you won't admit you were wrong the first time! He's counting on your pride. Counting on your not wanting to be fools!
And fortunately there are fewer fools this time and MORE people looking at what HE HAS done to this country and he's flimsy excuses!
His "transparency"! HIS RECORD!!!
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healthmyths, you don't need to keep making every single thing entirely about race.

Clearly, you were fooled by the Obama haters, who brainwashed you into thinking only about race. Since Obama voters don't constantly fixate entirely on race in the way that you do, your strange tirade only reflects badly on yourself.
healthmyths, you don't need to keep making every single thing entirely about race.

Clearly, you were fooled by the Obama haters, who brainwashed you into thinking only about race. Since Obama voters don't constantly fixate entirely on race in the way that you do, your strange tirade only reflects badly on yourself.

Well you tell me then!
What qualifications did OBAMA have OTHER then fooling people to vote for him out of fear they would consider themselves RACISTS?

He was counting on that! He expected idiots to look past his very shabby qualifications because AFTER ALL he had achieved his "successes" BECAUSE as he TOLD us if you had taken the time to READ!!!

"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

It was a trick! A tactic! Overcome his deficient resume of NO accomplishments and fooled people who would feel GUILT for not voting for him! He made YOU and others race conscious!
He dared you NOT to vote for him after all HE put the first racial marker down when he said in

They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet
Obama raised the "RACE" card regarding himself in his book "Dreams of My Father"!!

It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."
healthmyths, you don't need to keep making every single thing entirely about race.

Clearly, you were fooled by the Obama haters, who brainwashed you into thinking only about race. Since Obama voters don't constantly fixate entirely on race in the way that you do, your strange tirade only reflects badly on yourself.

Explain why then 9% of the black voters DIDN"T vote for Obama.. they racists???
Explain why NOW it is 13% of black voters won't vote for Obama.. racists?

I knew idiots like you would dare call me a Obama hater! I don't hate anyone unless it is people who put attitudes and opinions ABOVE facts!

I knew IDIOTS like you would think I wrote a "racist" piece. I didn't ! I wrote an honesty piece and it HIT you right between the eyes because YOU voted out of a RACIST position!
YOU didn't vote for Obama because he was "qualified"???
HE WASN"T! He had NO executive experiences.. never ran anything!
He was always running for SOMETHING! And that was HIS ONLY experience!
YOU voted because YOU had NO reason to vote for HIM other then he was BLACK and that is RACIST!
You certainly wouldn't vote for him because he was an experienced campaigner/politician would you?
$pb-120909-biden-cannon.photoblog900.jpgAnd consider this lecherous OLD man was the choice of Obama!!
In 2008 131 million votes were cast:
Ethnicity % of voters # of voters Voted Obama Attitude today
White 76.3% 99,953,000 44% Democrat Obama BUT 38% vote today
black 12.1% 15,851,000 91% for Obama 87% would vote today
Hispanics 7.4% 9,694,000 more democrats 67%
Asian 2.5% 3,275,000 not sure

Of those 43.97 million white voters for Obama, how many do you think voted for Obama because they didn't want to think they were racist by not voting for Obama? KNOWING that MOST WHITE people really didn't know how inexperienced Obama was..(he was campaigning for president 2 years after his Senate term started), didn't know he had NO executive experience but was a community organizer.

So when those ignorant Iowans had to physically STAND in the caucuses they didn't want the press, nor the country to think they were unsophisticated , racists, so they like the 44% of whites voted for Obama and I contend MOST WHITE voters did so because they didn't want to think themselves "RACIST"!

What a shame that Obama who never
1) served in the military as Allen West, a black did..20 years rank of lieutenant colonel),
2) had ANY business experiences like Tim Scott a black GOP congressman who owns an insurance agency, and works as a financial advisor

was the first affirmative action president.. to the endangerment of us all!
And all because probably 10% or more of the 43 million white voters for Obama voted because THEY didn't want to think they were racist!

Now there will be some idiot comments about me being a "racist" and mostly from those idiots that voted for Obama because he was black and they are racists. See I absolutely respect and admire West and Scott and knowing that both have FAR more experiences then Obama EVER had would be a Black Presidential candidate as well as J.C.Watts, Florida's Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll even better a black retired Navy Lieutenant Commander, Aviation Maintenance Officer after 20 years, Herman Cain GodFather's Pizza CEO (who I shook hands with great respect!!) just to name a FEW QUALIFIED,EXPERIENCED black people .. again I would work for to get elected and obviously vote for just to name a few!

So those few idiots who want to call my comments "racist"? I ignore you as well as other intelligent people ignore you who realized early on that Obama was FOOLING people and those of you who voted for him and still defend him.. YOU obviously NEVER read his book where he told us he was FOOLING US and he's laughing especially at you WHITE guilt ridden voters!

"Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Fooled you Obama voters and he is laughing at you right now cause HE KNOWS you were fooled by him because he didn't tell you ..
NOW he's laughing even harder because IN spite of his RECORD... you idiots are going to vote AGAIN for him.. this time because he
knows you won't admit you were wrong the first time! He's counting on your pride. Counting on your not wanting to be fools!
And fortunately there are fewer fools this time and MORE people looking at what HE HAS done to this country and he's flimsy excuses!
His "transparency"! HIS RECORD!!!

The Republican Party is 90% white. Obviously the majority of whites didn't vote for Obama.
Thanks for sharing .............AGAIN.

Holy shit......you need a fucking hobby.

I couldn't make heads or tails of what he was trying to say with the percentages and all. I don't have any doubt that White Guilt was Obama's real running mate but McCain was a disaster of a candidate whose only remaining virtue is that he is perhaps running a better campaign than Romney.
Thanks for sharing .............AGAIN.

Holy shit......you need a fucking hobby.

I couldn't make heads or tails of what he was trying to say with the percentages and all. I don't have any doubt that White Guilt was Obama's real running mate but McCain was a disaster of a candidate whose only remaining virtue is that he is perhaps running a better campaign than Romney.

No wonder you are an Obamatron! If you can't understand simple percentages!
Let me make it MORE simple!
First there were 131 million votes cast in 2008.
White voters cast 99.953 million of which 43.9 million were cast for Obama OR 44%!

In 2011 38% of whites would vote for Obama meaning about 6 million WHITES realize Obama told a bunch of lies to get elected and Obama would make them FOOLS by voting again for him in 2012!
((Even young white voters, a group that largely supported the president in 2008, have proven a tough sell. From 2008 to 2011, about 18 percent of young white voters shifted from Democrat to Republican, according to Pew.)
Obama's White Voters Problem And The Civil Rights Act Of 1964

In 2008 the following was the election by 131 million voters:
Ethnicity % of voters # of voters Voted Obama Attitude today
White 76.3% 99,953,000 44% Democrat Obama BUT 38% vote today
black 12.1% 15,851,000 91% for Obama 87% would vote today
Hispanics 7.4% 9,694,000 more democrats 67%
Asian 2.5% 3,275,000 not sure
Dissecting the 2008 Electorate: Most Diverse in U.S. History | Pew Hispanic Center

Is that simple enough for you??
There are at least 6% LESS white voters in 2012 that will NOT vote for Obama or about 6 million!

There are about 4% less black voters that will vote for Obama.. is that simple enough for you???

Again.. MOrE white voters are NOW realizing that JUST because Obama is BLACK is NOT enough of a reason to vote for him given his mediocre performance as a President the last 4 years!
Obama has fooled alot of people and its just unbelievable that obama has even one supporter. He is not qualified to be president, and he hides it. He is a fraud. He has ruined our lives and our country and there is no way i would vote for him. I don't think a muslim has a place in our government anyway.
Thanks for sharing .............AGAIN.

Holy shit......you need a fucking hobby.

I couldn't make heads or tails of what he was trying to say with the percentages and all. I don't have any doubt that White Guilt was Obama's real running mate but McCain was a disaster of a candidate whose only remaining virtue is that he is perhaps running a better campaign than Romney.

No wonder you are an Obamatron! If you can't understand simple percentages!
Let me make it MORE simple!
First there were 131 million votes cast in 2008.
White voters cast 99.953 million of which 43.9 million were cast for Obama OR 44%!

In 2011 38% of whites would vote for Obama meaning about 6 million WHITES realize Obama told a bunch of lies to get elected and Obama would make them FOOLS by voting again for him in 2012!
((Even young white voters, a group that largely supported the president in 2008, have proven a tough sell. From 2008 to 2011, about 18 percent of young white voters shifted from Democrat to Republican, according to Pew.)
Obama's White Voters Problem And The Civil Rights Act Of 1964

In 2008 the following was the election by 131 million voters:
Ethnicity % of voters # of voters Voted Obama Attitude today
White 76.3% 99,953,000 44% Democrat Obama BUT 38% vote today
black 12.1% 15,851,000 91% for Obama 87% would vote today
Hispanics 7.4% 9,694,000 more democrats 67%
Asian 2.5% 3,275,000 not sure
Dissecting the 2008 Electorate: Most Diverse in U.S. History | Pew Hispanic Center

Is that simple enough for you??
There are at least 6% LESS white voters in 2012 that will NOT vote for Obama or about 6 million!

There are about 4% less black voters that will vote for Obama.. is that simple enough for you???

Again.. MOrE white voters are NOW realizing that JUST because Obama is BLACK is NOT enough of a reason to vote for him given his mediocre performance as a President the last 4 years!

So you think Romney is going to win? *snicker*

Care to risk your sig line for a few months on it? No? Didn't think so.

I'll make you the same offer I made to Tea Party Samurai...

If Governor Romney wins, I change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President" and leave it there until 12/31/13.

If President Obama wins, you change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, your President, my President, our President" and leave it there only until 1/1/13

Font size =3, blue font face in bold. Arial font.

You really ARE as confident as you just stated you are, aren't you?
In 2008 131 million votes were cast:
Ethnicity % of voters # of voters Voted Obama Attitude today
White 76.3% 99,953,000 44% Democrat Obama BUT 38% vote today
black 12.1% 15,851,000 91% for Obama 87% would vote today
Hispanics 7.4% 9,694,000 more democrats 67%
Asian 2.5% 3,275,000 not sure

Of those 43.97 million white voters for Obama, how many do you think voted for Obama because they didn't want to think they were racist by not voting for Obama? KNOWING that MOST WHITE people really didn't know how inexperienced Obama was..(he was campaigning for president 2 years after his Senate term started), didn't know he had NO executive experience but was a community organizer.

So when those ignorant Iowans had to physically STAND in the caucuses they didn't want the press, nor the country to think they were unsophisticated , racists, so they like the 44% of whites voted for Obama and I contend MOST WHITE voters did so because they didn't want to think themselves "RACIST"!

What a shame that Obama who never
1) served in the military as Allen West, a black did..20 years rank of lieutenant colonel),
2) had ANY business experiences like Tim Scott a black GOP congressman who owns an insurance agency, and works as a financial advisor

was the first affirmative action president.. to the endangerment of us all!
And all because probably 10% or more of the 43 million white voters for Obama voted because THEY didn't want to think they were racist!

Now there will be some idiot comments about me being a "racist" and mostly from those idiots that voted for Obama because he was black and they are racists. See I absolutely respect and admire West and Scott and knowing that both have FAR more experiences then Obama EVER had would be a Black Presidential candidate as well as J.C.Watts, Florida's Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll even better a black retired Navy Lieutenant Commander, Aviation Maintenance Officer after 20 years, Herman Cain GodFather's Pizza CEO (who I shook hands with great respect!!) just to name a FEW QUALIFIED,EXPERIENCED black people .. again I would work for to get elected and obviously vote for just to name a few!

So those few idiots who want to call my comments "racist"? I ignore you as well as other intelligent people ignore you who realized early on that Obama was FOOLING people and those of you who voted for him and still defend him.. YOU obviously NEVER read his book where he told us he was FOOLING US and he's laughing especially at you WHITE guilt ridden voters!

"Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Fooled you Obama voters and he is laughing at you right now cause HE KNOWS you were fooled by him because he didn't tell you ..
NOW he's laughing even harder because IN spite of his RECORD... you idiots are going to vote AGAIN for him.. this time because he
knows you won't admit you were wrong the first time! He's counting on your pride. Counting on your not wanting to be fools!
And fortunately there are fewer fools this time and MORE people looking at what HE HAS done to this country and he's flimsy excuses!
His "transparency"! HIS RECORD!!!

The Republican Party is 90% white. Obviously the majority of whites didn't vote for Obama.

AND??? I wasn't ADDRESSING the majority of intelligent voters that VOTED on qualifications NOT because they wanted to make themselves FEEL better for voting for a BLACK man!
That's my poinT! 44% of WHITE voters voted for Obama in 2008!
NOW after 3+ years of Obama's destructive agenda.. it will BE a smaller percentage of
WHITES voting for him because NOW they KNOW.. THEY were fooled by Obama and don't need to be FOOLS NOW voting again for him!

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