Obama To Tote Lies At The Un Today!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Prepare to hear a lot of bogus bomb throwing from out president today at the UN.:2up: But something to be aware of if you are looking for some kind of barometer on this climate change stuff.......

"Climate change" has always been a means for an ends. Its very elementary if you are paying attention. Anybody who thinks that the president ( or the AGW crowd ) actually cares about the environment is a fool. This movement seeks to move the public consciousness to accept much higher taxes and higher prices for most everything we buy.......there is no debating it......use of the environmental movement has always been and will always be part of the socialist agenda. That is why these people are in a perpetual state of throwing bombs and trying to scare the living crap out of the public. It is their only strategy. If they were really honest about what we are seeing in the climate over the last 17 years, they nuke their own agenda. So the bomb throwing continues.

Think about it for a second and you begin to connect the dots. Put 2.2 million people out of jobs in the coal industry, they end up on the government payroll.......which is exactly the goal. Trickle-up poverty public policy is very effective in that it invariably makes more and more people dependent upon government subsistence = votes = permanent power. Destruction of the capitalistic system has always been the goal......so expect a lot of talk this week at the UN about renewable energy.......renewable energy which absolutely cannot stand on its own without massive government subsidies ( that's us paying for that :tomato:). Stuff is far, far more expensive than fossil fuels.

Meanwhile, this whole "consensus: nonsense is nothing more than an expensive PR campaign. But don't take my word for it........read about it here >>>>

The Crumbling Climate-Change Consensus National Review Online

and here>>>>>

The Green Agenda
You know, I'm in agreement with you. But the best way to expose a lie, is to just play along with it and take it to it's logical and absurd conclusion. So let's do that as a thought experiment, shall we?

Let's just assume for a moment that their reality is true, OK? A null hypothesis if you will. Let's see where that takes us?

Climate Change: The Standard Fixes Don’t Work
Climate Change The Standard Fixes Don 8217 t Work Our Finite World
Unfortunately, we live in a world economy with constrained oil supply. Because of this, the chosen approaches have a tendency to backfire if some countries adopt them, and others do not. But even if everyone adopts them, it is not at all clear that they will provide the promised benefits.
The standard fixes don’t work for several reasons:

1. In an oil-supply constrained world, if a few countries reduce their oil consumption, the big impact is to leave more oil for the countries that don’t. Oil price may drop a tiny amount, but on a world-wide basis, pretty much the same amount of oil will be extracted, and nearly all of it will be consumed.

2. Unless there is a high tax on imported products made with fossil fuels, the big impact of a carbon tax is to send manufacturing to countries without a carbon tax, such as China and India. These countries are likely to use a far higher proportion of coal in their manufacturing than OECD countries would, and this change will tend to increase world CO2 emissions. Such a change will also tend to raise the standard of living of citizens in the countries adding manufacturing, further raising emissions. This change will also tend to reduce the number of jobs available in OECD countries.

3. The only time when increasing natural gas usage will actually reduce carbon dioxide emissions is if it replaces coal consumption. Otherwise it adds to carbon emissions, but at a lower rate than other fossil fuels, relative to the energy provided.

4. Substitutes for oil, including renewable fuels, are ways of increasing consumption of coal and natural gas over what they would be in the absence of renewable fuels, because they act as add-ons to world oil supply, rather than as true substitutes for oil. Even in cases where they are theoretically more efficient, they still tend to raise carbon emissions in absolute terms, by raising the production of coal and natural gas needed to produce them.

5. Even using more biomass as fuel does not appear to be a solution. Recent work by noted scientists suggests that ramping up the use of biomass runs the risk of pushing the world past a climate change tipping point.

What does this mean? Well, in my book, it means they are lying about climate change. They have to be smart enough to KNOW these strategies don't work, otherwise, why would they be proposing them? It is a money making scam, nothing more. It is a scam to increase the cost of carbon based energy. It is a scam to increase the power of global government and government in general.

Patriotism left these people long ago........every one of those dopey marchers loathes their own country. Marxists......core evil.......and you got fascists pricks out there like Robert Kennedy Jr saying that skeptics should be jailed.

Maybe time to choose up sides huh????:banana::banana::banana::Boom2:
"We can't trick the American people so let's sign an International Agreement that trumps the US Constitution!"

Traitors everyone of them.
You kind of feel bad for the deniers. They've based their lives on this, their entire sense of self-worth as human beings, and it's all falling apart. All the science says they're morons and liars, and their excuses aren't working any more. They can't use the science, so they're forced to fabricate these conspiracy theories that get ever more shrill. Soon, only dogs will be able to hear the deniers shrieking.

And we also have skook declaring a need for violence. As I keep pointing out, such Stalinism is another common element that unifies most deniers. Skook isn't any different from most other deniers in wishing death on his political opponents, he's just more open about it.
Face it Mooth, you lost the argument so all that's left for your kind is Official Oppression.

So how many you wanna' lock up?
Obama has proven he can't go back to teaching the Constitution, what else is he going to do for money?
You kind of feel bad for the deniers. They've based their lives on this, their entire sense of self-worth as human beings, and it's all falling apart. All the science says they're morons and liars, and their excuses aren't working any more. They can't use the science, so they're forced to fabricate these conspiracy theories that get ever more shrill. Soon, only dogs will be able to hear the deniers shrieking.

And we also have skook declaring a need for violence. As I keep pointing out, such Stalinism is another common element that unifies most deniers. Skook isn't any different from most other deniers in wishing death on his political opponents, he's just more open about it.
I see you didn't bother reading any of the links in the OP eh?

Where is the quote that skook wishes death upon his opponents?
That would be skook's little picture of a shooting gun, cheering people, and a call to "take sides."

I already know none of you will criticize his call for violence. The groupthink of your cult is too strong. Plus, most of you agree with his call for violence, even though you don't like to say so openly.
That would be skook's little picture of a shooting gun, cheering people, and a call to "take sides."

I already know none of you will criticize his call for violence. The groupthink of your cult is too strong. Plus, most of you agree with his call for violence, even though you don't like to say so openly.

First of all, I don't "take sides." Second, posting some cheesy animated gifs IS NOT stating a position or a point of view. If you think it is an implied argument, your as bad as liberals who think those that carry guns must be violent. Whatever.

Frankly, maybe he is frustrated. I did hear about that hot head Kennedy actually going so far as stating folks should be thrown in jail for denying AGW exists? Yeah, if they came to throw him in jail for exercising his freedom of speech? I understand the impulse to use the second amendment to defend the first amendment, don't you?

Or are you a global socialist instead of an American? Well, which side are you? A global socialist or an American? Are you going to defend his first amendment with your second amendment, or are you going to help the global dictatorship take him to their re-education camps?
The group think of the Global Warmist Cult is strong. AND they call for Official Oppression via the U.N. of whom they call "deniers".
Patriotism left these people long ago........every one of those dopey marchers loathes their own country. Marxists......core evil.......and you got fascists pricks out there like Robert Kennedy Jr saying that skeptics should be jailed.

Maybe time to choose up sides huh????:banana::banana::banana::Boom2:
It was obvious from the trash they left. Yep great example of how they feel right?
You kind of feel bad for the deniers. They've based their lives on this, their entire sense of self-worth as human beings, and it's all falling apart. All the science says they're morons and liars, and their excuses aren't working any more. They can't use the science, so they're forced to fabricate these conspiracy theories that get ever more shrill. Soon, only dogs will be able to hear the deniers shrieking.

If you had bothered to read the entirety of my null hypothisis argument, you would have noted that my source is using science from from an AGW supporter. It just so happens that she is a scholar that has come to the conclusion that the standard fixes won't work.

Unfortunately she just isn't that bright. She doesn't realize that the elites already know this. And if they already know this, there would be no reason for them to push solutions that don't work unless; A) AGW isn't real, and B) They have a financial and political motive to use the elite corporate controlled media and research establishment to make the public believe it is.

Take your pick.

But the evidence and sources I supplied was from YOUR side of the debate hot shot.
If you are talking about preventing a 2 C increase, of course they won't work. That is already in the pipeline from what is already in the atmosphere. As for what that will create, in terms of climate change, extreme weather, and change in growing seasons for agriculture, we really don't know. Won't be positive, quite sure of that.

We were caught by surprise at what the lack of Arctic Ice has done to the jet stream and Rossby Waves. And the effect on the winter weather for the Mid-west and east coast. There will be other surprises in the coming years. We don't yet know the sensitivity of the permafrost and arctic ocean clathrates. But it appears that we are already seeing major outgassing in both areas.

But, given the attitude of all too many people like you, we are going to find out what a doubling of the GHGs represents in terms of climate and societal damage. And there will be major political reprecusions.
If you are talking about preventing a 2 C increase, of course they won't work. That is already in the pipeline from what is already in the atmosphere. As for what that will create, in terms of climate change, extreme weather, and change in growing seasons for agriculture, we really don't know. Won't be positive, quite sure of that.

We were caught by surprise at what the lack of Arctic Ice has done to the jet stream and Rossby Waves. And the effect on the winter weather for the Mid-west and east coast. There will be other surprises in the coming years. We don't yet know the sensitivity of the permafrost and arctic ocean clathrates. But it appears that we are already seeing major outgassing in both areas.

But, given the attitude of all too many people like you, we are going to find out what a doubling of the GHGs represents in terms of climate and societal damage. And there will be major political reprecusions.
:bsflag::bsflag::bsflag::bsflag:and in case that isn't clear....:bsflag:
If you are talking about preventing a 2 C increase, of course they won't work. That is already in the pipeline from what is already in the atmosphere. As for what that will create, in terms of climate change, extreme weather, and change in growing seasons for agriculture, we really don't know. Won't be positive, quite sure of that.

We were caught by surprise at what the lack of Arctic Ice has done to the jet stream and Rossby Waves. And the effect on the winter weather for the Mid-west and east coast. There will be other surprises in the coming years. We don't yet know the sensitivity of the permafrost and arctic ocean clathrates. But it appears that we are already seeing major outgassing in both areas.

But, given the attitude of all too many people like you, we are going to find out what a doubling of the GHGs represents in terms of climate and societal damage. And there will be major political reprecusions.
. . . . ORRRR. . . .

There are natural temperature variations on there earth like there have always been. Sometimes it gets hotter. Sometimes it gets colder.

Oh well. Not a whole lot we can do about it. Surrendering our political and economic sovereignty to a bunch of global political and financial elites is pretty stupid though.

Do we really need another AGW tread?
Well, Obama is at the UN trying to cede US sovereignty, and there were thousands of idiots in the streets supporting him. What do you think? Do you believe in the fairy tale called AGW?

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