Obama To Tea Party: 'Identify, Specifically, What Would You Do?'

When those dipshits take down their signs and quit calling my CINC a communist and scoialist I'll be more civil.

The truth hurts you that bad aye? Poor little fucker. You've been duped by a shyster and now you're stuck trying to defend the indefensible. Well... I guess that's just the fate of someone as FUCKING IGNORANT AS YOU ARE!

The guy is like Jon Lovitz's character, the Habitual Liar...

Yeah... that's the ticket!
Wow.. we both hit on that one!

Thats what Republitards are doing with their Tea Bastard wing of their part, organizing divison and we all know who they're organizing and against whom.

Are you so intellectually inept you can not use regular English? All I have seen from you are straw arguments. Maybe you missed the hot dog and bean portion of democrats. I can think of some very uncomplimentary descriptions. Is that the level you wish to communicate at?

When those dipshits take down their signs and quit calling my CINC a communist and scoialist I'll be more civil.

Yet, you are not offended by left wing organizations, such as Code Pink, that call for the murder of military members. Interesting.

How's that whole 'tea party tracker' thing working, have they managed to find one actual offensive sign yet?

Yep, he should personally consult all 307 million of us... and then he should ensure that each and every one of us is 100% satisfied with everything he does, before he does it. That'll work.

But.... since you believe that "all conservatives, republicans and teabaggers should burn in hell", perhaps they can be ignored? That would cut the number down considerably. And make the outcome vaguely more achievable.

What a fucking moron you are.

is it so hard to shut the fuck up you crazy ass woman? Obviously, those conservatives, republicans and teabastards that fling shit and divide people should burn in hell, I know there's a spot there for you.

PERHAPS YOU NEED TO BE REMINDED. Division politics is something the democrats have excelled at. Racial division, economic division, family division.

It's all they have. ;)
is it so hard to shut the fuck up you crazy ass woman? Obviously, those conservatives, republicans and teabastards that fling shit and divide people should burn in hell, I know there's a spot there for you.

Thats what Republitards are doing with their Tea Bastard movement, we all know who they're really organizing against Obama no matter how much those asshats try to mask it.
PERHAPS YOU NEED TO BE REMINDED. Division politics is something the democrats have excelled at. Racial division, economic division, family division.

Thats what Republitards are doing with their Tea Bastard wing of their part, organizing divison and we all know who they're organizing and against whom.

Perfect example of how Statist's reach out. ;)
Thats what Republitards are doing with their Tea Bastard wing of their part, organizing divison and we all know who they're organizing and against whom.

Are you so intellectually inept you can not use regular English? All I have seen from you are straw arguments. Maybe you missed the hot dog and bean portion of democrats. I can think of some very uncomplimentary descriptions. Is that the level you wish to communicate at?

When those dipshits take down their signs and quit calling my CINC a communist and scoialist I'll be more civil.

How long have his friends been calling him that????? How about you start there. Maybe finish off with his policies.
The Tea Bastards keep attack me and not presenting what it is exactly that they want to do, priceless.

Why.... So you can steal it, corrupt it, lie about it, and then blame us when you mismanage it?????
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Yep, he should personally consult all 307 million of us... and then he should ensure that each and every one of us is 100% satisfied with everything he does, before he does it. That'll work.

But.... since you believe that "all conservatives, republicans and teabaggers should burn in hell", perhaps they can be ignored? That would cut the number down considerably. And make the outcome vaguely more achievable.

What a fucking moron you are.

is it so hard to shut the fuck up you crazy ass woman? Obviously, those conservatives, republicans and teabastards that fling shit and divide people should burn in hell, I know there's a spot there for you.

Ooooh... quite the angry child there huh? Grow up.

HaHa! You should talk, anger issues...
Wait. Obama, the guy who communicates through a never-ending stream of empty platitudes, wants the opposition to provide specifics? Doesn't really sound like his cup of tea..
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Wait. Obama, the guy who communicates through a never-ending stream of empty platitudes, wants the opposition to provide specifics? Doesn't really sound like his cup of tea..

perhaps Obama should specify which topic he wants specifics on as I have heard answers to nearly every stupid thing Obama has done. Surely if he was listening he would have heard the same specifics.
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Thats what Republitards are doing with their Tea Bastard wing of their part, organizing divison and we all know who they're organizing and against whom.

Are you so intellectually inept you can not use regular English? All I have seen from you are straw arguments. Maybe you missed the hot dog and bean portion of democrats. I can think of some very uncomplimentary descriptions. Is that the level you wish to communicate at?

When those dipshits take down their signs and quit calling my CINC a communist and scoialist I'll be more civil.

Well unfortunatly the guy did buy a car company with tax dollars sooooo.....yeah

As far as specific suggestions, repeal Obamacare and start over with something that will actually do some good, for starters.
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Could the mods please give this asshat his own forum.......perhaps under the Romper Room section??

If I've made the life of any rightwinger in this forum hell I have done my job.

Nope. The only thing you've achieved is to embarrass the crap out of intelligent liberals. Entertaining as that is, you have failed in your job. I suspect this is something you hear often.

there is no fucking such thing as an "intelligent liberal" if they were intelligent they wouldn't be liberals.
Are you so intellectually inept you can not use regular English? All I have seen from you are straw arguments. Maybe you missed the hot dog and bean portion of democrats. I can think of some very uncomplimentary descriptions. Is that the level you wish to communicate at?

When those dipshits take down their signs and quit calling my CINC a communist and scoialist I'll be more civil.

Well unfortunatly the guy did buy a car company with tax dollars sooooo.....yeah

As far as specific suggestions, repeal Obamacare and start over with something that will actually do some good, for starters.

Repeal the health care bill, replace it with nothing as far as alternatives and then pretend everything is going to work out, inaction is the worst kind of action.
Thats what Republitards are doing with their Tea Bastard wing of their part, organizing divison and we all know who they're organizing and against whom.

Are you so intellectually inept you can not use regular English? All I have seen from you are straw arguments. Maybe you missed the hot dog and bean portion of democrats. I can think of some very uncomplimentary descriptions. Is that the level you wish to communicate at?

When those dipshits take down their signs and quit calling my CINC a communist and scoialist I'll be more civil.

When your CINC quits behaving like a communist and a socialist, perhaps we won't NEED to protest him. Perhaps if his followers weren't such ignorant, low-class twats, he wouldn't have to behave like a communist and a socialist in order to pander to them.

Don't get the cart before the horse, Mensa Boy. You have to stop ruining the country BEFORE you demand that we stop protesting you for it.
If I've made the life of any rightwinger in this forum hell I have done my job.

Nope. The only thing you've achieved is to embarrass the crap out of intelligent liberals. Entertaining as that is, you have failed in your job. I suspect this is something you hear often.

there is no fucking such thing as an "intelligent liberal" if they were intelligent they wouldn't be liberals.

If Democrats had any brains, they'd be Republicans? Wait, where have I heard that before? :eusa_whistle:

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