Obama tilled the soil and planted the seed


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama tilled the soil, planted the seeds (the stimulus, bank and auto industry bail out, ending the war in Iraq that saved lives and save taxpayers money and healthcare that saved lives and making a healthier work force) and we have been watching it grow in spite of a few weeds (Congress) for the past four years and it will continue to grow. The store house is filling up and the lean years are coming to a end. Over five million jobs created in the past four years :clap2:and unemployment down.
America is working again and "ain't no stopping us now."
Yeah. He tilled the soil all right.

He bailed out GM with our hard earned tax dollars. Still waiting for payback. His stimulus did jack shit and he followed Bush's timeline for Iraq. He also saddled we taxpayers with another giant entitlement that we can't afford.

The economy sucks and UE is at 7.9%. Of course its really around 14%.

Yeah. He's done a great job.
Yeah he tilled the soil and sowed the seed. And it turned to shit so enjoy your shit Salad.
Back up your babbling with some sources or STFU. Poor losers.
Stimulus stimulated the economy and created 5 million jobs and economist project that over 11 million million jobs over the next 10 year. Tell those 5 million jobs holders that it is jack shit and they are not better off now than four years ago when we lost 800,000 jobs in Jan of 2008 because of Bush's screw up and we are still feeling the effect and for years to come.

Obama tilled the soil, planted the seeds (the stimulus, bank and auto industry bail out, ending the war in Iraq that saved lives and save taxpayers money and healthcare that saved lives and making a healthier work force) and we have been watching it grow in spite of a few weeds (Congress) for the past four years and it will continue to grow. The store house is filling up and the lean years are coming to a end. Over five million jobs created in the past four years :clap2:and unemployment down.
America is working again and "ain't no stopping us now."

Well during the next four years we'll see what he reaps from all those deficit seeds he planted. It's likely not going to be pretty.
Yeah he tilled the soil and sowed the seed. And it turned to shit so enjoy your shit Salad.

5 million jobs created, lives saved by ending the Iraq war is not shit salad.:D

I am elated that I don't have to pay anything for my prescriptions and my daughter has one full time job and two part time and still have her house and my disabled grand daughter has her own business. :eusa_clap:
If you are living in shit salad it's your own fault so take responsibilty and stop depending on the government for hand outs to get you a fucking job. Stop blaming Obama for your miserable excuse for a life.
Ah, so he didn't stop the seas rising or heal the plant..

now he's tilling our soils and planting our seeds..

we should all bow..
And minority employment is getting worse and worse.

Illegal immigrants has displaced minorities in the work force that began with the GOP 1986 amnesty and refusal to enforce our immigration laws and secure our borders and let 20 million in to take jobs from those minorities and whites who are unskilled. Obama did not open the borders and let them in.
Yeah he tilled the soil and sowed the seed. And it turned to shit so enjoy your shit Salad.

5 million jobs created, lives saved by ending the Iraq war is not shit salad.:D

I am elated that I don't have to pay anything for my prescriptions and my daughter has one full time job and two part time and still have her house and my disabled grand daughter has her own business. :eusa_clap:
If you are living in shit salad it's your own fault so take responsibilty and stop depending on the government for hand outs to get you a fucking job. Stop blaming Obama for your miserable excuse for a life.

LOL...now there's some irresponsible responsibilty (sic) for you.
Yeah he tilled the soil and sowed the seed. And it turned to shit so enjoy your shit Salad.

5 million jobs created, lives saved by ending the Iraq war is not shit salad.:D

I am elated that I don't have to pay anything for my prescriptions and my daughter has one full time job and two part time and still have her house and my disabled grand daughter has her own business. :eusa_clap:
If you are living in shit salad it's your own fault so take responsibilty and stop depending on the government for hand outs to get you a fucking job. Stop blaming Obama for your miserable excuse for a life.

LOL...now there's some irresponsible responsibilty (sic) for you.
i have to agree.....not even a co-pay?......so once again the tax payer is doing the buying.....and if her daughter has to work a full time as well as TWO part time jobs to keep her house......what the hell.....is that something to be happy about?.....
Back up your babbling with some sources or STFU. Poor losers.
Stimulus stimulated the economy and created 5 million jobs and economist project that over 11 million million jobs over the next 10 year. Tell those 5 million jobs holders that it is jack shit and they are not better off now than four years ago when we lost 800,000 jobs in Jan of 2008 because of Bush's screw up and we are still feeling the effect and for years to come.

ok LILO, then lets just spend trilions more so we can create more jobs.....except we get waaaaaaay in debt, but I guess you just think it's monopoly money
And minority employment is getting worse and worse.

That's the one silver lining in all this. Liberals claim they own the minorty vote. If this is true then minorities did this to themselves. Unemployment under Obama among whites isn't rising like it is among minorities. Facts are facts.
Back up your babbling with some sources or STFU. Poor losers.
Stimulus stimulated the economy and created 5 million jobs and economist project that over 11 million million jobs over the next 10 year. Tell those 5 million jobs holders that it is jack shit and they are not better off now than four years ago when we lost 800,000 jobs in Jan of 2008 because of Bush's screw up and we are still feeling the effect and for years to come.

He has a net gain of only around 300k in four years.
Yeah he tilled the soil and sowed the seed. And it turned to shit so enjoy your shit Salad.

5 million jobs created, lives saved by ending the Iraq war is not shit salad.:D

I am elated that I don't have to pay anything for my prescriptions and my daughter has one full time job and two part time and still have her house and my disabled grand daughter has her own business. :eusa_clap:
If you are living in shit salad it's your own fault so take responsibilty and stop depending on the government for hand outs to get you a fucking job. Stop blaming Obama for your miserable excuse for a life.

You should be elated. I'm sure someone else is paying for your meds though.

If I remember correctly your granddaughter has a business funded with grant money. She earns 40K a year. Of course its all someone elses hardearned money but I think that suits you just fine.

You better hope the free ride never comes to a halt because your going to be up shit creek with no paddle.

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