Obama throws Sony Pictures under the bus


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Just how many of his allies and mentors has Obama thrown under the bus? I've lost count.

In the latest episode, Obama throws Sony Pictures aka Hollywood, one of his biggest supporters and probably the reason he became president in the first place, under the bus.

Obama falsely accuses Sony for "making the wrong decision" when during the Sony pictures' CNN interview of it's CEO, he clearly states that is not at all what happened. Now either Obama is ignorant of what actually happened, which is, the theaters backed out, or, he jumped on the trash-Sony bandwagon because that was the popular narrative (although false) out there.

What a piece of shit spineless president we have.
I see the tea party has finally come out with their narrative. I was wondering when the pseudo-cons where going to address the issue. Of course, they offered no solutions...they simply waitied for Obama to say something so they could say the opposite.

I asked for the proper response in a different thread...not one teaper was willing to offer any original thought. What a bunch of brain dead lemmings.
The appropriate response would be to not lie about Sony pictures pulling the movie, and just say that although they are all businesses, he is against the unfortunate circumstances that caused this to happen, and will work with Sony in any way possible to see that the movie is somehow shown. Instead he lied and told the public what they wanted to hear, as usual. He also issued some stern "warnings" to N. Korea, telling them that payback is coming. Ya right! This bullshit artist of a president has lost all credibility both domestically and internationally. He is literally laughed at by all of our enemies.
Just how many of his allies and mentors has Obama thrown under the bus? I've lost count.

In the latest episode, Obama throws Sony Pictures aka Hollywood, one of his biggest supporters and probably the reason he became president in the first place, under the bus.

Obama falsely accuses Sony for "making the wrong decision" when during the Sony pictures' CNN interview of it's CEO, he clearly states that is not at all what happened. Now either Obama is ignorant of what actually happened, which is, the theaters backed out, or, he jumped on the trash-Sony bandwagon because that was the popular narrative (although false) out there.

What a piece of shit spineless president we have.

uhm----sans the "shit" I fully agree with you, roudy----Obama inappropriately came down hard on Sony----rather
than coming down hard on the criminal hackers. I believe
that Sony acted responsibly-----what if they opened and a
bomb went off in a theater? Theaters are an IDEAL spot
for the placement of IED bombs-----big kill potential. ----
I have no doubt that the movie will become available----but
I actually think that SONY is to be commended and even
compensated for its losses. It is up to the government
to protect the country from the filth of terrorism. For now---
investigation should happen-----and if definitive hacking from
north korea is proven----that country should be ----"sued"
I see the tea party has finally come out with their narrative. I was wondering when the pseudo-cons where going to address the issue. Of course, they offered no solutions...they simply waitied for Obama to say something so they could say the opposite.

I asked for the proper response in a different thread...not one teaper was willing to offer any original thought. What a bunch of brain dead lemmings.
How many times each day do you use the word "teaper"? Jesus Christ, i was just in that other thread talking about you using it all the time, and here you are proving me right. Are you capable of any original thoughts at all? This "teaper" thing is weird, dude.
I see the tea party has finally come out with their narrative. I was wondering when the pseudo-cons where going to address the issue. Of course, they offered no solutions...they simply waitied for Obama to say something so they could say the opposite.

I asked for the proper response in a different thread...not one teaper was willing to offer any original thought. What a bunch of brain dead lemmings.
How many times each day do you use the word "teaper"? Jesus Christ, i was just in that other thread talking about you using it all the time, and here you are proving me right. Are you capable of any original thoughts at all? This "teaper" thing is weird, dude.
You must be a teaper.
I see the tea party has finally come out with their narrative. I was wondering when the pseudo-cons where going to address the issue. Of course, they offered no solutions...they simply waitied for Obama to say something so they could say the opposite.

I asked for the proper response in a different thread...not one teaper was willing to offer any original thought. What a bunch of brain dead lemmings.
How many times each day do you use the word "teaper"? Jesus Christ, i was just in that other thread talking about you using it all the time, and here you are proving me right. Are you capable of any original thoughts at all? This "teaper" thing is weird, dude.
You must be a teaper.
I dont even know what the fuck a teaper is. No one undersands the crazy shit you say. Its just gibberish that you repeat over and over again. When a person uses the same word (if i can even call it a word) over and over again, that seems like a psychological issue to me. Like i said, its fucking weird. Get help man.
I see the tea party has finally come out with their narrative. I was wondering when the pseudo-cons where going to address the issue. Of course, they offered no solutions...they simply waitied for Obama to say something so they could say the opposite.

I asked for the proper response in a different thread...not one teaper was willing to offer any original thought. What a bunch of brain dead lemmings.
How many times each day do you use the word "teaper"? Jesus Christ, i was just in that other thread talking about you using it all the time, and here you are proving me right. Are you capable of any original thoughts at all? This "teaper" thing is weird, dude.
You must be a teaper.
I dont even know what the fuck a teaper is. No one undersands the crazy shit you say. Its just gibberish that you repeat over and over again. When a person uses the same word (if i can even call it a word) over and over again, that seems like a psychological issue to me. Like i said, its fucking weird. Get help man.
It is not my fault you are too stupid to know what a teaper is.
When Sony tries to crawl out from under that bus they need to be kicked back under it again so they have to stay there for a while.
I see the tea party has finally come out with their narrative. I was wondering when the pseudo-cons where going to address the issue. Of course, they offered no solutions...they simply waitied for Obama to say something so they could say the opposite.

I asked for the proper response in a different thread...not one teaper was willing to offer any original thought. What a bunch of brain dead lemmings.
How many times each day do you use the word "teaper"? Jesus Christ, i was just in that other thread talking about you using it all the time, and here you are proving me right. Are you capable of any original thoughts at all? This "teaper" thing is weird, dude.
You must be a teaper.
I dont even know what the fuck a teaper is. No one undersands the crazy shit you say. Its just gibberish that you repeat over and over again. When a person uses the same word (if i can even call it a word) over and over again, that seems like a psychological issue to me. Like i said, its fucking weird. Get help man.
It is not my fault you are too stupid to know what a teaper is.
hahaha omg that was funny! :)
I see the tea party has finally come out with their narrative. I was wondering when the pseudo-cons where going to address the issue. Of course, they offered no solutions...they simply waitied for Obama to say something so they could say the opposite.

I asked for the proper response in a different thread...not one teaper was willing to offer any original thought. What a bunch of brain dead lemmings.
How many times each day do you use the word "teaper"? Jesus Christ, i was just in that other thread talking about you using it all the time, and here you are proving me right. Are you capable of any original thoughts at all? This "teaper" thing is weird, dude.
You must be a teaper.
You must be a libtard.
Obama is right. The management of Sony are a bunch of pussies.

There was no "choice" for Sony to choose. Despite the lie that Obama repeated, Sony insisted that the movie be shown as planned. However...theater chains backed out of showing the movie. Other studios in the industry turned their back on Sony, and so did many other online and cable TV outlets. So for now, nobody wants to face the wrath of the govt. based hackers that managed to even get into the S. Korean Nuclear power plant network, as of today.

I'm no fan of Sony, just pointing out a pattern in Obama's behavior, but...it's funny how all these liberals are gung ho about everything but as soon as a real enemy approaches where their own asses are on the line, they clear out and start stabbing each other in the back.
Obammys empty statements aside. No matter what Roudy and the others say they did pull the movie. There are plenty of theaters who would run it including where I am. Sony will not let them have a copy.
Obammys empty statements aside. No matter what Roudy and the others say they did pull the movie. There are plenty of theaters who would run it including where I am. Sony will not let them have a copy.

That's not what the Sony CEO said, he said they were insisting that the movie be played until their buyers pulled out. And he sounded believable. Listen to the interview on CNN and get back to me.

Sony doesn't deal directly with the small theaters. That's not how the movie business works. It is a highly controlled environment. Studios like Sony have their normal distribution chanels which would include large national theater chains and other vetted domestic and international distributors which would then sell it to the smaller theaters.
Sony has learned a valuable lesson....never, ever trust a lefty....they got it from the lefty nut in North Korea, and they got it from the lefty in the White House....I don't like backing down to a communist monster...but screw Sony....they all supported the current lefty in office....so screw them....
Just how many of his allies and mentors has Obama thrown under the bus? I've lost count.

In the latest episode, Obama throws Sony Pictures aka Hollywood, one of his biggest supporters and probably the reason he became president in the first place, under the bus.

Obama falsely accuses Sony for "making the wrong decision" when during the Sony pictures' CNN interview of it's CEO, he clearly states that is not at all what happened. Now either Obama is ignorant of what actually happened, which is, the theaters backed out, or, he jumped on the trash-Sony bandwagon because that was the popular narrative (although false) out there.

What a piece of shit spineless president we have.

Apparently that's what the top dogs at Sony think of his black ass as well. Why did they make the pic anyway, to mock of leader of a country in a comical way, I don't believe it was N. Korea that did the hacking, set up job.

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