Obama...the Messiah???? Again???

332-206; the only poll that mattered.

Yes, and somebody has to pay for that stupid data point. Unfortunately, it's us, the working American, not the one on the government dole



Hold on to that, because it will fail you just as your dear leader is failing this country. But I understand that you would want to focus on history, and not the present.

By the way, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.

1st post
Yeah but you have to get elected first.... pretty hard to do when the TEA party makes any GOP contender veer to the right of Stalin in the primaries then forces them to lurch to the center during the General making their entire campaign look like a deceptive exercise.

Keep thinking that. Obamamania is over. Sanity is back in America.

Okay, lets look at how the last election went:

Romney Lost...

Those making less than $100K 54-44%
Those making less than $50K 60-38%
Latinos 71-27%
18-24 y/o 60-36%
25-29 y/o 60-38%
30-39 y/o 55-42%
Women 55-44%
Moderates 56-41% (Thanks TEA Party)
Urban voters 62-36%

I left out the blacks since there is no way the GOP will compete there.

So that leaves the GOP hope being pinned on Older Caucasian rural rich voters which already lean Republican.

All this is verifiable at: Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Obama won 332-206. The GOP needs to swing 64 electoral votes.

Obama won these battleground states:
FL 29
OH 18
NV 6
WI 10
PA 20
MI 16
MN 10
IA 6

To flip 64 votes, the GOP will have to hold all that it won in 2012 of course. That may not be as easy as it sounds with Hispanic voter levels on the rise throughout the south. Arizona may well be in play.

But lets say that they hold on to it. Flipping 64 votes will require no less than three states as long as one is Florida. If Rubio or Jeb Bush are the nominees this will be easy enough to get Florida. The problem is that Rubio is flaming out and has not established himself as a heavyweight. Jeb Bush may not want the job. Additionally, the other 34 votes are problematic. Pennsylvania will almost certainly have to factor into the swinging states and I think GHWB was the last man from the right to win the Pennsylvania vote. Obama got 52%. As imposing as it sounds, it's a better equation than Wisconsin where Obama got 53% and Michigan where our President got 54%. Additionally, the issue is that the rural, wealthy, caucasian, GOP-leaning, caucus you're going to have to energize is less of a factor in in PA, WI, MI.

Pushing the equation out even further, the Dems are going to have to hold on to all of the states that Obama won but can shed 64 of course. Can you tell me which of the Obama states is going to flip if the nominee is Hillary? If the nominee is Joe Biden? New Jersey, perhaps, if Christie is the nominee but you can kiss Florida goodbye. Scott Walker wins you Wisconsin but you lose Ohio and Michigan instantly. Ted Cruz? I chuckle.

Still an eternity to go before the polls open in 2016 but at this early date the Dems are looking pretty good when you frame the context into the only argument that matters; electoral math.

None of your numbers mean anything now that the ACA has exposed Obama and Washington Democrats as liars and incompetent.

Obama could have secured the Millenials for the Democrats for generations to come.

Ooops. Too bad, so sad. He has instilled in them a healthy skepticism of liberal promises.

With Obama off the ballot and the collective American stomach curdled over what Democrats have done, the game is wide open.
Keep thinking that. Obamamania is over. Sanity is back in America.

Okay, lets look at how the last election went:

Romney Lost...

Those making less than $100K 54-44%
Those making less than $50K 60-38%
Latinos 71-27%
18-24 y/o 60-36%
25-29 y/o 60-38%
30-39 y/o 55-42%
Women 55-44%
Moderates 56-41% (Thanks TEA Party)
Urban voters 62-36%

I left out the blacks since there is no way the GOP will compete there.

So that leaves the GOP hope being pinned on Older Caucasian rural rich voters which already lean Republican.

All this is verifiable at: Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Obama won 332-206. The GOP needs to swing 64 electoral votes.

Obama won these battleground states:
FL 29
OH 18
NV 6
WI 10
PA 20
MI 16
MN 10
IA 6

To flip 64 votes, the GOP will have to hold all that it won in 2012 of course. That may not be as easy as it sounds with Hispanic voter levels on the rise throughout the south. Arizona may well be in play.

But lets say that they hold on to it. Flipping 64 votes will require no less than three states as long as one is Florida. If Rubio or Jeb Bush are the nominees this will be easy enough to get Florida. The problem is that Rubio is flaming out and has not established himself as a heavyweight. Jeb Bush may not want the job. Additionally, the other 34 votes are problematic. Pennsylvania will almost certainly have to factor into the swinging states and I think GHWB was the last man from the right to win the Pennsylvania vote. Obama got 52%. As imposing as it sounds, it's a better equation than Wisconsin where Obama got 53% and Michigan where our President got 54%. Additionally, the issue is that the rural, wealthy, caucasian, GOP-leaning, caucus you're going to have to energize is less of a factor in in PA, WI, MI.

Pushing the equation out even further, the Dems are going to have to hold on to all of the states that Obama won but can shed 64 of course. Can you tell me which of the Obama states is going to flip if the nominee is Hillary? If the nominee is Joe Biden? New Jersey, perhaps, if Christie is the nominee but you can kiss Florida goodbye. Scott Walker wins you Wisconsin but you lose Ohio and Michigan instantly. Ted Cruz? I chuckle.

Still an eternity to go before the polls open in 2016 but at this early date the Dems are looking pretty good when you frame the context into the only argument that matters; electoral math.

None of your numbers mean anything now that the ACA has exposed Obama and Washington Democrats as liars and incompetent.
I seem to remember the Dems saying the same thing about the failure to find WMDs and our death toll climbing in the ME.

Obama could have secured the Millenials for the Democrats for generations to come.
This is the most humorous thing about you guys and every "scandal". Remember Benghazi? That was supposed to be the great undoing. Now it's the ACA. And the millenials you're speaking of are on their parent's insurance and will be 16-20 (and still on the insurance thanks to the ACA) in 2016.

Ooops. Too bad, so sad.
That you can't do math? Or that you can't analyze what has happened successfully? Take your pick.

He has instilled in them a healthy skepticism of liberal promises.
And the President who wants to expand student aid and promote loan forgiveness is going to be "cast aside" in favor of the Party that wants to cut student aid and is seen as being firmly on the side of the monied interests making the loans? Oh, okay. At any rate Romney got 36 and 38 percent of the youth vote. And you're banking on the mellinials riding to your aid.

Gee, you suck at this.

With Obama off the ballot and the collective American stomach curdled over what Democrats have done, the game is wide open.

In other words, you can't identify from where the 64 EVs you have to flip will come.

It's okay, nobody else can either.
Yes, and somebody has to pay for that stupid data point. Unfortunately, it's us, the working American, not the one on the government dole



Hold on to that, because it will fail you just as your dear leader is failing this country. But I understand that you would want to focus on history, and not the present.

By the way, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.


No, I just like bringing it up every time:


I pretty much introduced Amelia to a version of the bleak future. It's okay, the youth are going to ride to your aid according to Amelia; that's right...the group that embraces gay rights, women's equality, multiculturalism, is going to come to the Old, Angry, White Guy's Party's aid. Rest easy.
Okay, lets look at how the last election went:

Romney Lost...

Those making less than $100K 54-44%
Those making less than $50K 60-38%
Latinos 71-27%
18-24 y/o 60-36%
25-29 y/o 60-38%
30-39 y/o 55-42%
Women 55-44%
Moderates 56-41% (Thanks TEA Party)
Urban voters 62-36%

I left out the blacks since there is no way the GOP will compete there.

So that leaves the GOP hope being pinned on Older Caucasian rural rich voters which already lean Republican.

All this is verifiable at: Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Obama won 332-206. The GOP needs to swing 64 electoral votes.

Obama won these battleground states:
FL 29
OH 18
NV 6
WI 10
PA 20
MI 16
MN 10
IA 6

To flip 64 votes, the GOP will have to hold all that it won in 2012 of course. That may not be as easy as it sounds with Hispanic voter levels on the rise throughout the south. Arizona may well be in play.

But lets say that they hold on to it. Flipping 64 votes will require no less than three states as long as one is Florida. If Rubio or Jeb Bush are the nominees this will be easy enough to get Florida. The problem is that Rubio is flaming out and has not established himself as a heavyweight. Jeb Bush may not want the job. Additionally, the other 34 votes are problematic. Pennsylvania will almost certainly have to factor into the swinging states and I think GHWB was the last man from the right to win the Pennsylvania vote. Obama got 52%. As imposing as it sounds, it's a better equation than Wisconsin where Obama got 53% and Michigan where our President got 54%. Additionally, the issue is that the rural, wealthy, caucasian, GOP-leaning, caucus you're going to have to energize is less of a factor in in PA, WI, MI.

Pushing the equation out even further, the Dems are going to have to hold on to all of the states that Obama won but can shed 64 of course. Can you tell me which of the Obama states is going to flip if the nominee is Hillary? If the nominee is Joe Biden? New Jersey, perhaps, if Christie is the nominee but you can kiss Florida goodbye. Scott Walker wins you Wisconsin but you lose Ohio and Michigan instantly. Ted Cruz? I chuckle.

Still an eternity to go before the polls open in 2016 but at this early date the Dems are looking pretty good when you frame the context into the only argument that matters; electoral math.

None of your numbers mean anything now that the ACA has exposed Obama and Washington Democrats as liars and incompetent.
I seem to remember the Dems saying the same thing about the failure to find WMDs and our death toll climbing in the ME.

This is the most humorous thing about you guys and every "scandal". Remember Benghazi? That was supposed to be the great undoing. Now it's the ACA. And the millenials you're speaking of are on their parent's insurance and will be 16-20 (and still on the insurance thanks to the ACA) in 2016.

That you can't do math? Or that you can't analyze what has happened successfully? Take your pick.

He has instilled in them a healthy skepticism of liberal promises.
And the President who wants to expand student aid and promote loan forgiveness is going to be "cast aside" in favor of the Party that wants to cut student aid and is seen as being firmly on the side of the monied interests making the loans? Oh, okay. At any rate Romney got 36 and 38 percent of the youth vote. And you're banking on the mellinials riding to your aid.

Gee, you suck at this.

With Obama off the ballot and the collective American stomach curdled over what Democrats have done, the game is wide open.

In other words, you can't identify from where the 64 EVs you have to flip will come.

It's okay, nobody else can either.

I could add up the electoral votes if I wanted to. Democrats have lost substantial ground across the board. Young, old, white, minority, well-to-do, blue collar, etc. And especially independents.

The problem is not just the ACA. Problems were mounting -- a new one every month. The cumulative weakening of Obama and what he represents gained sudden traction with the ACA but those other problems are still there. The massive losses the Democrats are suffering due to the ACA aren't just a flash in the pan which they can recover from by fixing a buggy website.

Florida won't be the challenge you present it as. Those older Caucasian voters are not going to appreciate the redistribution of their wealth to the population which doesn't tend to vote in big numbers when there's not someone flashy like Obama on the ticket, and a lot of people in the demographics you think Democrats own aren't as securely on your side as you're pretending. And as Democrats keep mockingly pointing out, Obama won't be on the ticket. The two leading contenders for the Democrats are two old people hip deep in the lies and scandals which are bringing Obama down.
None of your numbers mean anything now that the ACA has exposed Obama and Washington Democrats as liars and incompetent.
I seem to remember the Dems saying the same thing about the failure to find WMDs and our death toll climbing in the ME.

This is the most humorous thing about you guys and every "scandal". Remember Benghazi? That was supposed to be the great undoing. Now it's the ACA. And the millenials you're speaking of are on their parent's insurance and will be 16-20 (and still on the insurance thanks to the ACA) in 2016.

That you can't do math? Or that you can't analyze what has happened successfully? Take your pick.

And the President who wants to expand student aid and promote loan forgiveness is going to be "cast aside" in favor of the Party that wants to cut student aid and is seen as being firmly on the side of the monied interests making the loans? Oh, okay. At any rate Romney got 36 and 38 percent of the youth vote. And you're banking on the mellinials riding to your aid.

Gee, you suck at this.

With Obama off the ballot and the collective American stomach curdled over what Democrats have done, the game is wide open.

In other words, you can't identify from where the 64 EVs you have to flip will come.

It's okay, nobody else can either.

I could add up the electoral votes if I wanted to. Democrats have lost substantial ground across the board. Young, old, white, minority, well-to-do, blue collar, etc. And especially independents.
Really...but you don't add up the EVs....either you can't ad or you're worried about credibility. Probably a little of both.

I noticed you didn't mention Women who will still be solidly Democratic. No way you win the minority vote...keep dreaming. You haven't given a valid reason for the youth to turn on Obama out side of your hopes and dreams. The cold calculus of the last election showed the gaping disconnect from the GOP to the youth. And you're banking on (the only ingredient the GOP adds to every meal it cooks) outrage and fear over the ACA being there in 2016.

The problem is not just the ACA. Problems were mounting -- a new one every month. The cumulative weakening of Obama and what he represents gained sudden traction with the ACA but those other problems are still there. The massive losses the Democrats are suffering due to the ACA aren't just a flash in the pan which they can recover from by fixing a buggy website.
None of the other problems were taken seriously by anyone outside of the GOP.

Florida won't be the challenge you present it as.
I actually gave you Florida based on Rubio/Bush. You don't get to 64 without Florida--had you had the guts to do the math, you'd come to that realization.

Those older Caucasian voters are not going to appreciate the redistribution of their wealth to the population which doesn't tend to vote in big numbers when there's not someone flashy like Obama on the ticket, and a lot of people in the demographics you think Democrats own aren't as securely on your side as you're pretending.
Really? Like who?

And as Democrats keep mockingly pointing out, Obama won't be on the ticket. The two leading contenders for the Democrats are two old people hip deep in the lies and scandals which are bringing Obama down.

This is a good point on your part...nominating Biden or Clinton gives the GOP a lot of ammo. Unfortunately for the GOP, it continues to use the ammo on it's feet. Every anti-abortion law you guys ram home at the State level makes it just that much harder for the national contest. Every immigration bill you guys kill hurts (for some reason--I hate the bill) the immigrant voting block. 2014 will be good but 2016 is shaping up to be a big challenge.
5th post
I seem to remember the Dems saying the same thing about the failure to find WMDs and our death toll climbing in the ME.

This is the most humorous thing about you guys and every "scandal". Remember Benghazi? That was supposed to be the great undoing. Now it's the ACA. And the millenials you're speaking of are on their parent's insurance and will be 16-20 (and still on the insurance thanks to the ACA) in 2016.

That you can't do math? Or that you can't analyze what has happened successfully? Take your pick.

And the President who wants to expand student aid and promote loan forgiveness is going to be "cast aside" in favor of the Party that wants to cut student aid and is seen as being firmly on the side of the monied interests making the loans? Oh, okay. At any rate Romney got 36 and 38 percent of the youth vote. And you're banking on the mellinials riding to your aid.

Gee, you suck at this.

In other words, you can't identify from where the 64 EVs you have to flip will come.

It's okay, nobody else can either.

I could add up the electoral votes if I wanted to. Democrats have lost substantial ground across the board. Young, old, white, minority, well-to-do, blue collar, etc. And especially independents.
Really...but you don't add up the EVs....either you can't ad or you're worried about credibility. Probably a little of both.

I noticed you didn't mention Women who will still be solidly Democratic. No way you win the minority vote...keep dreaming. You haven't given a valid reason for the youth to turn on Obama out side of your hopes and dreams. The cold calculus of the last election showed the gaping disconnect from the GOP to the youth. And you're banking on (the only ingredient the GOP adds to every meal it cooks) outrage and fear over the ACA being there in 2016.

None of the other problems were taken seriously by anyone outside of the GOP.

I actually gave you Florida based on Rubio/Bush. You don't get to 64 without Florida--had you had the guts to do the math, you'd come to that realization.

Those older Caucasian voters are not going to appreciate the redistribution of their wealth to the population which doesn't tend to vote in big numbers when there's not someone flashy like Obama on the ticket, and a lot of people in the demographics you think Democrats own aren't as securely on your side as you're pretending.
Really? Like who?

And as Democrats keep mockingly pointing out, Obama won't be on the ticket. The two leading contenders for the Democrats are two old people hip deep in the lies and scandals which are bringing Obama down.

This is a good point on your part...nominating Biden or Clinton gives the GOP a lot of ammo. Unfortunately for the GOP, it continues to use the ammo on it's feet. Every anti-abortion law you guys ram home at the State level makes it just that much harder for the national contest. Every immigration bill you guys kill hurts (for some reason--I hate the bill) the immigrant voting block. 2014 will be good but 2016 is shaping up to be a big challenge.

Doing the math would require going through the demographics of each state, and I don't feel like doing that. I've been paying close attention to the polls -- both the daily tracking polls and the more in-depth ones -- which it sounds like you're ignoring as you cite old data as if it applies today. Obama's 15 point deficit of approval reflects erosion in virtually all demographics and is not occurring in a vacuum where only he is affected and the rest of the Democratic party remains untouched.

The anti-abortion laws will hurt us. I hope someone will figure out a way to stifle the more ignorant anti-abortion element. A piecemeal approach to immigration will help us. A Dream Act will be a good place to start. And when Harry Reid kills that before it gets an up or down vote on the Senate floor that will give Republicans ammo to use against Democrats.
I could add up the electoral votes if I wanted to. Democrats have lost substantial ground across the board. Young, old, white, minority, well-to-do, blue collar, etc. And especially independents.
Really...but you don't add up the EVs....either you can't ad or you're worried about credibility. Probably a little of both.

I noticed you didn't mention Women who will still be solidly Democratic. No way you win the minority vote...keep dreaming. You haven't given a valid reason for the youth to turn on Obama out side of your hopes and dreams. The cold calculus of the last election showed the gaping disconnect from the GOP to the youth. And you're banking on (the only ingredient the GOP adds to every meal it cooks) outrage and fear over the ACA being there in 2016.

None of the other problems were taken seriously by anyone outside of the GOP.

I actually gave you Florida based on Rubio/Bush. You don't get to 64 without Florida--had you had the guts to do the math, you'd come to that realization.

Really? Like who?

And as Democrats keep mockingly pointing out, Obama won't be on the ticket. The two leading contenders for the Democrats are two old people hip deep in the lies and scandals which are bringing Obama down.

This is a good point on your part...nominating Biden or Clinton gives the GOP a lot of ammo. Unfortunately for the GOP, it continues to use the ammo on it's feet. Every anti-abortion law you guys ram home at the State level makes it just that much harder for the national contest. Every immigration bill you guys kill hurts (for some reason--I hate the bill) the immigrant voting block. 2014 will be good but 2016 is shaping up to be a big challenge.

Doing the math would require going through the demographics of each state, and I don't feel like doing that. I've been paying close attention to the polls -- both the daily tracking polls and the more in-depth ones -- which it sounds like you're ignoring as you cite old data as if it applies today. Obama's 15 point deficit of approval reflects erosion in virtually all demographics and is not occurring in a vacuum where only he is affected and the rest of the Democratic party remains untouched.
Yeah...a president's approval rating translates into a whole party's losing credibility. Since there are virtually no pro-choice republicans...there will be no migration of women. Since there are virtually no pro-immigration reform republicans...there will be no migration of ethnic minorities. Since there are virtually no pro-homosexual republicans, there will be no migration from the LGBT community which carries with it those who are sympatheic, related to or (as in my case), sympathetic with the issues.

Again, basically the only absolutely dependable demographic are rural white males. The suburbs are pretty much a push. Urban voters lean democratic.

Obama's approval rating will not cause these groups to swing. Quit dreaming. :eusa_hand:

The anti-abortion laws will hurt us. I hope someone will figure out a way to stifle the more ignorant anti-abortion element.
Gee, according to Price Phebius...you guys just have a marketing issue. Sounds substantive to me.
A piecemeal approach to immigration will help us. A Dream Act will be a good place to start. And when Harry Reid kills that before it gets an up or down vote on the Senate floor that will give Republicans ammo to use against Democrats.

The "self deport" Party is riding to the rescue of the ethnic minorities. I see.
anyone want to guess which two people living in the white house feel they are way above having to take a crap? aka, we are both Messiahs, we should never have to use the facilities, maybe we need to hire some slaves to go for us.

oh, god forbid the Obama's ever have to do number 1 and number 2! they are just so above all that. how can anyone just picture the obama's in the restroom? back in the 70's no one could even picture betty ford doing number 2 !!
anyone want to guess which two people living in the white house feel they are way above having to take a crap? aka, we are both Messiahs, we should never have to use the facilities, maybe we need to hire some slaves to go for us.

oh, god forbid the Obama's ever have to do number 1 and number 2! they are just so above all that. how can anyone just picture the obama's in the restroom? back in the 70's no one could even picture betty ford doing number 2 !!

The way Moochel grazes at the trough, they must have exhaust fans the size of 747 engines.

Yeah but you have to get elected first.... pretty hard to do when the TEA party makes any GOP contender veer to the right of Stalin in the primaries then forces them to lurch to the center during the General making their entire campaign look like a deceptive exercise.

Keep thinking that. Obamamania is over. Sanity is back in America.

Okay, lets look at how the last election went:

Romney Lost...

Those making less than $100K 54-44%
Those making less than $50K 60-38%
Latinos 71-27%
18-24 y/o 60-36%
25-29 y/o 60-38%
30-39 y/o 55-42%
Women 55-44%
Moderates 56-41% (Thanks TEA Party)
Urban voters 62-36%

I left out the blacks since there is no way the GOP will compete there.

So that leaves the GOP hope being pinned on Older Caucasian rural rich voters which already lean Republican.

All this is verifiable at: Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Obama won 332-206. The GOP needs to swing 64 electoral votes.

Obama won these battleground states:
FL 29
OH 18
NV 6
WI 10
PA 20
MI 16
MN 10
IA 6

To flip 64 votes, the GOP will have to hold all that it won in 2012 of course. That may not be as easy as it sounds with Hispanic voter levels on the rise throughout the south. Arizona may well be in play.

But lets say that they hold on to it. Flipping 64 votes will require no less than three states as long as one is Florida. If Rubio or Jeb Bush are the nominees this will be easy enough to get Florida. The problem is that Rubio is flaming out and has not established himself as a heavyweight. Jeb Bush may not want the job. Additionally, the other 34 votes are problematic. Pennsylvania will almost certainly have to factor into the swinging states and I think GHWB was the last man from the right to win the Pennsylvania vote. Obama got 52%. As imposing as it sounds, it's a better equation than Wisconsin where Obama got 53% and Michigan where our President got 54%. Additionally, the issue is that the rural, wealthy, caucasian, GOP-leaning, caucus you're going to have to energize is less of a factor in in PA, WI, MI.

Pushing the equation out even further, the Dems are going to have to hold on to all of the states that Obama won but can shed 64 of course. Can you tell me which of the Obama states is going to flip if the nominee is Hillary? If the nominee is Joe Biden? New Jersey, perhaps, if Christie is the nominee but you can kiss Florida goodbye. Scott Walker wins you Wisconsin but you lose Ohio and Michigan instantly. Ted Cruz? I chuckle.

Still an eternity to go before the polls open in 2016 but at this early date the Dems are looking pretty good when you frame the context into the only argument that matters; electoral math.

This has some validity...now let me kill it.

Obama had a huge turnout advantage in 2008 and 2012. There was a 9% advantage in 2008 and an 8% advantage in 2012. That was the difference. Turnout is always the difference in Presidential elections.

A lot of folks wanted to vote for a black guy. Blacks voted at a higher rate than any other ethnic group.

Who will be more energized in 2016...Democrats or Republicans?

Will black folks vote for an old white woman in the same numbers that they voted for the black guy?

Who will be carrying more baggage into the 2016 election. Democrats or Republicans?

Polls are already showing a sharp shift among Hispanic, women, and young voters away from the Democrat Party.

2016 is a long ways away. 2008 and 2012 were historic wave elections for the Democrats. 2016 will be their attempt to hold on to power. That is something entirely different. I don't think the dynamic will be the same in 2016. I think you would probably agree. I am not making any predictions, other than to say I think it will be very close, whoever wins.
10th post
1. Remember the run-up to the election, when Liberals made every comparison between Obama and God???

a. The White House released a photo of Obama with a halo around his head:
Photostream: Business and Pleasure in August | The White House
Crowned! Romney Gets the Obama ?Halo? Treatment in New Pics | TheBlaze.com

b. . "Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD."

"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."
- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas

c. Spike Lee said President Barack Obama is "not perfect," but that expectations for his first term"were way too high."
“He was a savior, black Jesus,” the actor-director told CNN's Don Lemon in an interview airing in its entirety Saturday. “Look, I don't care who it was. Expectations were way too high.”
Spike Lee: Barack Obama is 'not perfect' - POLITICO.com

d. "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
-- Barack Obama

e. "Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . . He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . . . Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
-- Ezra Klein

The rational folks just shook their heads.....or laughed at the insanity of Liberals.

And even Liberals no longer make that kind of allusion today.....


The bus from the loony hatch just got here!
And here comes more Obama-nee-Jesus:

2. "MSNBC host Chris Matthews, who said during the 2008 presidential campaign that Democrat candidate Barack Obama gave him a “thrill up his leg,” is at it again,
this time using biblical language to describe President Obama coming to the MSNBC studios to do an interview with him.

3.Matthews gleefully told his reporter colleagues after the interview: ‘He came amongst us.

4. Corn said he “saw a president who remains frustrated with the political media culture that he has to work within and that he’s looking to rally people, students, reporters, people within the media.”

“David Corn, you skeptic, he came to us today. He came amongst us,” Matthews replied.

5. Columnist Mary Katharine Ham got right to the point of Matthews’ reaction to Obama.

“And, lo, the president came upon them, and the glory of the president shone round about them: and they were sore afraid,” she wrote, satirizing on the story of the birth of Jesus in the New Testament.

6. Messianic references to Obama seem to be multiplying of late. It was just days ago when WND reported a new lesson plan for American school students, offered on an open marketplace for educators, was suggesting such a reference. Chris Matthews: ?Obama came amongst us?

Chris Matthews: 'He came amongst us' - YouTube

The ignorant idiot butt wads throwing around "Messiah" are brain dead fuck heads like you.

Shall we see how difficult it is to jam those words back down your throat:

The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.” Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”?

Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon.

Check out some examples….

1. The Hollywood celebrities pledge Go to 3:54: "I pledge to be a servant to our president and all mankind." Creepy?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51kAw4OTlA0]Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube[/ame]

2. Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story by comparing Obama with Jesus: “Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

3. Chris Matthews: "If you're in [a room] with Obama, you feel the spirit moving." Book Monitor (Current Edition)

4. “Obama seemed the political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

5. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’ “ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

6. The New York Time’s Judith Warner reported, “Many women- not too surprisingly – were dreaming about sex with the president [Obama]”. http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/sometimes-a-president-is-just-a-president/
“…the Obamas are not just a beacon of hope, inspiration and “demigodlikeness,” Ibid.

7. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort of a potential savior that might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said. Sculpture of Obama as Jesus causes stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News - msnbc.com

8. . In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimicking the cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

9. “I haven’t seen a politician get this kind of walk-on-water coverage since Colin Powell a dozen years ago flirted with making a run for the White House,” said Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz on Meet the Press in February 2007

10. Samantha Fennell, formerly an associate publisher of Elle, wrote on the magazine’s website a month later: “When I attended my second “Obama Live” fund-raiser last week at New York City’s Grand Hyatt, . . . I was on my feet as Senator Obama entered the room. Fate had blessed me in this moment. . . . In a moment of divine intervention, he saw me,…”

11.Filmmaker Spike Lee, predicting an Obama victory, implicitly compared the candidate with Christ: “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama’ and ‘After Obama.’ . . .

12. Jesse Jackson, Jr. called Obama’s securing the Democratic nomination “so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance.”

13. . Louis Farrakhan went one better, according to the website WorldNetDaily: “Barack has captured the youth. . . . That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.”

14. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or “heaven here on earth.”
The Gospel According to Apostle Barack, by Barbara A. Thompson.

15. "Does it not feel as if some special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"
-- Daily Kos

I have more if you're not choking enough on the above.

Really makes you look like a fool, doesn't it.....

Liberals.....the greatest joke of the century.

"I pledge to flush only after a 'deuce' and never a 'single'.".
Obama said, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”

Did he lie?

[MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION]...you missed this post.

Probably intentionally.

Answer the question, please.

Pretty sure Candycorn has acknowledged that O was lying.

Unless I'm confusing him/her with Lonelaugher.

You're not confused. Caveman just can't keep up.

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