Obama..The Great Divider

:eusa_whistle: Truth hurts don't it?~ Or, do you really wana argure that Obama is as popular as he was back in 2008? Please make an ass of yourself anbd do that, please....

Show me where I said that.

Like I DID say, you nutters are great entertainment!

You put a emote... I can asume anything I want from it being that was how vauge your reply was. Grow some balls and unplug your internet connection.
:eusa_whistle: Truth hurts don't it?~ Or, do you really wana argure that Obama is as popular as he was back in 2008? Please make an ass of yourself anbd do that, please....

Show me where I said that.

Like I DID say, you nutters are great entertainment!

You put a emote... I can asume anything I want from it being that was how vauge your reply was. Grow some balls and unplug your internet connection.

What if I'm on a wireless signal?
Show me where I said that.

Like I DID say, you nutters are great entertainment!

You put a emote... I can asume anything I want from it being that was how vauge your reply was. Grow some balls and unplug your internet connection.

What if I'm on a wireless signal?

I doubt you're smart enough to set that up or shut it off so it looks like the internet has to keep you by default... It's a sad story, but what can you do.
You put a emote... I can asume anything I want from it being that was how vauge your reply was. Grow some balls and unplug your internet connection.

What if I'm on a wireless signal?

I doubt you're smart enough to set that up or shut it off so it looks like the internet has to keep you by default... It's a sad story, but what can you do.

Yeah, good point. This internet stuff is too confusing!
:lol:.. Sweetie..not my bunny... not my chocolate Bunny... your so cruel...:lol:

:lol::lol::lol: Well, at least I didn't say we were through, Lump!! But I had to do SOMETHING. And I didn't ruin your chocolate eggs, so your punishment wasn't THAT severe. :lol: Still love ya, Lumpster. :)

I'm just bad.. a bad egg.. a hard boiled bad egg...:lol:

I appreciate your kind and understanding ways, my friend...I'll feed my soapy Bunny to the kids .. next time they swear...:D

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Good one, Lumpy!!!
This coming 2012 election is more important than The United States of America to Obama & the Democrats..

Yup .. dividing the country is the way to win..for him and his Party..

Rich from Poor... Black from White...Old from Young...etc..

Outstanding Triangulation... for such a great cause...

Don't Ya Think?

See this?

On Friday, the Huffington Post's Howard Fineman actually told MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell "the fact the Republicans and Congress are so poorly regarded, that the whole system is so poorly regarded, drags everybody down, including the president"

Read more: Howard Fineman: Republican Congress's Unfavorability Hurting Obama's Poll Numbers | NewsBusters.org
This coming 2012 election is more important than The United States of America to Obama & the Democrats..

Yup .. dividing the country is the way to win..for him and his Party..

Rich from Poor... Black from White...Old from Young...etc..

Outstanding Triangulation... for such a great cause...

Don't Ya Think?

See this?

On Friday, the Huffington Post's Howard Fineman actually told MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell "the fact the Republicans and Congress are so poorly regarded, that the whole system is so poorly regarded, drags everybody down, including the president"

Read more: Howard Fineman: Republican Congress's Unfavorability Hurting Obama's Poll Numbers | NewsBusters.org

That's priceless! Funny, they didn't make argument during the Bush years. These folks know Obama will more than likely loose in a landslide. He can talk all he wants, but he cant escape the reality that is $5 gas, inflation, $14,000,000,000,000 debt, massive deficits, millions of unemployed, etc.
Like I said. I love the nutter threads! All the loons come out to high five each other. It really makes for some great entertainment.
The whole notion is crazy... that's the point Sparky.

So if I am one of those "successful people" your entire point would be moot? Got it.

And if my Aunt had balls....

I couldn't care less what you believe, but I promise you I'm doing just fine. The fact alone that you seem to think every liberal is some sort of unemployed poverty level free loader is proof enough that you have your head up your ass.
Liberals in general are much more successful than conservatives. That's why people are always bitching about them being "elitist". But of course conservatives love to also say that liberals are lazy freeloaders. Of course, there are some of those too. But the simple minded can't think of liberals as a movement made up of diverse people. There's just one big liberal stereotype, and everyone who is liberal is that person. That person is an out-of-touch-elitist and a lazy freeloader at the same time.
So if I am one of those "successful people" your entire point would be moot? Got it.

And if my Aunt had balls....

I couldn't care less what you believe, but I promise you I'm doing just fine. The fact alone that you seem to think every liberal is some sort of unemployed poverty level free loader is proof enough that you have your head up your ass.

LOL,and you don't think that way about Conservcatives? Or wait, they have to be uneducated too...
Liberals in general are much more successful than conservatives. That's why people are always bitching about them being "elitist". But of course conservatives love to also say that liberals are lazy freeloaders. Of course, there are some of those too. But the simple minded can't think of liberals as a movement made up of diverse people. There's just one big liberal stereotype, and everyone who is liberal is that person. That person is an out-of-touch-elitist and a lazy freeloader at the same time.

Until you see 100 threads about how the evil rich Republicans have coperations... Oil... CEO's and whatever else is "bad" that week.
And if my Aunt had balls....

I couldn't care less what you believe, but I promise you I'm doing just fine. The fact alone that you seem to think every liberal is some sort of unemployed poverty level free loader is proof enough that you have your head up your ass.

LOL,and you don't think that way about Conservcatives? Or wait, they have to be uneducated too...

Not at all. I know many successful and educated conservatives. Again, link me to anything that I've every said otherwise. I noticed you like making shit up that you claim I'm saying but you never want to back it up. Weird how that works.

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