Obama target:$248 billion a year TAX write off...and you ALL don't think it will affect you?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The below chart shows the largest single deduction from Taxable Income is the $248 billion in 2013 paid by employers for employees' health insurance.
And Obama says that this $248 billionis his!
This is what Obamacare is after and what Gruber said the "stupidity of the American Voter" allowed to happen when ACA was passed.

He says if employers weren't provided this tax deduction there would be an additional $248 billion a year in federal revenue...to pay for the truly 4 million uninsured and not the phony 46 million!

And so recognizing the stupidity of the American voter, Obama,Gruber,et.al. are going after this with ACA.
In their elitists' minds they think they can run your health care better.

They want to take over the employer sponsored plans.
In 2000, approximately 170.5 million Americans were enrolled in Employer-Sponsored health Insurance
(ESI) or 1 out of every 2 Americans.

Number of Americans Obtaining Health Insurance Through an Employer Declines Steadily Since 2000 - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Obama wants to eliminate this entirely so as the government can keep the $248 billion that is deducted from employers' federal income taxes.

NOTE the operative words in the below title:..."Major Tax Expenditures".

The government says WE AMERICANS have NO income! It is the government's.

The government ALLOWS these deductions (Expenditures--tax loopholes to the stupid..) and as such the government isn't getting enough of THE GOVERNMENT'S MONEY...hence the target is the $248 billion, the largest single "expenditure" the government allows American tax paying employers to take off their taxes.
Do you understand?
Government accounting considers ALL INCOME their INCOME... and they let
US keep some of it by allowing us to DEDUCT Expenditures...tax deductions.

Pure and simple a grab from our pockets.

So for all you idiots that blame big corporations for "HUGE TAX LOOPHOLES"???
Here is the biggest and it benefits YOU idiots that work for employers who have taken these deductions.
Where will you idiots go to get your insurance then?

Government exchanges will give some of you subsidies that will depend on eliminating the $248 billion deduction.

What an absolute WASTE! What an absolute circle jerk!
Thanks to the "Stupidity of the American Voter"!!!
The below chart shows the largest single deduction from Taxable Income is the $248 billion in 2013 paid by employers for employees' health insurance.
And Obama says that this $248 billionis his!
This is what Obamacare is after and what Gruber said the "stupidity of the American Voter" allowed to happen when ACA was passed.

He says if employers weren't provided this tax deduction there would be an additional $248 billion a year in federal revenue...to pay for the truly 4 million uninsured and not the phony 46 million!

And so recognizing the stupidity of the American voter, Obama,Gruber,et.al. are going after this with ACA.
In their elitists' minds they think they can run your health care better.

They want to take over the employer sponsored plans.
In 2000, approximately 170.5 million Americans were enrolled in Employer-Sponsored health Insurance
(ESI) or 1 out of every 2 Americans.

Number of Americans Obtaining Health Insurance Through an Employer Declines Steadily Since 2000 - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Obama wants to eliminate this entirely so as the government can keep the $248 billion that is deducted from employers' federal income taxes.

NOTE the operative words in the below title:..."Major Tax Expenditures".

The government says WE AMERICANS have NO income! It is the government's.

The government ALLOWS these deductions (Expenditures--tax loopholes to the stupid..) and as such the government isn't getting enough of THE GOVERNMENT'S MONEY...hence the target is the $248 billion, the largest single "expenditure" the government allows American tax paying employers to take off their taxes.
Do you understand?
Government accounting considers ALL INCOME their INCOME... and they let
US keep some of it by allowing us to DEDUCT Expenditures...tax deductions.

Pure and simple a grab from our pockets.

So for all you idiots that blame big corporations for "HUGE TAX LOOPHOLES"???
Here is the biggest and it benefits YOU idiots that work for employers who have taken these deductions.
Where will you idiots go to get your insurance then?

Government exchanges will give some of you subsidies that will depend on eliminating the $248 billion deduction.

What an absolute WASTE! What an absolute circle jerk!
Thanks to the "Stupidity of the American Voter"!!!
View attachment 34487
On we plod to Single Payer Universal Health care similar to that in Zimbabwe.
As an employer, I provide a monthly "stipend" to assist employees in paying their own health care premiums. This is a cost of doing business, just like buying an electric motor or a tube of bearing grease.
It always has been, and always should remain an expenditure that offsets taxable revenues.

Fuck that fucking fucker Obama and the ACA.
And we move on to national care such as Canada, Australia, Japan, France, Great Britain, Taiwan, Switzerland, and all the other westernized nations.

They live longer, healthier, and far less per person that we in the US.
And we move on to national care such as Canada, Australia, Japan, France, Great Britain, Taiwan, Switzerland, and all the other westernized nations.

They live longer, healthier, and far less per person that we in the US.

and they get to wait 6 months for elective surgery, and get customer service akin to the DMV. what fun.
And we move on to national care such as Canada, Australia, Japan, France, Great Britain, Taiwan, Switzerland, and all the other westernized nations.

They live longer, healthier, and far less per person that we in the US.

If it's so great there I'll help you pack.

I live here, and our health care is and will continue to change for the better.

You don't like it, tough.
And we move on to national care such as Canada, Australia, Japan, France, Great Britain, Taiwan, Switzerland, and all the other westernized nations.

They live longer, healthier, and far less per person that we in the US.
BULL F>>>King SHIT!!!
A) Canadians come to the US for superior health care ... why??? Cause there is no health care research done there!
B) Australia??? Population 23 million. Of course with such a homogeneous group that works.... Put the same stupid plan in the USA with our diverse
ethnicity, age, you name the differences! I'm not against Mass. health plan more power to them... or to ANY state that thinks they can manage
health care ... and that is what states are for you idiots! 50 state laboratories is what they are and they are successful THEN let's try it in a few other
states... but this bull crap of single payer bullshit WILL NEVER work in the USA.
C) And who in the f..k will pay for single payer dummy???
1) 1300 companies that PAY already $100 billion a year in federal/state/local taxes GONE... WHERE will that $100 billion come from DUMMY???
2) 400,000 people work for them and you want them put out of work? DUMMY??? 99 weeks unemployment...NO TAXES collected and you idiots
think single payer is more efficient???
3) DUMMIES!!!! Did you know that the grossly inefficient Obama administration CENSUS bureau ADMITS they didn't count 14 million people
that qualified for Medicaid/SCHIP when they came up with that magic 46 million uninsured! THINK about you dummies!
You want the same inefficient people that can't keep track of 14 million eligible and only need register with Medicaid/SCHIP to handle 310 million
health care? Why Medicare alone is paying out 6,000% in markups on services billed by hospitals! And you want more of that crap?

Part of problem people like you have is you have a short attention span. You can't grasp big numbers. You only count as far as your fingers and toes!

A) $850 billion a year the biggest single cost generator in health care is caused by LAWYERS!
You idiots with short attention span don't want to read the facts but here they are:

Proof is 90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year
Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
BUT NOTE this: "Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.
89% of physicians support a patient’s right to be compensated fairly for true negligence.
SOURCE: Health News Observer rsaquo Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

PROOF tort reform works??? ONLY 48% of physicians that are under government contract do "DEFENSIVE MEDICINE" because they know they
won't be sued under the Federal Tort Claims ACT!!!

But you simpletons. YOU idiots. You people that as Gruber identified as the "stupidity of American Voters" don't take any time to understand!
YOU hear simple bromides..."single payer" AND you drool!
WHAT A group of people you make up that are perfect illustrations why there is such a large mental health population!
YOU can't think at all on your own!!!
The truth is that those folks live longer, more healthy, and for cheaper than us.

You will not be allowed to tell lies without metaphorically getting your teeth kicked in, hm.
The ad hom filth merely underlines your duplicity.

All Americans once all insured will love longer, healthier, and cheaper than now.

All of the westernized nations' populations now live longer with better health and cheaper costs compared to us.

healthmyths is uneducated about the subject, so I suggest all read the following links.

Health Care Systems - Four Basic Models Physicians for a National Health Program

Cheap Health Insurance - Consumer Reports

Universal Healthcare Doesn t Mean Waiting Longer to See a Doctor - The Atlantic

Mr. H., you are projecting your lack of integrity onto your betters.

Read the post above the one you posted and educate yourself before you post and lie again.
So eliminating the deduction for health care premiums (which I support btw) will make providing health nsurance even more expensive. Which means even more companies will drop employee coverage and throw them on the exchanges.
This is supposed to help how?
Federal Tort Claims Act
So eliminating the deduction for health care premiums (which I support btw) will make providing health nsurance even more expensive. Which means even more companies will drop employee coverage and throw them on the exchanges.

This is supposed to help how?

YES because the IDIOT Obama like these OTHER idiots believing there were 46 million uninsured when in REALITY:
1) Even Obama now after ACA passed admits well the 10 million illegals were counted as uninsured and they won't be covered by ACA!
2) Then this careless inefficient administration who these idiots think can manage all our health care CAN'T EVEN GET 14 MILLION PEOPLE
3) Finally to boost this bogus number of 46 million includes 18 million that don't WANT...don't NEED (under 34!) and can afford
but don't participate in employers' plans (They make more then $50,000 a year) these people were bogusly counted!
So there never was a crisis. There never were 46 million uninsured! Less then 4 million!
BUT idiots like Starkey that Obama's people say represent the "Stupidity of the American voter"... they like Obama want to destroy all the
1,300 insurance companies that pay over $100 billion a year in Federal/State/Local and your property taxes for example go up if they go out of business! Plus 400,000 people will be out of work because these IDIOTS don't understand one damn thing about health insurance!

Obama wants 1,300 companies to go out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes and employ 400,000 people.
Obama said:"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?

But see idiots like Starkey et.al. they don't understand one damn thing about insurance.
For example why do 48% of Federal physicians don't practice "defensive medicine"? Federal Tort Claims Act!
But why are 92% of physicians that are NOT federal physicians report they contribute to the $850 billion a year in DEFENSIVE MEDICINE!

See insurance companies pay over 95% of all claims SUBMITTED THE FIRST TIME!
They pay these "defensive medicine" claims so they won't get sued!
If there had been the equivalent in ACA of the Federal Tort Claims Act... nearly $300 billion a year would NOT be filed as health claims and
INSURANCE companies would BY STATE LAWS have to lower their premiums!

But idiots like Starkey/Obama people that Gruber depended on their "Stupidity of the American Voter" passed this gigantic cluster F..K!

It ONLY makes sense!
Do a Tort reform bill like the Federal Tort Claims Act and watch how quickly health insurance premiums DROP!

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