Obama supports Libyan Rebels that are EXTERMINATING BLACKS


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
It is so obvious that the White House does give a flying s*** about Trayvon --- they are MANIPULATING the BLACK community to achieve their ends, that is all.

What are their ends? They are using this case as a means to usurp the Double Jeopardy Clause of the United States Constitutions, whilst promoting race wars. And since they are failing miserably at both, they decided it was time to repeal the Propaganda Ban coupled with Obama's Executive Order that allows the President to assume control of all communicates during a (vaguely defined) "National Emergency."


This is how much Obama REALLY CARES about BLACK PEOPLE

Libyan rebel ethnic cleansing and lynching of black people « Human rights investigations

AU: Libya rebels killing black workers - CBS News

» Libyan rebels Killing Black Gaddafi Supporters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Not to mention, all this shit is distracting from the NSA, IRS, DHS and FBI scandals.
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Obama gonna send arms to Syrian rebels in spite of Congress misgivings...
Arms to Syria opposition still a debate in progress
Thu July 25, 2013 > All options come with a hefty price tag; "We must anticipate and be prepared for the unintended consequences," Martin Dempsey says; Sen. John McCain says a no-fly zone over Syria is the most effective way
While the United States draws closer to providing some form of lethal assistance to the Syrian opposition, the debate over how extensive the package should be and the possible outcome are likely to follow any decision. In a letter to the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee this week, Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey laid out the scenarios that could unfold, ranging from the establishment of a no-fly zone over Syria, to training and assisting the opposition through intelligence and logistics assistance.

None of the options, he said, would be easy, and all would come with a pretty extensive price tag. "We must anticipate and be prepared for the unintended consequences of our action," Dempsey wrote in the letter to Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI). "Should the regime's institutions collapse in the absence of a viable opposition, we could inadvertently empower extremists or unleash the very chemical weapons we seek to control."

Some advocates such as Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain say a no-fly zone over Syria is the most effective way to stop the killing machine of President Bashar al-Assad. "I know that we have the military capability to impose a 'no-fly' zone, to crater their runways and their fixed installations where fuel and parts are, and establish a 'no-fly' zone with Patriot missiles," McCain said in June. "And if we can't do that, then the question ought to be asked to the American taxpayer, to the Pentagon, 'What in the world are we wasting tens of billions of dollars for defense for if we can't even take care of this situation?'"

Pentagon's complex contingencies[/b]

See also:

Source: Obama to move forward with plan to arm Syrian rebels
July 23rd, 2013 > Congressman worries about U.S. arms going to future enemies; White House spokesman says military aid is to keep the Syrian opposition going; Despite concerns, a House committee chairman offers support for the plan; Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Martin Dempsey: U.S. military involvement could cost billions
Reluctant approval from Congress for providing military support to Syrian rebels allows the Obama administration to move forward with plans first announced almost six weeks ago. White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Tuesday that the goal of the military aid expected to include small arms, ammunition and perhaps anti-tank weapons is to keep the Syrian opposition going against forces aligned with President Bashar al-Assad's regime. Noting al-Assad's forces have been helped by Hezbollah in Lebanon as well as Iran, Carney said Syrian rebels need the help of the United States and allied nations to withstand an increased assault. "The aid is intended to help the opposition resist Assad and eventually prevail," Carney said, adding that any resolution of Syria's civil war will require a political transition.

His comment appeared intended to soften any expectations that the rebels could topple the regime by military means alone. A source, speaking on condition of being identified only as an official, said Monday that President Barack Obama can begin acting on plans for increased Syrian aid first made public last month now that concerns of Congress had been resolved. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Rogers said Monday that his panel agreed to the administration's plan for military aid despite reservations about its chances for success. "After much discussion and review, we got a consensus that we could move forward with what the administration's plans and intentions are in Syria consistent with committee reservations," the Michigan Republican said.

At a congressional hearing on Tuesday on next year's defense budget, GOP Rep. Rich Nugent of Florida said he worried that arming Syria rebels today could mean his sons in the military might face those weapons in the future, if they fall into the wrong hands. "We want to make sure that we don't put our sons or daughters in any jeopardy particularly as it relates to arming those that we have no idea who they are," Nugent said. The Obama administration has been reluctant to enter another military engagement, but announced on June 13 that it would provide military support to rebel fighters because al-Assad's forces had used chemical weapons. Its plans so far stop short of calls by some in Congress, such as veteran Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, to establish a "no-fly" zone over Syria.

In a letter released Monday, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey warned U.S. military involvement would likely cost billions of dollars and include a range of risks for the forces involved. "It is no less than an act of war," Dempsey wrote to Democratic Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee.The United States has learned from the past 10 years "that it is not enough to simply alter the balance of military power without careful consideration of what is necessary in order to preserve a functioning state," Dempsey's letter said in apparent reference to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

More Obama to move forward with plan to arm Syrian rebels - CNN.com
Obama doesn't care a bit about blacks. He just wants to control them 'til they die.
It is so obvious that the White House does give a flying s*** about Trayvon --- they are MANIPULATING the BLACK community to achieve their ends, that is all.

What are their ends? They are using this case as a means to usurp the Double Jeopardy Clause of the United States Constitutions, whilst promoting race wars. And since they are failing miserably at both, they decided it was time to repeal the Propaganda Ban coupled with Obama's Executive Order that allows the President to assume control of all communicates during a (vaguely defined) "National Emergency."


This is how much Obama REALLY CARES about BLACK PEOPLE

Libyan rebel ethnic cleansing and lynching of black people « Human rights investigations

AU: Libya rebels killing black workers - CBS News

» Libyan rebels Killing Black Gaddafi Supporters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Not to mention, all this shit is distracting from the NSA, IRS, DHS and FBI scandals.

Promoting race wars? :cuckoo: It was the right wing in this country that had a big nationwide sad when their much-hoped-for riots didn't occur after the jury's mistaken decision to acquit Zimmerman.
Come on Libbies, Obama isn't being Politically Correct in his foreign policy.

While some Libyans may be indiscriminately killing blacks because Khadafi hired black mercenaries to prop up his regime, I challenge you to show that Obama supports the slaughter of innocents. :eusa_whistle:

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