Obama Spokesperson Claims Straight Couples Are Ruining Marriage

Typical "yeah but" response. Glad to see you too can recognize the lie.

Rosen is not a spokesperson for President Obama.

Mudwhistle lied. Again.

I think ol' mud is phucked up in many ways....just my opinion

One thing is clear; he hates the man (Obama) personally. It isn't about politics and positions and ideology. Otherwise he wouldn't be using such obviously deceitful tactics.

If you say I don't like somebody who bull shits his way through life, who has made changes to my own life I don't appreciate, or is selling our country down the river, yeah, I don't like him personally. At least I could say I would have a beer with Bubba. This guy is so phony it's unbarable.

I'm merely trying to get his supporters to wise up. Open their eyes.

It's a real chore.
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Your lie, you prove it. Show us the employment certificate.

Hilary Rosen does not work for the Obama Administration or the Obama Campaign. Persons with the same general goals can be lumped together but they cannot be lied about in the way you're attempting, again, to do.

In no way does she represent the Obama campaign. None whatsoever. Stop lying.

Certificate??????? RLMFAO!!!!

Sure Sparky.

Maybe they issue them a secret decoder ring and teach them all the secret hand-shake too!!!!

Well, obviously there are resources to see if she is employed by Obama or the Federal Government. Hop to it Muddy. Oh yeah, you were lying. Good luck backing up your lies loser.

I've done the research. It's up to you to try using a feature called BING and find out for youself.

Hop to it.
Excuse me, but Rosen was attacking traditional marriage.

Is English your second language?

Let me remind you that the op stated Rosen is not speaking from a moral high-ground on this herself. She had broke up with her partner in the pic I posted. Guess that got by you.

Really? Rosen said bad things about traditional marriage, eh?

List the things Rosen said was BAD about traditional marriage:




Saying it's tearing it down isn't exactly a positive.......unless you think tearing it down is a good thing. Seems bad to me.

Just saying.

Saying WHAT'S tearing it down?
I'm sorry, you asked a question:

"Is this the new normal?"

Yes it is. Whenever you post something about Obama, you often lie. As you just did.

Prove it.

I can prove I'm not. It was proved weeks ago.

Hilary Rosen is working as an Obama spokesperson. She works with other Obama Administration media people. Her comment about Ann Romney was merely a blip. She's back at it like it never happened. She was on the panel on "Meet The Press" a couple of weeks ago in an attempt to smooth over her image, but she represents Obama on the morning talk-shows and other programs.

Your lie, you prove it. Show us the employment certificate.

Hilary Rosen does not work for the Obama Administration or the Obama Campaign. Persons with the same general goals can be lumped together but they cannot be lied about in the way you're attempting, again, to do.

In no way does she represent the Obama campaign. None whatsoever. Stop lying.

Did the right wing media pundits take their daily talking points from the memo sent by the Bush Whitehouse or not? :lol:
Many gays DO make good parents. Many straight people make good parents. Is this in dispute?

What Rosen pointed out (and she's right) is that people whining and crying about the "assault on "traditional" marriage" are full of shit and if they really DID care about "traditional" marriage, they would be more worried about the divorce rate than they are about "they gheys" having the same rights, benefits and privileges they take advantage of.

Well, as I said on another thread; the way you know if you're on the right side of this argument is simply this fact:

Nobody who supports gay marriage and has first-hand encounters with same-sex couples comes away from this and changes course and then opposes same sex marriage. I'm sure there are some born-again who have faith-based objections but nobody who supports the right of homosexuals to marry and has real first-hand knowledge changes course.

The statistics that are coming in are showing that gay couples are no better or worse than many hetero couples. Their kids are doing just as well as most kids in schools. The marriage rates in the 12% of states that allow gay marriage are not waning; the populations are not decreasing because of it.

So the argument is reduced to one's gut instinct. I'm sure those who supported segregation had the same gut instincts that were proven wrong by history. I'm sure those who supported women not voting had the same gut instincts that were proven wrong by history. I'm sure that those who felt there couldn't be competent black quarterbacks or women holding high levels of public office had the same gut instinct. All have been proven wrong by history.

Which is why you see the bitterness, the lies in the OP, the continual disavowance (sp?) of data....

I wish you would make arguments like this more often.

Here's my point; Hilary Rosen was doing an Archie Bunker. She was showing her prejudice by making an unsubstantiated claim. An unproven claim because same-sex marriage is not common thus a baseline cannot be ascertained.

Once it becomes a normal part of society it can be accurately compared with other forms of marriage. Until then she's talking out of her butt and making a fool of herself.

Personally I don't care who makes a better parent or spouse. It's not important. Each couple is different.
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Too be fair, she may have a point. Divorce rates shouldnt be close to the levels they are.

It's time Americans stepped up and honored their vows to one another. And not only marry the one they love, but love the one they marry. It's time men and women took responsible for their children and taught them the principles of truth and happiness.

Hilary Rosen, who claimed Ann Romney never worked a day in her life was on "This Week" on ABC saying that straight couples were tearing down the institution of marriage. She claimed that because 1 in 3 marriages end in divorce it proves that straight couples don't make the best marriages. Never mind that she's a lesbian and has switched partners and has adoptive children from the union.

Seems to me the Obama Administration wants to make straight couples out to be bigots, strange, abnormal, whatever negative connotation you can dream up.

So is this to be the new normal?

Not only is this short-sighted but is is also discriminatory. Using a one-sided statistic to claim that straights are screwing up the institution of marriage while forgetting that statistics show that Gay couples stay together an average of 6 years while straights stay together an average of 18 according to a study published in Time Magazine back in 2004. Behavior: Do Gay Couples Have An Edge? - TIME

I'm not saying that one is better than the other, but I think Hilary Rosen is. It appears that the left wants us to think that straights are odd and Gays are more acceptable, more admirable, more reliable. Seems to me they want to turn the tables on their targets, straight people. Guess being a liberal means you're black, Muslim, a feminist, and are also Gay......or at least support all of the above. If you're not a liberal or an Obama supporter you're a hater.

Honestly.....who's really showing hatred here now.

It's like this... There are Shitty Heteros and Shitty Homos as far as Humans go...

What's BEST for a Child is a Mother and a Father... End of List.

A Woman can't be a Father and a Man can't be a Mother.

That should be the Standard and the Goal for every Child.

The Reality that some People Suck doesn't Change this Fact.

And of course, it's been the same Liberals who have Pushed the Gay Agenda who have also gone after Marriage and the "Slavery" of Women in it for Decades now.



My mother made a great father. You're no authority on the subject.

It's no wonder that you are so confused. ~shrug~
It's like this... There are Shitty Heteros and Shitty Homos as far as Humans go...

What's BEST for a Child is a Mother and a Father... End of List.

A Woman can't be a Father and a Man can't be a Mother.

That should be the Standard and the Goal for every Child.

The Reality that some People Suck doesn't Change this Fact.

And of course, it's been the same Liberals who have Pushed the Gay Agenda who have also gone after Marriage and the "Slavery" of Women in it for Decades now.



My mother made a great father. You're no authority on the subject.

It's no wonder that you are so confused. ~shrug~

I'm not confused at all you herb. Now, sit down.
This is all Obama strategy. You send out Rosen with a trial balloon, if it gains traction you have an adminstration head echo the sediment. If it fails, you have pausible deniability. Rosen just got stuck with crap duty.

Good post.
Marriage is on a trend toward being obsolete.

The funny thing about trends is that they dont last forever and there is quite often opposite reactions.

Less people have been getting married consistently for 100 years. The graph goes: \ in every study on the subject.

It's sentience, and self actualization - Humans aren't "Naturally Designed" to be Monogamous.

And actually, the "good thing" about trends is that they're a highly accurate and effective tool in predicting the future.
G.T's understanding of society is laughable.

This thread reminds me, when are the Catholics going to demand being allowed to remarry after a divorce?
Marriage is on a trend toward being obsolete.

If that's the case why do Gays think it's important?

I think meeting your wife in grade school is dying out. Marriage has been around for thousands of years.....you just think it's not necessary.

It doesn't matter what I think, I'm citing facts - marriage is on the decline. Also - "Gays think it's important" because they obviously don't care about the trend, what a dumb question.
G.T's understanding of society is laughable.

This thread reminds me, when are the Catholics going to demand being allowed to remarry after a divorce?

This is not an argument ^ it's a pussified bloviation without substance.
Marriage is on a trend toward being obsolete.

The funny thing about trends is that they dont last forever and there is quite often opposite reactions.

Less people have been getting married consistently for 100 years. The graph goes: \ in every study on the subject.

It's sentience, and self actualization - Humans aren't "Naturally Designed" to be Monogamous.

And actually, the "good thing" about trends is that they're a highly accurate and effective tool in predicting the future.

Not being monogamous is an indication of a weak relationship.

I think you're posting in the wrong thread.

You might want to look for the "Any Cock Will Do" thread.
The funny thing about trends is that they dont last forever and there is quite often opposite reactions.

Less people have been getting married consistently for 100 years. The graph goes: \ in every study on the subject.

It's sentience, and self actualization - Humans aren't "Naturally Designed" to be Monogamous.

And actually, the "good thing" about trends is that they're a highly accurate and effective tool in predicting the future.

Not being monogamous is an indication of a weak relationship.

I think you're posting in the wrong thread.

You might want to look for the "Any Cock Will Do" thread.

This means nothing to actually what is occuring - try dealing in reality.

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